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Fulbright 2012-2013


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Ugh- I had put the Fulbright out of my mind since I'm over here in Italy and had just accepted that I wouldn't be able to check the mail. Email is so much more convenient, but nerve wracking! And I don’t have high hopes for Italy to respond quickly…

Edited by lagiocanda
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Eric Bee--Romania, right?! If I get accepted for Armenia I'm coming to hang out. I'm DYING to go to the Balkans!!!

Also, congrats T Pain and CrazyLady!!! So stoked for you :)

hey! If I get accepted, you're invited! The town I would be in is also like 45 min from the border with serbia, really close to belgrade, novi sad, etc

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I think it's the opposite. It's not official until we get the email from Fulbright. The letters are coming from the Fulbright commissions abroad and are not being recognized without the email as far as I gather.

This is correct. Even if the Commission from your country sends you a physical letter that asks for signatures, the NY office won't recognize it until they've sent out their emails.

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I think that the emails will start going out next week some time. The earlier the better!

Just had this conversation with a friend of mine over google chat. My friend was awarded a UK Fulbright (full grant) in 2010:

Me: when in march did you get your email from fulbright?

Friend: I heard on March 23, but from what I've heard the timing can vary considerably - you heard about the interviews a full 2 weeks before I did. That said, I ended up having to wait 4 weeks between the interview and the decision (although they had promised two) so I wouldn't worry about it yet.

So there you go.

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This Fulbright forum is going to give me a heart attack T_T lol

So true. I am, in fact, having a heart attack right now... *collapses*

On the other hand, March 10th is the earliest it seems other rounds have heard back from Bulgaria... Fingers crossed that this is my week!

Edited by Eternal Icicle
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I decided to share my essays with other members on this thread. It has been great thus far and I have read some really amazing personal statements and project proposals! Also, reading them has stopped me from rereading my own (I was really bad about this after receiving the recommendation email...). Anywho, I would genuinely love to read some more essays. If you're interested just shoot me a PM and I will send you mine as well :-).

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I decided to share my essays with other members on this thread. It has been great thus far and I have read some really amazing personal statements and project proposals! Also, reading them has stopped me from rereading my own (I was really bad about this after receiving the recommendation email...). Anywho, I would genuinely love to read some more essays. If you're interested just shoot me a PM and I will send you mine as well :-).

I second that. I too would love to read more essays. I find it is a great way to connect with soon-to-be Fulbrighters out there.

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I would also love to read others' essays! I'm tired of rereading my own. ^_^

Eternal Icicle: I'M WITH YOU! I was convinced (not quite reasonably) that applicants for Bulgaria would be notified this past week, so I spent most of my time fruitlessly refreshing my email instead of working on a very important paper........ Best of luck!!

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I checked the Turkish Fulbright Commission's website, and then their Facebook page, in hopes that something would say, "Making our finals selections and hope to send decisions soon!" ... But alas, there is nothing useful.

i've been checking their FB too! they should give countries a deadline to make decisions lol

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I have received some more killer essays! Thank you for the positive reception :-).

I read this article in the NYT and wanted to share it with people who have a love for traveling (I believe everyone on this thread...): http://travel.nytimes.com/2012/03/11/travel/thin-places-where-we-are-jolted-out-of-old-ways-of-seeing-the-world.html.

My thin places: Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mercury's (Stone Town, Zanzibar).

Side note: I'm obsessed with gradcafe and I have a while until grad school, aahhh.

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Just popping in to say hi to everyone. I'm a finalist for Germany and waiting just as impatiently. According to the spreadsheets, it looks like the German applicants should know in the next week or two. I'd love to read other Fulbright essays to pass the time, so send them my way too.

Also, my school recently sent out a spreadsheet with notification times/countries from the last several years, if anyone is interested.

Good luck everyone!

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Hi all,

About a hundred posts back I linked to my essay and statement for Germany. I'll link it here again if anyone is interested. I'd love to read some of yours, too, if you'd like to shoot me a PM or post a link if you've got it online.

So, here is my link http://www.thenervou...ht-application/

And here is another link you all might find interesting - a woman who received her letter a few years ago posted a copy for all to see - http://www.christina...ance-Letter.jpg

Good luck, all. Can't wait to hear everyone's news.

Edited by minorcharacter
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Just popping in to say hi to everyone. I'm a finalist for Germany and waiting just as impatiently. According to the spreadsheets, it looks like the German applicants should know in the next week or two. I'd love to read other Fulbright essays to pass the time, so send them my way too.

Also, my school recently sent out a spreadsheet with notification times/countries from the last several years, if anyone is interested.

Good luck everyone!

The spreadsheet with multiple countries would be great! How could we access that??

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Hey everyone,

I've read redArcher's proposal and statement (both very good!) and am curious to read others as well! The problem is that I have limited email invites, so I can't contact all of you (who've expressed interest in sharing your work) individually. If you would like to send me yours, I would be more than happy to read it and share my thoughts. It is sort of a stress-free activity to pass the time. :D

Here is my statement and proposal: http://www.faedra.com/fulbright-application.html

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I think it might be time for all of us to chill and look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulbright_Program. I know it's only a wiki, but I've spent some time reading about Fulbright grantees and am honored to be even considered.

I hope every person here waiting for a notification gets it and lives it as fully as you can.

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I think it might be time for all of us to chill and look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulbright_Program. I know it's only a wiki, but I've spent some time reading about Fulbright grantees and am honored to be even considered.

I hope every person here waiting for a notification gets it and lives it as fully as you can.

That's a great idea for putting this all a bit into context - not to mention giving us some distraction during this leg of the application process. The emphasis on Fulbright as a cultural exchange program is key, and it's good to remember that even if we don't get the fellowship this time around, there are plenty of other ways to conduct your desired project abroad and bring people together in a new way. Plus you always have the option to reapply, I guess ;)

I'd also recommend to posters here to check out this page with a bunch of Fulbrighter stories, varied and inspiring: http://fulbright.state.gov/about/fulbright-stories.html

Hopefully the waiting process isn't too much longer for us!

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I think it might be time for all of us to chill and look at this http://en.wikipedia....lbright_Program. I know it's only a wiki, but I've spent some time reading about Fulbright grantees and am honored to be even considered.

I hope every person here waiting for a notification gets it and lives it as fully as you can.

Did you see that the actor John Lithgow was awarded a Fulbright. Crazy! I loved him in 3rd Rock From The Sun.

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Just popping in to say hi to everyone. I'm a finalist for Germany and waiting just as impatiently. According to the spreadsheets, it looks like the German applicants should know in the next week or two. I'd love to read other Fulbright essays to pass the time, so send them my way too.

Also, my school recently sent out a spreadsheet with notification times/countries from the last several years, if anyone is interested.

Good luck everyone!

Just wanted to update with the link to the spread sheet: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35702706/calendar.xls

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