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How many applications?


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Out of sick curiosity... How many schools have people applied to? The most I've heard of is 22 and the least being 1.

P.S. I am wasn't going to mention the number of schools I applied to b/c of silly superstitions. However I'll admit it..I applied to 1....I'm ok with that cause I am able to relax now and focus on one app...but I see so many people on the blogs nervous about applying to 10 schools and I wonder what's wrong. :?:

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Nine. It was going to be ten but at the last minute I had to eliminate one because of location (my husband wouldn't be able to find work as it was an isolated college town).

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I had nine that I was seriously considering. Three of these are EXACTLY what I'm looking for in terms of faculty interests - and are sadly probably out of my league. The other six I played around with different combinations so that I had a range of competitiveness. I had settled on seven, but one got culled at the last minute. I have two more to go, and assuming I submit them both, the total will be six.

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I ended up applying to 4. I wanted to apply to 7 originally, but my now MIA recommender had advised me the first time around to apply to only a few in order to get feedback for the next year if things don't turn out the way I would like. For better or worse, I took his advice (and didn't even get a letter from him in the end, which has made me as you can imagine, extremely angry and frustrated!) Sigh, at least I found another rec, and my apps are complete. Now, just hoping for the best

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14 (all PhD). It felt semi-absurd to do that many, but I seriously could see myself working with the people and going through the program at any of the 14, so that made it worth the work and expense for me.

The bonus is that I can't be too obsessive because it would just be too much work to check them all repeatedly. :D

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8, all ph.d. In my field, professors usually tell me that if you intend to go for a ph.d, you should just go for it immediately, so that's what I'm doing.

I was originally going to apply to eleven programs. One's grad chair told me that my math GRE score was not high enough (I am not in a math field, and I have dyscalculia - the remaining programs felt that my 96th percentile verbal balanced it out). So that one got canned. I was always kinda unenthusiastic about the last two and then I ran out of money, so I scrapped 'em. My last application (to my alma mater, which is my "safety school") just went in yesterday.

I probably would have applied to more if I had enough money. I am terrified (and have very low self esteem).

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I applied to 14 total.

To the person who asked if I feel more relaxed bc I applied to so many---- NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT! I'm not posting on that other thread about taking a guess at how many you'll get into, etc. bc I'm just scared silly to even be so sure I'll get into 1. I have a really weird undergrad record so I have no IDEA if I have a chance at the schools I've applied to - AND just because you apply to more doesn't mean you increase your odds (someone posted that they applied to 10 schools with a 5 percent chance at admission so they had a 50 percent chance to get in somewhere...HA! I WISH it worked that way (I was tempted to ask about the Q score on the GRE -- lol j/k that'd be the pot calling the kettle black) -- Anyway, applying to a lot more schools isn't necessarily going to increase your chances. Plus, I wonder if I missed something during the application process that would disqualify me automatically (check the other thread for that one) -- anyway, this post is now a lot longer than I thought it'd be! Anyway, at least I can be pathetic anonymously on this board if I don't get in anywhere.

And to the other person who applied to a ton of schools and said at least they couldn't obsess by checking all the time---I wish that were true for me, too!

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I started with a looooong list of 15-17 schools...slowly researched and whittled it down to 10...and reached my final number of 6.

But then!, my advisor told me about two others she strongly recommended for me (why tell me a week before the deadline??!?!)...so last minute, I threw two more applications together....for a total of 8.

I'm comfortable with that number...though often wonder if I should have just applied away to 16...aahhhh.

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