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Fulbright 2012-2013


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It's actually more of a stipend, which is weird hahha but yes I agree it's a great opportunity!

While "technically" you're not considered a Fulbrighter, the Austria USTA is still Fulbright-funded and found on the fulbright.at site. It's administered by the AAEC and thus possible to apply for both. My impression is because fewer people know about it, it's slightly less competitive than the Germany ETA, but just as much of a big deal, and something to be proud of receiving!

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I'm saddened to say that I was rejected for an ETA in Vietnam at 1:10PM CST. :( This was a great learning experience, and if God didn't want me to get a Fulbright, I sure hope God has other great plans for me. People on here are so supportive of each other, and I hope everyone nothing but the best.

Rejection stings, but I will continue on strong towards my future.

Edited by kbui
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I'm saddened to say that I was rejected for an ETA in Vietnam at 1:10PM CST. :( This was a great learning experience, and if God didn't want me to get a Fulbright, I sure hope God has other great plans for me. People on here are so supportive of each other, and I hope everyone nothing but the best.

Rejection stings, but I will continue on strong towards my future.

Sorry to hear that kbui. I'm sure the future has lots in store!

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No grants from Uzbekistan this year.

Hi BMCGirl10, where / how did you hear this? I had emailed the US Embassy in Uzbekistan last year when I was considering applying there, but they told me Uzbekistan has not allowed anyone in on a Fulbright in something like 5 years, so I didn't apply there.

Did you apply there? Or were you in contact with someone about the Central Asia regional grant?

Sorry to be nosy, but I'm waiting to hear from Kyrgyzstan and am curious. Thanks, and best of luck!

Edit: I see lots of people on here to congratulate! Even if you were not offered a spot in the end, you got really far in the process, and I hope everyone leaves this competition feeling proud of our proposals and having learned a lot from the process. Best wishes to those of you (us) still waiting!

Edited by boxoatoc
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Do y'all think it would be too pushy/rude to email the German Fulbright Board and ask when we will know exactly which schools we will be sent to?

Since no one else seems to have directly taken this on, just my 2 cents (though I'm not a GermanyAustria applicant)...Nope, not pushy! That's like a 3 out of 10 on the pushy-meter. They should probably be more receptive to hearing from a grantee than a finalist and it sounds like you have a good reason for asking.

What a great position to be in, way to go!

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I emailed Rachel Holskin and was told that they are expecting a notification from Switzerland at the end of April. Has anyone else applied there?

Edited by pec15
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I emailed Rachel Holskin and was told that they are expecting a notification from Switzerland at the end of April. Has anyone else applied there?

Hi Pec15,

Did you e-mail Rachel today?

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Ohhhhh my god. That has to mean Armenia is close to making a decision, right?!?! Did you just hear? When were you expecting to find out? (Congrats!!!!!)

(I realize there's probably no chance the Caucasus all send out stuff at the same time...but they're neighbors...come on Hayastan!!!)

Yes, I did just hear when I posted, the e-mail came in 4:15 EST on Friday afternoon! I had no idea when to expect, last year was late April I think and the year before late March. I am SO happy they got out the notifications for this award though because I had also applied to grad programs and I was able to decline them all before the deadline, hopefully making someone else's day!!

I saw a bunch of other Slavic/former Soviet states had sent out notifications, like Romania and Poland I think, so I was really hoping that they would all do them together, so hopefully Armenia will send out a notification to you!! Good luck!! I am so excited to live and travel in the region!!!

Again, good luck to everyone else!!!

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Awarded an ETA to Azerbaijan! [my old forum name was clairea12 for the spreadsheet]

Thecommandor: Good luck on your status! No idea about the chances, but I hope that someone declines and you are able to take their spot! What kind of research did your propose?

Congratulations to everyone for making it so far!

Awarded an ETA to Azerbaijan! [my old forum name was clairea12 for the spreadsheet]

Thecommandor: Good luck on your status! No idea about the chances, but I hope that someone declines and you are able to take their spot! What kind of research did your propose?

Congratulations to everyone for making it so far!

EU energy security as it relates to the littoral Caspian states.

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Sup Ann Arbor, Michigan German Fulbrighter! I'll be doing a research grant in Stuttgart. Do you know where you'll be yet?

Heyyy! I don't know yet, but I asked to either be placed in NRW, Baden-Württemburg (Stuttgart!!) or Niedersachsen, but we'll see. Nice to see UMich reppin

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Fellow Russia applicants, I just got a response from Rachel Holskin. Her best guess is another one or two weeks for notification.

Did she respond today? I've been waiting for an answer from her since Thursday morning.

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Yes, I did just hear when I posted, the e-mail came in 4:15 EST on Friday afternoon! I had no idea when to expect, last year was late April I think and the year before late March. I am SO happy they got out the notifications for this award though because I had also applied to grad programs and I was able to decline them all before the deadline, hopefully making someone else's day!!

I saw a bunch of other Slavic/former Soviet states had sent out notifications, like Romania and Poland I think, so I was really hoping that they would all do them together, so hopefully Armenia will send out a notification to you!! Good luck!! I am so excited to live and travel in the region!!!

Again, good luck to everyone else!!!

Thanks so much--I'm SO excited for you! My sister traveled around Azerbaijan for awhile and really, really loved it. We've gotta exchange contact info if I get accepted :) Good luck everyone!

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First time posting...I got the news on Thursday just before 6 pm: I'm an ETA to Jordan!

Anyone know how/when we hear about placements? I'm afraid I'm pretty ignorant about this stage of the process, and I've only received the email from Jermaine so far.

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Yeah, that's what I would imagine. So many holidays this weekend! That's so weird though, our campus advisor insists that he doesn't hear anything before us. Oh, well!

From my experience with the notification...they really don't hear before we do. My campus advisor was CCed on my notification email and she told me how she got it and started freaking out. (I'm the first undergrad to get a Fulbright from my university...so they're making a BIG deal out of it.)

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hello German ETAs... I was wondering if those of you that were offered the assistantship would mind sending me your essays or posting them here. I felt that I was a strong candidate (and I still feel that I am) but was rejected. I assume it was due to the essay I sent to Fulbright Germany. I am looking to apply again for 2013-2014 and was hoping to improve the quality of my application! Thank you so much in advance :)

to Austrian USTAs-has anyone not heard, or know of anyone who hasn't heard? Is the fact that I haven't heard by now a bad sign, meaning that I am an alternate or have been rejected? Or is it possible that they haven't sent out all of the acceptance letters yet?

Thanks again, Molly

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Full grant to Jordan. Curious to hear about CLEA also, requested 6 mos but heard that is not usually granted. Looking forward to meeting the other grantees and best of luck to all who are waiting or already got their news.

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to Austrian USTAs-has anyone not heard, or know of anyone who hasn't heard? Is the fact that I haven't heard by now a bad sign, meaning that I am an alternate or have been rejected? Or is it possible that they haven't sent out all of the acceptance letters yet?

I haven't heard anything yet either, as well as one of my friends who applied.

Buuut, a girl from my university was accepted on Friday, so I'm confused to how they alerted people.

To make myself feel better, I'm thinking that they haven't finished sending out all the emails. Trying to stay positive (really difficult right now though).

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hello German ETAs... I was wondering if those of you that were offered the assistantship would mind sending me your essays or posting them here. I felt that I was a strong candidate (and I still feel that I am) but was rejected. I assume it was due to the essay I sent to Fulbright Germany. I am looking to apply again for 2013-2014 and was hoping to improve the quality of my application! Thank you so much in advance :)

to Austrian USTAs-has anyone not heard, or know of anyone who hasn't heard? Is the fact that I haven't heard by now a bad sign, meaning that I am an alternate or have been rejected? Or is it possible that they haven't sent out all of the acceptance letters yet?

Thanks again, Molly

ou w

1. I proposed this a while back as well, one one has responded so far. Keep in mind, you may be overstating the "quantifiable logic" behind their decision; you may not necessarily get the same people viewing it. Meaning that there is a high amount of irrationality behind almost any decision, especially when candidates have such close competitive levels. The biggest issue, I think, is the amount of teaching experience as well as German skills. These are the two big ones. You and I may have failed to properly prove to them that our German can be trusted.

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Fellow Russia applicants, I just got a response from Rachel Holskin. Her best guess is another one or two weeks for notification.

Bah, this sucks. Two more weeks will put us around the 21st, and I'm supposed to tell my grad school before this 15th. I hate hate HATE this, wish it was just a little bit standardized.

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