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Well, good. Now in addition to checking my email 40 times a day and rejecting phone calls from my parents to keep the line free for James Fearon I can start checking all my application websites on a rotating basis.


Only 40 times per day??

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Wisconsin and UC Davis look like they could be any day now, maybe UCLA and Michigan around the end of next week?

Seriously? Wisconsin this week? I shivered for a second......I lost NetID password though @.@ Edited by lisasimpson
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For those of you who need a distraction: "How America's Top Colleges Reflect (and Massively Distort) the Country's Racial Evolution"
I found this article today and thought it's pretty interesting!

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Has anyone checked their application with OSU recently? On a whim, I just looked. It says that I was admitted and that further information would come in the mail - but I do not believe it. It seems like someone would have sent me an email or called . . .. Has anyone else heard from them?

That's so exciting!! My application status still says 'incomplete,' unfortunately. I seriously cannot figure out if they've received my third LOR or not. The application website has been saying 'completed' for over a month but the appstatus website says it isn't. Blah. Anyway, you've inspired me to send them another email asking about it. Congrats!  :)

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My system is I just leave my Gmail oppen and I know how many emails i had at the beginning of the day. So i glance at it every 10-15 mins or so while in class or whatever. Then I check my online applications 8-9, 12 noon, 5-6 pm and then before I go to bed.

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Well, I was apparently accepted at OSU. :) Please forgive the self-congratulatory nature of this post - it seemed rude not to post a follow up.


Also, I claim one of the Illinois acceptances.


I hope everyone receives good news this week!


Congrats - this is great!!!!

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Well, I was apparently accepted at OSU. :) Please forgive the self-congratulatory nature of this post - it seemed rude not to post a follow up.


Also, I claim one of the Illinois acceptances.


I hope everyone receives good news this week!


Congrats! Great program, especially for IR

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Congrats, alittlebitofluck! Also, first time posts have to wait for approval, so I'm re-posting this just in case it was lost during that delay:

Has anyone heard back from Florida State? I received an email that asked me to submit an application for a supplemental fellowship, but the message didn't indicate whether or not I have actually dubeen admitted.  I'm crossing my fingers that it was a good sign, but then again it might simply be something the department sends to all applicants, so I'm trying not to read anything into it.   As an aside, congrats to those of you who have already been admitted to various schools and best of luck to everyone who is still waiting.  I've been reading these forums for quite a while and have been silently cheering for all of you throughout the process.  Hopefully the long wait is almost over for all of us.
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Well, I was apparently accepted at OSU. :) Please forgive the self-congratulatory nature of this post - it seemed rude not to post a follow up.


Also, I claim one of the Illinois acceptances.


I hope everyone receives good news this week!


Nice... congrats on two getting into two great programs this week!  Good luck everyone!

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PS... I put the laptop away and turned the phone off and got an interrupted 8 hours sleep for the first time in a while.  No good news this morning, but finding that out at 6:45 was just as effective as finding out at 4:10, 5:25, 6:05.  Go figure.

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Congrats, alittlebitofluck! Also, first time posts have to wait for approval, so I'm re-posting this just in case it was lost during that delay:


I would take this as good news. I applied to FSU but did not receive that email. So, it is certainly not something that they send to all applicants. :)

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Did you see the FS post on the results board (Classics)? Looks quite similar to what you've just described...

Thanks for the tip! I've been checking political science results, but not those from other departments. There are a few up now that look similar, but my online status doesn't indicate acceptance. Keeping my fingers crossed!



I would take this as good news. I applied to FSU but did not receive that email. So, it is certainly not something that they send to all applicants. :)

I appreciate the info and will let you know if I hear anything else. I applied in IR, by the way, since we may be different sub-fields.

Edited by Longtime Lurker
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I had this happen with one school last year; some times it just takes them a little while to get a personalized letter written up, etc. Or in the case of one school, they actually forgot to send me the e-mail admitting me, so I only found out about being admitted when a POI e-mailed me to set up a phone conversation...


just curious about which school udated the website before sending the letter?  (so i can direct my obsessive checking appropriately if i applied there!!) :)

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Thanks for the tip! I've been checking political science results, but not those from other departments. There are a few up now that look similar, but my online status doesn't indicate acceptance. Keeping my fingers crossed!



I appreciate the info and will let you know if I hear anything else. I applied in IR, by the way, since we may be different sub-fields.


Thanks! While I am not sure if subfield matters for fellowships, I applied in CP. At any rate, I wish you the best of luck! Hopefully, you will hear back from them soon.

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just curious about which school udated the website before sending the letter?  (so i can direct my obsessive checking appropriately if i applied there!!) :)


I believe it was Ohio State.


Oh... now I realize that I think you were talking about RWBG's acceptance from last year.  Oops. 

Edited by Quigley
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I don't know if this has been discussed yet in this thread (I've not read through all 20 pages), but is it common that programs decide on applicants by subfield? For example, they'd first do Americanists, then CP, IR, etc. Anyone who knows?

Edited by Lemeard
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Was just told that GMU will be going through applications and deciding during this last two weeks of January. It seems from the new early deadline and this early sorting that they are switching up when they get their decisions out, so as to be more competitive.

That was what I was wondering! I mean they had a December 1 deadline..I was wondering when we would hear. Good luck. I am going for CP/IR

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