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MA decisions


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Congrats @trig!

I'm still baffled as to why I have not heard a thing from Penn. I posted a comment on the admissions blog asking if it was normal to not have heard anything over 5 weeks after my app was sent for review (which I know is normal, since some others on here have said that's been the case for them, I just wanted to get an in-depth answer from Penn). The admissions blogger said that Higher Ed is up to date on their decision making so I should've received notification and that I could call admissions or the department if I wanted. I called admissions, and the receptionist said that they're still making decisions and that she would email the department to let them know I inquired about my status.

Gahhh this is all so confusing. Lol from now on, I shall keep my mouth shut and wait. Mostly because I didn't realize until today that waiting is better on my nerves than actually receiving an email with a decision :wacko:

I submitted my application on 11/8/11 and only heard back on 2/3/12. Hope that helps, hang in there!

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Ak1, congrats and thanks for the info! So I'm guessing that you've already made your choice?

For Lynch I applied for Curriculum&Instruction, with focus on Language/Culture subfield. My second recommendation wasn't received until the end of January and they forgot to waive TOEFL for me until Jan 30th, so I wouldn't be totally shocked to find out that I didn't make it. I guess I'll just wait and see until they make it official...

No problem! And yes, my choice is made! :) Still doesn't make me less nervous about Harvard though! :wacko: And why don't you email the people at Lynch? They're pretty quick to respond.

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My cousin asked me why I didn't get into Penn. How do you respond to that? I could have gone with, "Well, cus I suck. Thanks for reminding me." But instead I said, "Um..well. They just don't tell you why." This was followed by an awkward silence.... ugh...

I really can't continue to explain why I got rejected and not accepted and waitlisted and not accepted again. It just hurts my heart... or maybe it's just heartburn. :/

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I was accepted into Columbia's Comparative International Education today as well. Yay! Columbia sent me an e-mail earlier today saying the decision is now available online.


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Congrats to all who have been accepted recently!

I just viewed my acceptance to Columbia (Int'l Ed). I never got an email though--even checked my spam. I just logged into the application after seeing the comments that people were accepted. Have also been accepted to UPenn (IEDP), GWU (Int'l Ed), Stanford, however, does not want me. Looking forward to the Harvard decision so I can make a final choice.

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Oi! Congrats on TC Futureedstudent :)

Ah. This is satisfying. Got an email from BC while I was in class. :) It didn't say anything about funding though, so I guess I'll just ask them about it sometime this week...after I work on my thesis! :(

Also got a very short rejection letter from BU in my mailbox. Well, I guess it's between Philly and Boston now--decision from Harvard would officially end my application cycle. Now I just need to graduate!

Edited by trig
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