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Longest. February. Ever.


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Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who feels like these last 2.5 weeks have been the longest in my life? I remember creating a topic on February 2nd, and thinking to myself that at the current pace, I'd blink and it would be March. It's still barely the 17th. It's still leap year too. For all the studying, exams, and life stuff that I've had going on, it feels like it should be May.

No fair, haha.

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Yes! Last semester + only 9 credits + waiting on decisions + friends in the same boat

I keep reminding myself that I thought field school felt like forever and that eventually ended without too much damage.

Edited by GreenePony
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AAAAAAHHHH! I am running in circles like crazy spongebob :( hitting myself against the table. brrr, brr, brr.

want it to be over, to go on with my life. somehow. this unclarity makes me crazy!

Ufff, feeling much better. Only here people understand me :)

Yes, this is a really very long February....

Edited by pikachu
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Seriously...I feel like everyday is a waiting game...checking emails...contemplating my life choices every time I hear nothing. It's exhausting...like a life crisis EVERYDAY. At least Feb is almost over, less than 2 weeks...I feel happy but sad at the same time. Haven't heard any good news yet and having the month almost over makes it seem less likely for good results.

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Augh, I totally agree. Everyone around me has been hearing from/visiting/accepted to schools. I'm starting to doubt everything, I don't know if I applied to the right grad schools or the right people anymore. I just want to hear SOMETHING.

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February is purgatory. I have gotten no responses from any schools. some days i think that's good, that means i'm still in the running. Some days, i just want to cry because obviously, i've been rejected everywhere and they're waiting to tell me. ARG.

I feel your pain.

My pain exactly.

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Seriously...I feel like everyday is a waiting game...checking emails...contemplating my life choices every time I hear nothing. It's exhausting...like a life crisis EVERYDAY.

Tell me about it. It's become very draining, and hard to get out of my head while I'm working.

Augh, I totally agree. Everyone around me has been hearing from/visiting/accepted to schools. I'm starting to doubt everything, I don't know if I applied to the right grad schools or the right people anymore. I just want to hear SOMETHING.

I say this a lot, but at least you have one admission. :) It's yet another weekend, which just seems surreal at this point.

Yes! Last semester + only 9 credits + waiting on decisions + friends in the same boat

I took 12 credits, which is a light load for me. I don't know very many people locally that are in the same boat. A couple of people at my undergrad school are waiting to hear back from that school with me, but that's about it. I think I'd be even more distracted if everyone I knew were going off to interviews and collecting admissions, so at least there's that. :mellow:

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The wait sucks because my language professor who also wrote my letter told the whole class about me applying!!!!!!!!!! UGH talk about pressure. I have to rejections and I got an interview a while back and heard nothing since. I just want something good. Anything is good but another rejection. I hope we all find happiness

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The wait sucks because my language professor who also wrote my letter told the whole class about me applying!!!!!!!!!! UGH talk about pressure. I have to rejections and I got an interview a while back and heard nothing since. I just want something good. Anything is good but another rejection. I hope we all find happiness

That would upset me quite a bit. I'd hate to have a bunch of people knowing where I applied and then asking me about it when I might be processing some very intense emotions. At least s/he wrote you a letter though, that probably means it was a very enthusiastic letter (or they're extremely sadistic). Agreed though, good luck. :)

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I've been going crazier than I ever have before (and I've been some crazy kinds of nuts). I just volunteered to stage manage a play because that will give me something else to do (besides taking 14 credit hours and working 36 hours a week) to prevent me from panicking every moment of every day. Sleep deprivation has calmed me down a bit. But not enough! Screaming!!!!! Hate this!!!!

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I took 12 credits, which is a light load for me. I don't know very many people locally that are in the same boat. A couple of people at my undergrad school are waiting to hear back from that school with me, but that's about it. I think I'd be even more distracted if everyone I knew were going off to interviews and collecting admissions, so at least there's that. :mellow:

I only needed to take 6 to graduate but I think I would be going crazy-er (it would be 1 45-75 mn class a day) since I only work ~5 hours a week, I usually take 17 hours. Thankfully (I guess?) I only know one person who got into his first choice program already (of course it was super prestigious, too), everyone else is in the waiting boat with me and we regularly ask each other if we've heard anything. It doesn't help that when my husband applied to grad school he already had a job offer of more than I'll make after 10 years exp so he wasn't nearly as anxious and so can't relate.

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February is purgatory. I have gotten no responses from any schools. some days i think that's good, that means i'm still in the running. Some days, i just want to cry because obviously, i've been rejected everywhere and they're waiting to tell me. ARG.

I'm right there with you!

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Just out of curiosity, am I the only one who feels like these last 2.5 weeks have been the longest in my life? I remember creating a topic on February 2nd, and thinking to myself that at the current pace, I'd blink and it would be March. It's still barely the 17th. It's still leap year too. For all the studying, exams, and life stuff that I've had going on, it feels like it should be May.

No fair, haha.

I am exhausted too! The weekend is a completely different beast altogether.....

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I've taken apart, cleaned every component, and rebuilt my bike more times in the last two weeks than in the entire time I've been cycling. It's getting insane.....

However, being covered in dirt and bike grease does prevent me from refreshing my e-mail and the results survey quite as often, since I don't want to damage my computer......but even that resolve is beginning to wear down as the silent days crawl on... :blink:

Edited by DorindaAfterThyrsis
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I only needed to take 6 to graduate but I think I would be going crazy-er (it would be 1 45-75 mn class a day) since I only work ~5 hours a week, I usually take 17 hours.

Yeah, I only needed 9, but I foresaw the tension of the waiting process, and decided to address a possible mathematical deficiency (I hadn't taken differential equations). So I added that class, and I was going to add two more geoscience classes as well, but decided that 2 math classes a capstone and a field course would probably keep me occupied. Almost, but I still have several hours a day to refresh my email. ^_^

I am exhausted too! The weekend is a completely different beast altogether.....

It is so strange to hate weekends and long for Monday to arrive. <_<

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I once enjoyed the weekend. Now they feel like days designed to keep us waiting until the weekdays -- where there is a higher chance for news.

Exactly. I forgot it was President's day on Monday... no mail until Tuesday. At least email doesn't shut down too. :blink:

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The wait sucks because my language professor who also wrote my letter told the whole class about me applying!!!!!!!!!! UGH talk about pressure. I have to rejections and I got an interview a while back and heard nothing since. I just want something good. Anything is good but another rejection. I hope we all find happiness

Happened to me too...now every time I walk into class at least ONE person asks me if I've heard anything yet...

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I have one acceptance but won't know about funding until MID-APRIL - and it really is not where I want to go. There are no results whatsoever for this year for my first choice school - previous years accepts and regects are spread all over the place - from the end of Feb to the middle of April. I just have to find some way to stop obsessing over this and finish my Masters Thesis or I won't be going anywhere. This has to be the most effective diet in history, but my hair is starting to fall out which isn't really a great side effect. Just want this to be over.

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