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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Ugh I know! I just got the (1) and looked and the subject was "admissions" only to find it was just an ad for a school i've never heard of let alone applied to. Minor heart attack followed by extreme disapointment

Mine's worse. I got an email, saw it was from a .edu address and had a milli-second heart attack before reading the rest of the address and realizing it was from one of my current professors sending out an assignment. Insanity.

Congrats on the good news. Also a bit sad about ND, as I think it's one of my best fits. Won't count my eggs (or lack of eggs?) before they hatch, but I'm not encouraged.

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So, I finally got some encouraging news today. My M.A. thesis advisor is close with a professor (not my POI) at one of my non-Ivy schools. He was told by this professor that I will NOT be accepted into the program.


(“I thought you said you had encouraging news…?”)

The encouraging part is that the professor told him that my application was at the very top of the stack in what they call the “Ivy” pile (Too bad Yale doesn’t seem to agree, but anyway…). They can’t admit me because they do not have a sitting faculty member who can take on doctoral students in my sub-field specialty (I kind of knew this, but I feel that there are other professors who I would be able to work with, but this is a different issue).

My advisor was told by the other professor that objectively speaking, he expects me to be accepted by at least a few of the schools I applied to (this school is one that asks us to name other schools we applied to)…

Its not much, but it sure does make me feel better after a whole lotta nothin’

Wow. If you were in an "Ivy" pile, then I'd expect you'll get into an Ivy! But yes, what does the "Ivy" pile mean exactly? And if you don't mind...what school was it?

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So my hope has adequately dwindled of getting the good (1). I won't say it's a full out rejection, but things are not looking great for good ol' Notre Dame and I.

But you still have so many others so do like the Brits and chin up, chin up! :)

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Yes, I still have 9 more perfectly viable options! Don't worry, I know that rejection is highly likely (I went 1/4 last year).

And I guess I only have one more try before I quit being a damn fool! Heheh!

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Wow. If you were in an "Ivy" pile, then I'd expect you'll get into an Ivy! But yes, what does the "Ivy" pile mean exactly? And if you don't mind...what school was it?

I presume this term refers to those apps that are so strong, this school expects many of those students to be accepted into the Ivy schools...?

Obviously, it could be lip service, but it was couched as genuinely high feedback from their adcomm, so I am taking it and running with it...

And the reason half of my apps went to Ivys was because I fancied myself a very strong candidate...we will see if 'they' agree...

I'd rather not mention which state university south of the Mason Dixon line I am referring to...remember, just because I'm paranoid does not mean they're not watching me...

Edited by Hopin'-n-Prayin'
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I understand. Speaking of schools, I just got another email from Wisconsin. This time it was about the change to federal loans...ugh. Any of the other Wisconsin applicants get this email?

Nope. I guess that means I'm not in... lol.

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I understand. Speaking of schools, I just got another email from Wisconsin. This time it was about the change to federal loans...ugh. Any of the other Wisconsin applicants get this email?

I got it too, but my status is still "pending" so I doubt it has anything to do with whether we're accepted or not.

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Ugh! Being rather obsessive, I check admissions pages daily. Most of these just list that all my materials were received and when. Only a few of my schools seem to use this to track the actual admissions decision. Anyway, I just checked one of my school's admissions pages. Up until a few days ago, it simply listed the documents they'd received from me. But now it says "Welcome to the ____ Graduate Community of Scholars." And NOTHING ELSE. No links, but it does say my name. I googled the phrase to see if that's a phrase they use frequently on their admissions pages and nothing came up. They really should not welcome me in such a way if they don't plan on admitting me, right?

IMHO, this seems like a good reason to give them a call.

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Ugh! Being rather obsessive, I check admissions pages daily. Most of these just list that all my materials were received and when. Only a few of my schools seem to use this to track the actual admissions decision. Anyway, I just checked one of my school's admissions pages. Up until a few days ago, it simply listed the documents they'd received from me. But now it says "Welcome to the ____ Graduate Community of Scholars." And NOTHING ELSE. No links, but it does say my name. I googled the sentence to see if that's a phrase they use frequently on their admissions pages and nothing came up. They really should not welcome me in such a way if they don't plan on admitting me, right? That would be too cruel!

My first instinct was to cross check our schools and then go see for myself. But yeah the only one we have in common is BC and it seems mostly like a material tracker.

I second the motion to call/email!!!

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My appliation says "pending" as well. I don't plan on hearing anything for another two weeks or so. However, it would be nice to find out earlier! I would like to know if I should continue on the path to a PhD or move on to plan B. I'm sure we are all in the same boat. Good luck to everyone. :)

Edited by Milania
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Aagh, it's in my subfield too! What's going on with Yale? I (foolishly) thought this was over. Anyone?

Here's my theory about Yale (based totally on speculation and not on any insider knowledge, so feel free to poke holes if you know otherwise).

The Department has been asked to do interviews, and I think they are leaving it up to POIs how they want to do them. Some POIs are doing actual, formal interviews, where they are interviewing a few candidates and will make selections. Others, I think, are just selecting the candidates they want to admit, and then doing an informal chat and letting that be the "interview". That's why I don't think this process is done and people could probably still hear back.

Anyway, just a theory. Could be totally wrong.

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Here's my theory about Yale (based totally on speculation and not on any insider knowledge, so feel free to poke holes if you know otherwise).

The Department has been asked to do interviews, and I think they are leaving it up to POIs how they want to do them. Some POIs are doing actual, formal interviews, where they are interviewing a few candidates and will make selections. Others, I think, are just selecting the candidates they want to admit, and then doing an informal chat and letting that be the "interview". That's why I don't think this process is done and people could probably still hear back.

Anyway, just a theory. Could be totally wrong.

I think this seems really likely. Especially since this is the first year they are doing interviews.

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Here's my theory about Yale (based totally on speculation and not on any insider knowledge, so feel free to poke holes if you know otherwise).

The Department has been asked to do interviews, and I think they are leaving it up to POIs how they want to do them. Some POIs are doing actual, formal interviews, where they are interviewing a few candidates and will make selections. Others, I think, are just selecting the candidates they want to admit, and then doing an informal chat and letting that be the "interview". That's why I don't think this process is done and people could probably still hear back.

Anyway, just a theory. Could be totally wrong.

When I got the email last week, I was told by my POI that they're on a strict timetable and he had to have the interview done by the end of the week. My sense was that the subcommittees had to be done reviewing applications last week, before passing the file on to the two (or three?) committees left for applications to go through before final decisions. I'm guessing the new Yale result is someone who had an interview last week or this weekend, and only got around to sharing it now (I could be wrong!).

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