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Had a phone interview with Windsor last night, after 11pm local time. I was super tired after a 13 hour work day and though I think overall it went well since my POI and I have a lot of matching interests, I think I blew it when asked if I had any research directions in mind :( I do! The problem came when I tried to clearly state what they were and my muddled brain just flopped. I think I must have said "um" 20 times while trying to formulate what I wanted to come out...

Followed up with a positive email thank you anyway and going to really hope that one answer will be drowned out by not mucking up the rest of the interview (at least not as badly, haha!).

But oww, bruised ego!


I visited the SLU campus yesterday. It was pretty amazing. Everyone was extremely nice and I came away impressed enough to put them at the top of my list.

They also said that their answers will be out within the next few weeks. They switched the application system up this year and had to work out some of the kinks to get it up to speed.


Haven't heard anything from Auburn at all. That sounds pretty promising. And you got into CMU, looks like you're all set Quader. Nice.


Good Day Everyone,

I am not a Psych. person but for those who applied, and will hopefully get accepted by Bowling Green, I have lived in BG, as it is known, for six years and would be willing to help those who receive and acceptance and decide to join find a good place to live and answer any questions about the area. PM me if you like.

  On 2/21/2012 at 12:30 AM, Caitlinelise10 said:

Did someone post in the results section that they were waitlisted at TAMU? It just says "Texas A" but I'm assuming it should be A&M.

I also noticed that. I assume they meant A&M as well


Caitlinelise and Quader,

It is TAMU. Sorry, I may misclick something when posted it.

The email says they have 86 applicants this year and have 5 offers out already.



I'm also on the wait list of USF and TAMU. :)

But I haven't heard from Penn State and UGA yet. Guess it's a quiet rejection... :unsure:


Hey everyone,

just got an email from U Minnesota asking me to check their website. I got a rejection but congrats to those that got in.


I've applied to:

Saint Louis Univ. (interview)

Old Dominion Univ. (assumed rejection)

Wright State Univ. (accepted)

Ohio Univ. (??)

Central Mich. Univ. (accepted)

Those of you who have been to an interview/visitation day, was it more casual or formal? I'm going to WSU and CMU visitation days soon and I'm not sure what to expect. I may also visit SLU soon.

  On 2/22/2012 at 4:38 PM, iopsych17 said:

has anyone heard anything from NCSU or Colorado State yet?

Hey, I've been accepted at Colardo State, I found out earlier this month. The visit weekend is soon, and I was told admits and people on the waitlist were invited to that so I think the waitlisted people have been contacted by now as well. Sorry.

Posted (edited)

Figured I would throw out what I've gathered from e-mailing my POIs at Rice, UConn, and DePaul.

Rice- Found out my POI ended up not being able to take a grad student although I was "at the very top of her list"; the department only has 4 spots total :(

UConn- They've been later than usual in sending out acceptances...should be hearing by "early March".

DePaul- They are sending out e-mails this week--my POI told me I was "unofficially" wait listed and I have a scheduled call with her tomorrow to see where I'm at.


Edit: DePaul is only sending out 3 acceptances as they only have 3 slots. Apparently they are only allowed to send out as many offers as they have spots.

Edited by mkeegin

Cool, thanks for the update Gibbas. Just found out I was accepted to ODU today. Would still be nice to hear from the other three schools I applied to... I didn't pay an application fee to not even get a response lol.


I applied to NCSU and VT as well and have not heard a thing. They may be making decisions later this year. Congrats on ODU, nice school.


I spoke with U of Waterloo today. Apparently the I/O department is reviewing files this week and final decisions will be coming out within two weeks.


Attended the visit day at UMSL yesterday and loved it. A top notch program with an outstanding faculty and extremely friendly students. Would be very fortunate to attend this program.


I received an email from the director of one of the programs I applied to asking to schedule a phone call for early next week. I interviewed for them a few weeks ago. Could this be anything but an offer? I'm so excited - this would be my first acceptance!


Sad news, Waterloo University has just sent me a rejection email for the MA program :(

Every day passing by, I am less confident in my chances of admission though my target is MA programs...

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