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Anyone else applying to Ed programs this year?


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I applied to UCLA for the PhD in HEOC. I was admitted by phone in late January. The website has still not updated the status to reflect this, even though I have received the letter by email.

Still waiting on Harvard, Stanford and Penn GSE....

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I guess Stanford will send letters to rejects between 2/25 and 3/6.

Hevan, is there a lot of overlap between your program and general Ed. Psych there? What prof(s) did you apply to work with (PM if you can and don't wan to share on thread)? Did you get the impression you were among the first admits, the last or somewhere in between?

Thanks for sharing!

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TeeDub/ MonaMour-

I'm also applying to the MBE program- and have been doing all my applying and research from a third world country, which has been a difficult process. I have NO frame of reference for how many people apply to the program, how many they admit, what kind of people they admit...etc. ANY info you can share would be wonderful!!

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Hi jesbriwel - I'm not sure how many people apply to the MBE program, but I know they admitted around 35 my year, and I believe we ultimately had 32 in the cohort. We tend to be one of the smaller masters cohorts at HGSE, which is great because you get to know everyone well. They don't admit a specific "type" of person to the program - they look for people who can bring a unique voice/viewpoint to the group. I think I found out around March 15th (via email) when I was admitted, so you probably have a few weeks before you hear anything, but good luck! I really enjoyed the MBE program and my experience at HGSE.

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I applied to four programs and I had only completed one (William and Mary, which had a Jan. 15th deadline). I was still in the process of getting all my letters and transcripts to the other schools when I got my acceptance letter. I'll be starting my M.A. Ed. in Social Studies Education in June!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone! I just signed up today and am so glad to have found you all! I applied to 7 programs and have heard back from 4 so far. My area is Ed Policy.

UCLA--accepted to Urban Schooling, letter received Feb. 21

University of Colorado at Boulder: accepted via email Feb. 25

University of Washington: got a phone call a couple of weeks ago, official email came today

UT Austin: accepted March 6 (found out via application status on website)

Still waiting on:




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Applying to two state schools. Just wondering, is anyone getting TA/RA offers with their acceptance letter?

My acceptances haven't made any offers of funding, so far--still waiting for a formal letter from one of the schools, though.

I've received acceptances from four state schools. At one, I'd be a member of a certain fellowship w/great funding, at another I received a two year TAship (possibly will be extended to three) and I'm still waiting on the other two. At one of these remaining two, I was told info would come this month and at the other, I know I'm up for some university-wide fellowships and the Ed. people are waiting on word on those before deciding on their own funding.

Still waiting on three schools (two state and one private).

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Wow, those are fantastic results--congrats!

My schools have experienced some shifts in their budget over the last 3 months, so hopefully the delay is more related to that than their enthusiasm for me. :) But even if it is the latter, better to know sooner than later. :>

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I'm applying for a Masters in Higher Ed from several of the top ranking schools. We'll see what happens!

I am applying to an Ed.D program in Higher Education Administration. Hope to hear something soon.

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