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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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So, opinion question for y'all -


I received a letter (PDF) from Maryland saying I was accepted to the SLIS Department and the Archives Specialization. They said it would only be official when I heard from the Graduate School (a formality I assume) and that if I didn't hear back in a timely manner, I should contact them.


The question is... what's a timely manner? It'll be a week tomorrow since I got the letter. I know that's probably early to contact them, but I want to find out about funding as soon as possible and I think I can only do that through their portal which I can't register on until I'm officially accepted.... 


Ah, bureaucracy, thy name is graduate school admissions!


I would consider one week. Anyway, if it's more than a week, you have no way to know that. So e-mail them, if they think you are anxious, is their problem :)


So what's the proper procedure of notifying schools that you accepted an offer at another? I wasn't going to say anything, but I got my final acceptance today through snail mail, and coincidentally got an email from a POI instructing me to apply for a fellowship. It was a strange email, however, as he made it sound that I had already accepted their offer and will be attending there. 


I got an e-mail from the DGS of a school telling me they were planning to offer me a place but they were waiting for funding to come available. They described how much it would be, which was competitive compared to other schools I have been offered funding thus I kindly answered that it was very kind, that I was happy about the decision because I really wanted to work with that POI but that at this point financial matters were decisive for me and thus had decided to accept an offer elsewhere. 


I suppose they didn't take the nice way... 

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Finally got my funding from USC, so I'm feeling a lot better. :D Waitlist land still sucks though. Anybody know what the funding is like at UMichigan now?

The normal package at UMich is full tuition + just over 18,000ish stipend per year for 5 years + 3 summers of funding about $3000 each + healthcare + $1,500 pre-candidacy grant + $3,000 candidacy grant.  

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The normal package at UMich is full tuition + just over 18,000ish stipend per year for 5 years + 3 summers of funding about $3000 each + healthcare + $1,500 pre-candidacy grant + $3,000 candidacy grant.  

Excellent, thanks for the info! 

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Is there anyone who is updated about what is going on at Ohio State?

I don't know if you're waitlisted or not? But I attended the Visitation Day and met two accepted students who were probably going to accept offers at other universities. That could possibly help you? I don't know anything else though, sorry :(

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I called UMass Amherst today because, disgusted. Spoke with the grad office and was told that they are still making decisions, getting replies to offers and making additional decisions accordingly. The woman with whom I spoke was very nice and said what boiled down to: don't assume a rejection, that other people have been calling too, and that she will be pestering them to make up their minds already and finalize decisions/offers. She seemed like she wasn't bullshitting. Make of that what you will.

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I don't know if you're waitlisted or not? But I attended the Visitation Day and met two accepted students who were probably going to accept offers at other universities. That could possibly help you? I don't know anything else though, sorry :(

Thank you! I suppose I am waitlisted. About a month ago, I e-mailed and learnt that I was offered by the specific sub-faculty, but still waiting, and have heard nothing since then.

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Thank you! I suppose I am waitlisted. About a month ago, I e-mailed and learnt that I was offered by the specific sub-faculty, but still waiting, and have heard nothing since then.
Re: OSU, I heard that they admitted fewer students in the first round this year because last year more students accepted their offer than they had anticipated and they found themselves overcommitted. I believe they are waiting for students to reject their offers before admitting any more students so the same thing doesn't happen again. So, it is in effect a waiting list, though I don't know that they are calling it that.
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Guys, I'm thinking maybe we should follow the footsteps of those in English, rhetoric and composition to have a spreadsheet of funding packages for the programs that we are admitted to. I figure this will be really helpful for the next application season when applicants consider different programs. With that said, I have put up a spreadsheet here:




hopefully, we can build up some information!

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I emailed both UC-R and UC-SD last week and still haven't heard anything back regarding my application. I just want to commit somewhere argh!  :(

 I was unofficially admitted to UConn but unofficially rejected it. I think it's a great choice! However, I agree with you on waiting it out, especially for UC-R. I wanted to apply here but my POI suggested not doing so because of lack of funding for international students.  Patience is a virtue... you'll get there :)

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Thank you crazyCatLady! now that I have gone through an application season of ups and downs and everything is almost settled, with a bit of free time on my hands, I would love to do some good deeds for the next year's applicants.

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 I was unofficially admitted to UConn but unofficially rejected it. I think it's a great choice! However, I agree with you on waiting it out, especially for UC-R. I wanted to apply here but my POI suggested not doing so because of lack of funding for international students.  Patience is a virtue... you'll get there :)


I would be overjoyed to attend UConn, but damnit I put $200 into the UC applications so I at least want to know!

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Thank you crazyCatLady! now that I have gone through an application season of ups and downs and everything is almost settled, with a bit of free time on my hands, I would love to do some good deeds for the next year's applicants.


Thank you very much. It is most appreciated. Are you going to Buffalo? 

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I'm in the process of appealing to NYU for some sorts of funding, waiting to hear back from Penn State on funding information and as of right now I'm mostly sure to go with Buffalo. I guess I will begin to see movements at the beginning of April and I will be visiting the department next week too.

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If anyone applied to Notre Dame, your rejection letter may be on their website. Not that they'd let you know via e-mail or anything.

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I have a general question for everyone-


I applied to a school close to where I live. I still haven't heard back from them yet. Today they're holding their Grad History Conference. I could go but I just think it would be too strange going, introducing myself to people that will decide my fate, probably in a matter of days, if they haven't decided it already. Good move or bad move? Opinions. I just wish they would have gotten back to me already, so if I did get in, I could go and network with my future colleagues. 

Edited by beaux-arts
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I don't know if you should take my advice, I am little cheeky so I'd definitely go. I wouldn't be totally outgoing and introduce myself to everybody, but I'd go. :)

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Yeah, I was definitely torn. Part of me thought, 'go, it's a small department, put on a name tag and see if anyone recognizes you, it can't hurt.'


But I just decided against that.  I have to think decisions will come out next week. At this point, they probably know if they want me or not and I doubt shaking a few hands will change that. Plus, I want to get in knowing I stacked up well against everyone on paper. If I go today and get in next week, I'll always wonder if I had an unfair advantage...


Plus, call me a cynic, but I haven't heard anything from them by now (though they said they haven't made the final decisions), if I was in serious consideration, I have to think someone would have emailed me and said, 'wink, wink, go to the conference on Friday.' 

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I am cheeky too, on a massive scale, and I would go. I don't think it gives you an unfair advantage, to me it says that you are so interested in the field that you came to a local conference to hear the latest research done there, in addition to showing how interested you are in the program itself. If I were on the committee, I might be impressed by that. And later on, when you are looking for a job, believe me if someone has an 'in' (which might equate to you as an unfair advantage) you bet your Aunt Schmoozy they're gonna use it. They'd be a fool not to. If you don't go, you don't, but I don't think it would hurt at all unless you showed up drunk or disrupted the proceedings by volunteering as tribute while someone is presenting, etc. If they haven't decided on you yet, it might work in your favor, you never know. Good luck to you either way!

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