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I just got my results for M.A. SSHRC from the grad department I applied through. I am getting SSHRC so I'm pretty happy now! But mostly the waiting has been the worst and I'm glad it's over now. Hope everyone else is able to find out soon!

Congrats, Jess. If you're willing, please post your info on the SSHRC Results thread

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First, I just want to say thanks to the person who started this thread, as well as those who contributed to it - I've been lurking here for several days now, and it's made the waiting somewhat more tolerable!

I just joined because in a bout of anger I emailed the SSRCH people this morning, and this was the reply I got - I thought it might save people the frustration of checking their email every two seconds (for today, at least):


There has been a delay with the results. The letters should be mailed near the end of this week or early next week. If you applied through your university you could verify with your Graduate studies Office probably by tomorrow they will receive a result list they may or may not give out results, it's up to them. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Suzanne Bigras

Program Assistant | Adjointe aux programmes

Fellowships and Institutional Grants Division | Division des bourses et des subventions institutionnelles

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada

350 Albert Street | 350, rue Albert, Ottawa, ON K1P 6G4

E | C : Suzanne.Bigras@sshrc.ca

T : 613.943.7777 F | T : 613.943.1329


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If you applied through your university you could verify with your Graduate studies Office probably by tomorrow they will receive a result list they may or may not give out results, it's up to them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm going to take "probably by tomorrow" as "absolutely by tomorrow". :lol:

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"I'm going to take "probably by tomorrow" as "absolutely by tomorrow". :lol: "

Me too! At first I thought, oh great, more delays...but then, rereading it, I realized that this is really no change from the previous emails, just a different wording. My GPS department doesn't usually notify by email, they usually make us wait for the letter - hopefully they will take pity on us this year and let us know by email [finger's crossed!]

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Concerning the CGS Masters, has anyone received official notification from SSHRC (not graduate studies)? I was told by SSHRC that the letters were being mailed last week, but I still haven't received anything (in the GTA). This is getting goddamn ridiculous! I should have had this decision by mid-April, it's now May 11th (and counting)...

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If she said "probably tomorrow" that means they are sending the list to the grad offices sometime today.. Who has got those connections to find out for us? LOL :)

I'm planning to call the scholarship guy at SGS at UofT around 3:30 today. If he has the info at that point, I'll give everyone a "heads up".

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I'm planning to call the scholarship guy at SGS at UofT around 3:30 today. If he has the info at that point, I'll give everyone a "heads up".

Aww...thanks. I also go to UofT and my dept. administrator said SGS sent a memo saying the results would be sent to the departments from "May 11 to May 15."

She also said never before has SSHRC sent the results to the departments before sending them to the students. I assume never before SSHRC has been this late either.

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She also said never before has SSHRC sent the results to the departments before sending them to the students.

That's a lie. Last year, at least, everyone in my department at UofT received word from our department secretary BEFORE getting the letter in the mail....

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I think part of the confusion about who gets word when comes from the difference between Dean of Grad Studies/Faculty of Grad Studies workers and department secretaries. It's entirely possible that SSHRC never tells the departments, but they always tell the central grad studies office. It's up to grad studies to tell the departments.

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I think part of the confusion about who gets word when comes from the difference between Dean of Grad Studies/Faculty of Grad Studies workers and department secretaries. It's entirely possible that SSHRC never tells the departments, but they always tell the central grad studies office. It's up to grad studies to tell the departments.

Yup! So I take it upon myself to go right to the top and hassle the Faculty of Graduate Studies workers! :wink:

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....and the news is:

nothing yet (allegedly). SGS at UofT has not received THE LIST as of Monday at 3:30pm

So I guess he was telling the truth? No one else seems to have heard anything either.

Will try again tomorrow afternoon!

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Well, no point in prolonging this any longer-I'm going to go out and celebrate before the event horizon hits. That way, tomorrow I'll either wake up to good news, or I can just return to bed and sleep my sorrow off...

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I didn't hear anything today but really don't expect to. I'm at the University of Guelph and they make us wait for the letters rather than informing us by email. I'm planning on getting confirmation that 'the list' has been distributed, then contacting GPS and begging for mercy! Here's to good news tomorrow!

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