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Fulbright 2012-2013


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But the deadline is March 1, 2012 (the same deadline we have for sending our transcripts to IIE)...and based on previous years' notification dates, we wouldn't know by then if we've received the ETA. Perhaps we'll get some sort of follow-up email with further instructions.

Where was March 1st for these? I cant find any dates.

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ITA, i just looked at it again and like more than half of the info is gone.

I just looked at the spreadsheet and noticed that there was a filter on, which meant that most of the rows were hidden. Removed the filter and it all appears to still be there :)

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I've edited the spreadsheet so that anyone can view it, but I (the person with the email address controlling the spreadsheet) am the only person who can edit it. If you would like to make an edit to your listing, please email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com and I will do it as quickly as I can.

I'm sorry for all the confusion/issues with the spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to make it so the ENTIRE spreadsheet (every single entry) is organized alphabetically by country, that would be super. As it is now, half the spreadsheet is alphabetized by country, and then it starts over at the beginning of the alphabet and the other half of the spreadsheet is similarly organized.

View the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc

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I've edited the spreadsheet so that anyone can view it, but I (the person with the email address controlling the spreadsheet) am the only person who can edit it. If you would like to make an edit to your listing, please email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com and I will do it as quickly as I can.

I'm sorry for all the confusion/issues with the spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to make it so the ENTIRE spreadsheet (every single entry) is organized alphabetically by country, that would be super. As it is now, half the spreadsheet is alphabetized by country, and then it starts over at the beginning of the alphabet and the other half of the spreadsheet is similarly organized.

View the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google....eG5XWktnY2k3bmc

Thanks for doing this. You may want to post a message regarding the fact that ppl must email you on the spreadsheet itself.

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I've edited the spreadsheet so that anyone can view it, but I (the person with the email address controlling the spreadsheet) am the only person who can edit it. If you would like to make an edit to your listing, please email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com and I will do it as quickly as I can.

I'm sorry for all the confusion/issues with the spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to make it so the ENTIRE spreadsheet (every single entry) is organized alphabetically by country, that would be super. As it is now, half the spreadsheet is alphabetized by country, and then it starts over at the beginning of the alphabet and the other half of the spreadsheet is similarly organized.

View the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google....eG5XWktnY2k3bmc

Ahhh nice thanks for both clearing up my question as to why there were only recommended people on here and sorting out a way to keep it clean. Does anybody have any thoughts as to why I am the only Malaysia ETA despite the fact that the program has just gotten huge in the last two years? I mean I know it is supposed to be less competitive, and many of you guys seem like pretty high-powered candidates to be getting recommended for these programs... soo maybe the contributors on this thread/board have self-selected as only going for the really tough programs? I may be way off base here, and sorry if this or a similar question has already been answered earlier in the thread.

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I've edited the spreadsheet so that anyone can view it, but I (the person with the email address controlling the spreadsheet) am the only person who can edit it. If you would like to make an edit to your listing, please email fulbright2012.2013(at)gmail(dot)com and I will do it as quickly as I can.

I'm sorry for all the confusion/issues with the spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to make it so the ENTIRE spreadsheet (every single entry) is organized alphabetically by country, that would be super. As it is now, half the spreadsheet is alphabetized by country, and then it starts over at the beginning of the alphabet and the other half of the spreadsheet is similarly organized.

View the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc

It might be worth it to make the doc editable by a couple of people (i.e. regular visitors to this forum) in case you can't be reached or you lose access to that email address or something. Just a thought.

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Recommended for Bulgaria ETA! Anyone know the trend of how long it takes Bulgaria to get back to us?

Hey! Me too! I looked over past years' spreadsheets and it appears that March 10-17 is typically when Bulgaria candidates hear back.

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Hey Icicle congrats, I am here in BG right now. Glad to hear you've made it to the next step. I don't know if you already have friends out here, but you're welcome to PM me if you have questions

Thanks! I actually don't know anyone who is currently in Bulgaria, so I'll certainly PM you if I have any questions. : )

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Okay, I just looked around and asked about the thing and apparently many people have just taken their "Statement of Grant Purpose" and "Personal Statement" and translated them into German. One of my friends who is in Germany now took her actually CV and turned it into an essay; although, I think most people just take their personal statement as a Lebenslauf.

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Okay, I just looked around and asked about the thing and apparently many people have just taken their "Statement of Grant Purpose" and "Personal Statement" and translated them into German. One of my friends who is in Germany now took her actually CV and turned it into an essay; although, I think most people just take their personal statement as a Lebenslauf.

Ok, cool. There's also some form on the PAD website? Do you know if we'll receive more information from IIE/Fulbright Commission about it, if they're expecting us to do our own research and figure it out, or what? Where do we send it? I don't want to screw anything up.

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AHH!!! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the thread and my Fulbright essays. I never thought this day would come when I saw that Fulbright has recommended me for an ETA in Vietnam!

So excited. However, to those who got rejected, I've gotten rejected more times than I can count, but the acceptances wash away all of those. Keep your heads up and think positive. Even though you didn't get it, your experience will make your next application massively better. I've been there--don't give up! :)

Edited by kbui
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I was recommended for a full grant to the Kyrgyz Republic. I'm happy to see so many people in here who were recommended also!

Any Central Asia-ites on here who have any idea about final contact dates? I see that in past years they did not notify until late April. It seems like a long time to wait considering the low number of applicants to the region -- but since it is a regional grant I guess it is hard to coordinate between the all the countries in the region?... I haven't emailed with Cara Doble or any other Fulbright staff so I wonder if others have more information than me -- that has been the case re: everything else about the Fulbright notification so far. :)

For those not recommended on Friday, big hugs to you. I know your pain -- I was not recommended in 2006. It took me this long to apply again but the journey between then and now has been amazing. Don't give up on your dreams and ambition -- find a different way to make them happen, and apply again for the Fulbright if you want to.

Edited by boxoatoc
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