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MFA 2011 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Accepted to Parsons Fine Art today by phone with 75% tuition coverage and a position in their "top 3" for whatever that's worth!

I was also accepted to ICP-Bard by phone last Friday with pending information about funding.

I interviewed for both in mid-February via Skype.

Decisions, decisions!

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Hey CCA kids- I absolutely do not have a web advisor log in. It was not on any email, believe me I've checked. So, I'm wondering if your number is anything specific? social security, telephone, birth date?

Oh man! I might have to wait until Monday... that's tooooo long!

On the flip side, interview at RISD! Anyone taking the phone interview instead of flying there? Last minute flights from the midwest to Providence are ridiculous!

I'm going to drive my art to RISD and Yale interviews. It's about 2500 miles but I'll hook a flatbed onto a sedan and hopefully not get terrible gas mileage (it'll be less than half a plne ticket plus shipping art). It will be good to drive through most states of schools I applied in so I can see them in person. Everyone tells me that makes all the difference in their decisions on where to go.

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hi did you get the letter from Rutgers regarding TA or scholarship?

I think it depends on what kind of career you see for AFTER graduate school. I am a MASSIVE amount in debt from undergraduate, and because of this I wont be going to grad school unless i get it all paid for with a stipend. However, I will soon be a licensed teacher and will be able to have part forgiven by working in a public school. I think that it all somewhat evens out as long as I get a good deal for my MFA, whether that be now or later on. I think that if you REALLY want to go you should, and something like money shouldn't stop you if you cannot see yourself being happy elsewhere.

PS- I have not seen a single Rutgers rejection post yet, so there is a chance it could be good. Hang in there! Those admitted are supposed to submit a response by April 8th, I assume in order to quickly notify those waitlisted?

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I got the one saying to write a letter on Friday. I am struggling a bit with it on the right wording. Did you get accepted too and get the letter? How is yours coming along?

hi did you get the letter from Rutgers regarding TA or scholarship?

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yes I have that until Friday April 8 but than I have another paragraph that say I should write a brief letter about my teaching experience and financial need .

I got the one saying to write a letter on Friday. I am struggling a bit with it on the right wording. Did you get accepted too and get the letter? How is yours coming along?

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Also accepted in Parsons by email today!

Accepted to Parsons Fine Art today by phone with 75% tuition coverage and a position in their "top 3" for whatever that's worth!

I was also accepted to ICP-Bard by phone last Friday with pending information about funding.

I interviewed for both in mid-February via Skype.

Decisions, decisions!

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Thanks for the info. Mine still says no decision, but I haven't gotten a letter of any kind. On last years forum someone was rejected on 3/22....so I wonder if they are holding out on those. I hate when they do that.

Got wait-listed at Rutgers. Found out today via a letter sent on 3/4. BTW, my online application status reads "no decision," and not "wait-listed" for those of you who are wondering and might be in the same boat....

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well, I am assuming that we should hear from almost everyone in the next week or two.... with the exception of few schools... my Rutgers still says no decision so at this point I'm just hoping for a waitlist spot. I live in OK so it would take longer for it to get to me. I am hopeful tot hear from Montclair b/c I really have a good feeling about that program and that would make it a good choice for me between Penn and Montclair... maybe if I hear from University of colorado too. Anyone hear from Colorado yet???? sculpture????? Ok, well good luck this week to everyone!!!!

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Hi Guys! I'm new to the site!

I've had some replies, but am wondering, has ANYONE that has applied to RISD MFA Sculpture been contacted yet- either for an interview or with an acceptance??

I've heard they don't always interview their candidates.

here is what I have heard already:

SAIC: interviewed on March 5th

Cranbrook: accepted

RISD: ?? crickets.

The way things look right now, I'm leaning towards Cranbrook, because they have a really unique program, and it's exclusively a graduate institution...So I won't have to line up behind a bunch of undergrads to use the bandsaw during crunch time... (hee-hee)

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Cranbrook is amazing! Congratulations on your acceptance. I have a friend (painter) who's a first year there and she's loving it. I'd wait, at least, until you hear about what SAIC says before worrying too much about where to go. I think you're in a very good position, though with your acceptance.

Hi Guys! I'm new to the site!

I've had some replies, but am wondering, has ANYONE that has applied to RISD MFA Sculpture been contacted yet- either for an interview or with an acceptance??

I've heard they don't always interview their candidates.

here is what I have heard already:

SAIC: interviewed on March 5th

Cranbrook: accepted

RISD: ?? crickets.

The way things look right now, I'm leaning towards Cranbrook, because they have a really unique program, and it's exclusively a graduate institution...So I won't have to line up behind a bunch of undergrads to use the bandsaw during crunch time... (hee-hee)

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Hi fellow MFA grad applicants!

I was wondering, has anyone applied to SAIC for MFA in sculpture, received an interview on the 5th, and have since gotten an acceptance?

I know it's only been a few days since the interviews, but I've also received some other offers- one with a full scholarship- just curious if anyone had heard early if they were accepted to SAIC MFA sculpture- the sooner I know the better!

Thanks guys, and good luck!!

Cranbrook: accepted!

SAIC: interviewed




York: accepted with full $$

Guelph: rejected by mail, after interview

Concordia: ??

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anyone else still not heard from Rutgers yet? Anyone else still not heard from Hunter yet?

And here's another question for everyone/ anyone, out of curiosity:

what is the largest amount of loans you would be willing to take out for school? As in the largest amount of debt you would be willing to take on before waiting another year and applying again to try and get a better deal? I'm just wondering what others would do. I feel like even if you get a huge scholarship, there would still be inevitable loans of some degree for living expenses, right? I mean, it would be hard to have more than a summer job if you had a TA position.

Some people would say I'm stupid, but I'm willing to take out whatever loan amount I need in order to make grad school happen. It's unfortunately how it works here in the US. School's expensive, and we either have to be rich or play along with the quasi indentured servitude system. A lot of people are broke because good jobs are scarce right now. It even seems that having a bachelor's degree is a liability when trying to get minimum-wage jobs (that's what my friends and I have experienced, anyway).

I'm very lucky so far. I've been accepted to two programs, both of which offered lots of funding (around 90 percent with assistantships, give or take - I still need more details). However, I have no money saved up right now, so I'll need to take out loans for living expenses if I can't find part-time work. It would be difficult to work off-campus especially since my assistantships will take up around 20 hours per week already. Also, I might choose a school in a remote, small-town area of the country where jobs are scarce.

I got my BFA last year, and my plan was to work and save up for grad school. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a steady job and what little money I've made this year has gone straight to my poverty-level current living expenses.

So, please feel free to call me an idiot, but I want to go to grad school more than anything and the only way for me to do that right now is to take out loans. Corny as it sounds, I'm not going to let money stand between me and my dreams. After school, if I can't find work for a while, it's easy to get an unemployment deferment on the loans. When I do find work, I'll pay through the nose, but fortunately I'm used to being poor. Anyone who says they would never take out loans was either born rich or is simply lucky to have been working.

For me, no loans = no grad school.

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If you are a USC roski MFA applicant waiting to hear back, maybe you've noticed this too...

In the USC slideroom, on the log-in page there is a drop-down for active programs. It says

Programs > MFA

2011 finalists

submit 1-5 pieces

deadline 03/31/11

fee; $5

... I reckon this means that the MFA jury will decide by the 31st, using 1-5 select works from each finalist in their decision... maybe... do you think that's right?

The 31st is a long way off yet!

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thanks for the insight. I agree with you. I am just wondering how much is too much ya know? But thats great you were able to get a lot of funding to make your loans at least a little bit smaller!

Some people would say I'm stupid, but I'm willing to take out whatever loan amount I need in order to make grad school happen. It's unfortunately how it works here in the US. School's expensive, and we either have to be rich or play along with the quasi indentured servitude system. A lot of people are broke because good jobs are scarce right now. It even seems that having a bachelor's degree is a liability when trying to get minimum-wage jobs (that's what my friends and I have experienced, anyway).

I'm very lucky so far. I've been accepted to two programs, both of which offered lots of funding (around 90 percent with assistantships, give or take - I still need more details). However, I have no money saved up right now, so I'll need to take out loans for living expenses if I can't find part-time work. It would be difficult to work off-campus especially since my assistantships will take up around 20 hours per week already. Also, I might choose a school in a remote, small-town area of the country where jobs are scarce.

I got my BFA last year, and my plan was to work and save up for grad school. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a steady job and what little money I've made this year has gone straight to my poverty-level current living expenses.

So, please feel free to call me an idiot, but I want to go to grad school more than anything and the only way for me to do that right now is to take out loans. Corny as it sounds, I'm not going to let money stand between me and my dreams. After school, if I can't find work for a while, it's easy to get an unemployment deferment on the loans. When I do find work, I'll pay through the nose, but fortunately I'm used to being poor. Anyone who says they would never take out loans was either born rich or is simply lucky to have been working.

For me, no loans = no grad school.

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anyone else still not heard from Rutgers yet? Anyone else still not heard from Hunter yet?

And here's another question for everyone/ anyone, out of curiosity:

what is the largest amount of loans you would be willing to take out for school? As in the largest amount of debt you would be willing to take on before waiting another year and applying again to try and get a better deal? I'm just wondering what others would do. I feel like even if you get a huge scholarship, there would still be inevitable loans of some degree for living expenses, right? I mean, it would be hard to have more than a summer job if you had a TA position.

To be honest, I will most likely take out the maximum allowed by the government.

firstly, i don't have plans to buy a house/fancy car/boat.

So concerns about damage to credit are minimal. it also doesn't hurt that my credit is already terrible. Its not like i'd lose

I plan on using my loan money to make the best art I can make.

The last thing I want to say during my time in grad school is. I really wanted to make this, but i didn't have the resources to.

Grad school for me is all about maximizing the resources being provided to you in order to make you the best you can be.

That means taking advantage of all the studio visits, professors, connections, shelter from the real world and awesome loans that the goverment provides.

I figure, having come from extreme poverty, whats the worst they can do to me? its not like they can take my degree away, or throw me in jail.

but i'm probably just being naive.

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If you are a USC roski MFA applicant waiting to hear back, maybe you've noticed this too...

In the USC slideroom, on the log-in page there is a drop-down for active programs. It says

Programs > MFA

2011 finalists

submit 1-5 pieces

deadline 03/31/11

fee; $5

... I reckon this means that the MFA jury will decide by the 31st, using 1-5 select works from each finalist in their decision... maybe... do you think that's right?

The 31st is a long way off yet!

oh hey, i got that too. hmm. i wonder.

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If you are a USC roski MFA applicant waiting to hear back, maybe you've noticed this too...

In the USC slideroom, on the log-in page there is a drop-down for active programs. It says

Programs > MFA

2011 finalists

submit 1-5 pieces

deadline 03/31/11

fee; $5

... I reckon this means that the MFA jury will decide by the 31st, using 1-5 select works from each finalist in their decision... maybe... do you think that's right?

The 31st is a long way off yet!

hey what program did you apply? i have never seen anything unusual on my slideroom...starting to worry...

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hey what program did you apply? i have never seen anything unusual on my slideroom...starting to worry...

I'm in sculpture.

I wouldn't worry - this info shows on my slideroom before I even log in, at the bottom of the page. I think it's a general notice for the jury's use, and I doubt it has anything to do with anyone specifically!

But it does probably mean we won't hear anything until the end of the month.

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