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my percentile was the same (and i got an award). I assume the top 7% would all have gotten 1st round awards and below 79% were probably rejected in the 1st round...

liatris, for me, the percentile was listed on the first page i see when i log in to read my reviewer comments.

Nope, mine was ranked 70-79th percentile and I got a limbo HM. Go figure. Maybe below 70 were rejected. I think it actually means not much, since my ratings were not bad.

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79th-93rd percentile

got in on first round

anyone make it to the 93rd to 99th percentile?

I received the same ratings as you in the same area (Life Sciences - Ecology) and received hm for the second year in a row!!!! The fellowships gods don't like me.

My respect for this award and it's process is now gone.

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I received the same ratings as you in the same area (Life Sciences - Ecology) and received hm for the second year in a row!!!! The fellowships gods don't like me.

My respect for this award and it's process is now gone.

I was under the impression that ratings might be normalized by reviewer. I'm not sure where I got this idea (but it may well have been this thread, 200-something pages ago). Obviously it also very much depended on the field this year, though.

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A former GRF reviewer in our department said that each panelist's scores are standardized based on how lenient or difficult they are overall. So, if your application is being reviewed by a hard ass as "good" or "very good", that might mean "excellent" to another reviewer and it is weighted accordingly.

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I've been following along for a while, and I thought I'd add my situation.





HM. I was disappointed that I didn't get funded with those ratings. One of my VG reviews just told me to continue what I'm doing in the future - thanks for the constructive criticism. Better luck next year I guess. I hope the number of applicants doesn't skyrocket with the promise of more awards.

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I've been lurking for months, and was lucky enough to get an award in the first round, but wanted to check back now that the limbo is over. Everything I was told about the award process (and the comments I got last year) is backed up in the score/result combinations I'm seeing here this year -- basically it's a madhouse when these are reviewed, and unless someone specifically falls in love with your proposal they're probably not even going to parse it accurately. The comments I got last year are totally irrelevant to that proposal, and I'm not convinced my reviewers this year completely got the point either (though clearly they liked what they did notice better).

Anyway, when you get over the 93rd percentile it says "top 7 percent." :D Not sure if all proposals scoring in that range were awarded in the first round. My ratings:


E/E (this one really did go nuts about the proposal, supporting the theory that that's what it takes)


Last year I got G/G, G/G for a proposal my advisor liked a lot better. No award or HM, obviously. This year, I used a completely different research proposal and pitched it more toward developmental bio since the plant reviewers had really not understood the previous project. I don't know whether that helped or not; no control NSF was available. My broader impacts were way better this year, and I have a lot more different research experiences. (My grades and GREs are good, but that didn't change from last year.)

And my favorite moment of the thread was the shaggy dog story with the Mark Twain shout-out. Heck if I can remember what page it was on, or I'd link it.

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Wow what a forum. I am an American living in Sweden. I applied for funding at a Swedish lab and got ok responses, but not great ones. I admit that my application should have been better, but I am wondering if you know of anyone getting the fellowship in a country other than the US or UK?

Thinking about reapplying next year, but not sure how much of a disadvantage being in Sweden will be.

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  • 1 year later...

Just submitted my application. I think it's a huge improvement from my first application last year, for which I received nada (not even an HM). This is my last chance since I'm now in my second year of grad school so here's hoping! Good luck everyone!

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I just submitted my app, but missed the deadline by 3 minutes. My app is time-stamped at 5:03. Do you think it will still be considered? Should I contact the grfp people to ask or just let it go and see what happens?


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I just submitted my app, but missed the deadline by 3 minutes. My app is time-stamped at 5:03. Do you think it will still be considered? Should I contact the grfp people to ask or just let it go and see what happens?


Why don't you wait and see what happens?

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So what happens if one of my letters is late? Does the recommendation form close automatically? That's what I heard and that's what I told this recommender in hopes of getting him to actually submit on time. He has been very late both times he has written for me so far... for PhD admissions he was three weeks late, and for the Hertz fellowship he was about a week late (five or six days after he submitted his letter I was notified that I was not selected for an interview...).

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So what happens if one of my letters is late? Does the recommendation form close automatically? That's what I heard and that's what I told this recommender in hopes of getting him to actually submit on time. He has been very late both times he has written for me so far... for PhD admissions he was three weeks late, and for the Hertz fellowship he was about a week late (five or six days after he submitted his letter I was notified that I was not selected for an interview...).

I've heard that too. I have also heard that they will give the recommender a couple extra days if they call and ask, but I wouldn't count on it.

I just submitted my app this morning - four references listed, eight hours before the deadline, and not a single one has turned it in. Is it too early to start drinking?

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Still waiting on one of my three references to come in... I talked to him in person three hours ago and he assured me he'd get it in but I'm worried as hell.

Does anyone know when the reference submission module closes? Is it at midnight eastern time or something like that?


Edited by Awexome
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I submitted my application on time and all of the letters are in, but the transcripts still haven't been received. Am I screwed, or is there a possibility that they just haven't updated my application status yet???? :( I'm so worried. I worked so hard on this :(

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I submitted my application on time and all of the letters are in, but the transcripts still haven't been received. Am I screwed, or is there a possibility that they just haven't updated my application status yet???? :( I'm so worried. I worked so hard on this :(

I'm assuming it'll take a while to input all of the transcripts they've received in the past few days. If you're concerned they might not have received it at the GRFP office, then you could try calling them or sending them an email inquiring about it.

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I'm assuming it'll take a while to input all of the transcripts they've received in the past few days. If you're concerned they might not have received it at the GRFP office, then you could try calling them or sending them an email inquiring about it.

I'm hoping this is the case. I am in the same situation. My undergrad transcripts are being reported as being received by the NSF but my graduate transcript is being reported as not being received. I went to talked with the records people at my school over the phone (15th) and in person (the 23rd/today) and both time the ladies helping me told me they have records of sending out the transcript on the 1st of November (to the proper address). I'm really hoping that there's just a large volume of transcripts coming in and they just haven't gotten to my grad school transcript yet.

I've tried calling a few times but I'm not getting through so I'm going to try emailing them and finding out what is going on.

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