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I recently read through 3 books of a similar vein (nonfiction accounts of nature expeditions): Cry of the Kalahari, The River of Doubt, and The Unconquered. The latter two are about the Amazon--an endlessly amazing place. Would recommend all.

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Currently reading The Haunted Land about East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland after Communism fell. It's a really interesting, social-history based read.

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You will flip flop between hating and loving pretty much everyone throughout the series (though you will in the end pretty much just hate Frank, at least I did). It gets pretty interesting with a character that is kind of introduced at the end of the first book and they do go to America further on in the series and that adds a new element that gives it a lot of possibilities. I never got a chance to finish The Fiery Cross, so I don't know how that turned out.

I think I know who you are talking about! I feel like I will go back to the series in some time...I did enjoy the story, and especially knowing they make it to America, kind of makes me excited.

However, I had a lot of anxiety reading the book. I often thought about what would happen if I mistakenly got sent back in time and what I could then invent (like the car, plane, or television)...I became very depressed when I realized that outside of using most of these things, I know very little about how they are constructed.

...I suppose I will just bring my knowledge of pizzapockets to revolutionize the past.

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  • 10 months later...

I need some good new reads for my bedtime.


I'm slowing making my way through the third Game of Thrones book, but I always like to have another novel on the go for when that gets too heavy.


I'm currently reading the fantastically easy tween book: The Name of the Star http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9802372-the-name-of-the-star

...but I'll be done soon!


Anyone have any good recommendations? What are you guys reading? I thought I would shock this thread to life...especially because it allows me to procrastinate!

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I'm reading a bunch of YA stuff since thesis reading/writing is getting me down.  I devoured The Fault in Our Stars in one sitting (so so good.)  Right now I'm reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower since I got to see the film on the plane when I flew back to school last month.  And I have a pile of dystopian YA novels on my Nook for when I finish my thesis. :)

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Y'all have excellent taste in books. I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because my brain does not have the attention span for anything that doesn't involve magic and/or explosions at least twice per page. 

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Y'all have excellent taste in books. I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, because my brain does not have the attention span for anything that doesn't involve magic and/or explosions at least twice per page. 

have you tried reading 'The Name of the Wind'  [http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/186074.The_Name_of_the_Wind]


I thought it was a cross between Harry Potter and Game of Thrones! It was really good!

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I have a pile of dystopian YA novels on my Nook for when I finish my thesis. :)

I am in LOOVE with dystopia YA novels!!


If you haven't heard of it, you should pick up the Razorland series!! SOOOOO good! I read them all in a weekend! It's like Fallout (the video game), the Walking Dead, and Hunger Games all rolled into one!

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I am in LOOVE with dystopia YA novels!!


If you haven't heard of it, you should pick up the Razorland series!! SOOOOO good! I read them all in a weekend! It's like Fallout (the video game), the Walking Dead, and Hunger Games all rolled into one!

I have not! :D Thanks for the rec! Adding it on my goodreads

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I am in LOOVE with dystopia YA novels!!


If you haven't heard of it, you should pick up the Razorland series!! SOOOOO good! I read them all in a weekend! It's like Fallout (the video game), the Walking Dead, and Hunger Games all rolled into one!


Battle Royale (Batoru Rowaiaru) - English version or the novel by Japanese writer Koushun Takami.
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Battle Royale (Batoru Rowaiaru) - English version or the novel by Japanese writer Koushun Takami.


I've heard about it, and how excellent it is! I've been tempted to pick up the manga for it! You would say it's worth it?

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I can't believe it has taken me this long to find this thread!  


I'll pretty much read anything, but recently I've been attracted to dystopian YA novels (looks like I'm in good company!).  I loved the Hunger Games series, read the first two in the Matched series (third one in the to-be-read-soon pile), and have a whole bunch of others lined up.  Thanks for the book recommendations, looks like I have quite a few more to check out!


I just finished How to Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran, and now I'm working on Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.  I think after I finish that one I'll return to the dystopian novels and finally read Reached.

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I can't believe it has taken me this long to find this thread!  


I'll pretty much read anything, but recently I've been attracted to dystopian YA novels (looks like I'm in good company!).  I loved the Hunger Games series, read the first two (third one in the to-be-read-soon pile), and have a whole bunch of others lined up.  Thanks for the book recommendations, looks like I have quite a few more to check out!


I just finished How to Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran, and now I'm working on Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.  I think after I finish that one I'll return to the dystopian novels and finally read Reached.


Thanks for the recommendations!


I have the Matched series! I wasn't sure if they were worth checking out- but now I will! 

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I'm in YA mode too... lots of Tamora Pierce at the moment! I am also really excited to see people reading John Green on here too... He is just awesome (so is the vlogbrothers youtube channel and the five kajillion other things John Green does).

I also just picked up Graceling by Kristin Cashore at the library... Super excited. I'm also intrigued by this Razorland series you all have mentioned! (I recommend Across the Universe for another fun dystopia series.)

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Thanks for the recommendations!


I have the Matched series! I wasn't sure if they were worth checking out- but now I will! 

The Matched series turned out to be really good (at least the first two, don't know about the third yet).  I think one of them dragged a little (the second one maybe?) but I know once I reached the end of the second one I was thoroughly disappointed that I had to wait a year for the third one to come out, if that says anything.

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I've heard about it, and how excellent it is! I've been tempted to pick up the manga for it! You would say it's worth it?


Have read the English novel which was gripping - not sure of the manga; the English version of the manga is supposed to have made a fair no. of changes to the original plot etc.

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Since it seems a bunch of us are into dystopian novels (yay! :D), might I also recommend Delirum by Lauren Oliver?  It's my favorite of the recent dystopian romantic YAs.  The second one is really good too, and the last one comes out next week! 


I read Graceling back in college and it's really good too. :)

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So excited about Graceling. Finishing up Tamora Pierce's Trickster's Queen at the moment (haven't read the Trickster books before and I'm loving them, though the Daine series is my favorite).

As for dystopian or, at the very least, heavy fantasy tinged with sci fi, I recommend:

Across the Universe by Beth Reavis

The Libyrinth trilogy by Pearl North (SO. GOOD.) :)

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I'm in YA mode too... lots of Tamora Pierce at the moment! I am also really excited to see people reading John Green on here too... He is just awesome (so is the vlogbrothers youtube channel and the five kajillion other things John Green does).

I also just picked up Graceling by Kristin Cashore at the library... Super excited. I'm also intrigued by this Razorland series you all have mentioned! (I recommend Across the Universe for another fun dystopia series.)


Loved Tamora Pierce when I was in middle school! All the young adult fantasy books were on a shelf by my public librarian's desk, and I read every fantasy book that was available. Unfortunately, when I ran out of books in the children's section, I moved on to the adult section and... couldn't get into it. I know Robert Jordan is pretty big in the field, but... Haven't tried that genre since then... any recommendations anyone? Or is sticking to young adult fantasy a better bet? I loved Hunger Games and Harry Potter (can you believe I read all the books in one very intense week?). Loved The Hobbit and LOTR when I was a kid, too.

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I'm reading my friends self published book The Epimetheus Trial. I'm pretty excited to be reading something he actually published because I know he has been writing little books here and there since he was like 13. I also keep jumping between American Psycho, Kurt Vonnegut: Letters, and John Dies at the End.

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