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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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So I'm going to be brutal here and I'm sorry for that.

The department at Princeton today released the list of accepted students by field to the current graduate students. It did not include Stafferz so they had already taken her decline into account. Not including Stafferz they accepted 35 people (last year they accepted 36), so they did not change their rate of acceptence at all. They are aiming for a yield of 22-23 again. With one exception this makes the idea that they will take anyone off the wait list very low.

The composition of the cohort, with about 10 Americanists including the early americanists and the legal historians, makes me believe it is nearly impossible that they will take any Americanists off the wait list. In terms of composition relative to last year they took only half as many medievalists (if you include Byzantinists). So my suspicion that they were going to take more Americanists this year was correct.

So the one exception. With Stafferz declining of their offer there are no Africanists on the list. In previous years they have taken one or two a year. This leads me to believe that if they take anyone off the wait list at all it will be an Africanist. But there is hardly a guarrentee of that.

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news.... but there is very little room for interpretation given the list they posted. I just thought it best to make sure those of you on the Princeton wait list have realistic expectations.

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Well damn, if we didn't have enough proof that Safferz is amazing, she was the only Africanist accepted to Princeton!

In other news, today has been so boring. I want this whole process to be done with as soon as possible so I can start obsessing about housing and stuff like that!

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Well damn, if we didn't have enough proof that Safferz is amazing, she was the only Africanist accepted to Princeton!

It is also very possible that they will decide to skip a year for Africanists. One of the major Africanists professors will be on leave next year.

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In other news, today has been so boring. I want this whole process to be done with as soon as possible so I can start obsessing about housing and stuff like that!

Hmmm..ti's never too early to start trolling Craig's List! :)

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Hmmm..ti's never too early to start trolling Craig's List! :)

Like I haven't been doing that already.... :P I work better in absolutes though. I think I'm just going through anxiety of getting most of my decisions in one week and then having to wait for two(ish) more programs, which I know aren't coming until MARCH. Soooo frustrating. I don't want to start trolling Craigslist for a place that I don't know if I'll get it!

Edited by Kelkel
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So I'm going to be brutal here and I'm sorry for that.

The department at Princeton today released the list of accepted students by field to the current graduate students. It did not include Stafferz so they had already taken her decline into account. Not including Stafferz they accepted 35 people (last year they accepted 36), so they did not change their rate of acceptence at all. They are aiming for a yield of 22-23 again. With one exception this makes the idea that they will take anyone off the wait list very low.

The composition of the cohort, with about 10 Americanists including the early americanists and the legal historians, makes me believe it is nearly impossible that they will take any Americanists off the wait list. In terms of composition relative to last year they took only half as many medievalists (if you include Byzantinists). So my suspicion that they were going to take more Americanists this year was correct.

So the one exception. With Stafferz declining of their offer there are no Africanists on the list. In previous years they have taken one or two a year. This leads me to believe that if they take anyone off the wait list at all it will be an Africanist. But there is hardly a guarrentee of that.

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news.... but there is very little room for interpretation given the list they posted. I just thought it best to make sure those of you on the Princeton wait list have realistic expectations.

Very helpful to know. Can't say I was desperate to move to Princeton in any case, but I'll just assume from now on that I won't be getting in, which makes the decision making process a little easier. Now if only we'd hear back from the American Studies programs at Harvard and Yale...

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So I'm going to be brutal here and I'm sorry for that.

The department at Princeton today released the list of accepted students by field to the current graduate students. It did not include Stafferz so they had already taken her decline into account. Not including Stafferz they accepted 35 people (last year they accepted 36), so they did not change their rate of acceptence at all. They are aiming for a yield of 22-23 again. With one exception this makes the idea that they will take anyone off the wait list very low.

The composition of the cohort, with about 10 Americanists including the early americanists and the legal historians, makes me believe it is nearly impossible that they will take any Americanists off the wait list. In terms of composition relative to last year they took only half as many medievalists (if you include Byzantinists). So my suspicion that they were going to take more Americanists this year was correct.

So the one exception. With Stafferz declining of their offer there are no Africanists on the list. In previous years they have taken one or two a year. This leads me to believe that if they take anyone off the wait list at all it will be an Africanist. But there is hardly a guarrentee of that.

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news.... but there is very little room for interpretation given the list they posted. I just thought it best to make sure those of you on the Princeton wait list have realistic expectations.

Thanks for the information, Nat! This is less than promising for most of us on the wait list, obviously, but it is better to know than be in the dark!

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It is also very possible that they will decide to skip a year for Africanists. One of the major Africanists professors will be on leave next year.

Well on the plus side if I have to apply next year, I know where I'm going to really focus my energies ... no? :) .... and then it's helloooooooooooooooooooooo new bestie Nat! ;)

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So I'm going to be brutal here and I'm sorry for that.

The department at Princeton today released the list of accepted students by field to the current graduate students. It did not include Stafferz so they had already taken her decline into account. Not including Stafferz they accepted 35 people (last year they accepted 36), so they did not change their rate of acceptence at all. They are aiming for a yield of 22-23 again. With one exception this makes the idea that they will take anyone off the wait list very low.

The composition of the cohort, with about 10 Americanists including the early americanists and the legal historians, makes me believe it is nearly impossible that they will take any Americanists off the wait list. In terms of composition relative to last year they took only half as many medievalists (if you include Byzantinists). So my suspicion that they were going to take more Americanists this year was correct.

So the one exception. With Stafferz declining of their offer there are no Africanists on the list. In previous years they have taken one or two a year. This leads me to believe that if they take anyone off the wait list at all it will be an Africanist. But there is hardly a guarrentee of that.

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news.... but there is very little room for interpretation given the list they posted. I just thought it best to make sure those of you on the Princeton wait list have realistic expectations.

how many South Asianists?

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Is anyone else applying to CUNY? Judging from last year, it seems results will finally be out this week - both acceptances and rejections.

There are a few of us on here. I believe they made their decisions last week or the week before, so we should be hearing soon.

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Oh no! Someone just posted an acceptance for Hogwarts! Sorry goldie, I guess that makes your decision easier. :P

My owl just got here but it has lost my scroll ... I have no idea how to do an apparating spell either! Now I can't go to Diagon Alley to look for Hagrid or any of the other Hogwarts staff ... help anyone?

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I got my "official" unofficial acceptance directly from the Boston College history department today. I don't know if they notified everyone at the same time or not...

Best of luck!

Thanks! I think it'll probably be a "rejected, but here pay us for a masters" kind of thing. I'm guessing email, right?

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You never know! It could swing in your favor!

I know! I had a moment of super positivity last week about BC, but it's worn off slightly. I've come to peace with my MA options (and looking forward to another possible option besides an unfunded BC one). It's all good knowing this round is definitely ending better than last year :D!

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