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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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It's insane, hidalgo. It's pure capitalism. We're perpetuating it continually. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm buying-in like all the rest, but just look closely at any English Department and it should be clear that the process is failing us. For the most part, the wrong people are critics, the wrong people are teaching Literature, the wrong people are accepted. Also, economic inequality is a major flaw in the process, and no one seems to care to turn the critical eye inward. 


Oh jeez ... I'm sorry but this is such a lazy argument. Blah blah blah capitalism. I don't see you fomenting a revolution, bro

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You guys and your POIs. It just felt too crass to me to be emailing professors. Maybe I should have. Oh well.



So did I, until last week. Got my first rejection, had a fit, and wanted to know right away that I was rejected everywhere. So I e-mailed everyone. Ever.


He was actually super nice.

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Oh jeez ... I'm sorry but this is such a lazy argument. Blah blah blah capitalism. I don't see you fomenting a revolution, bro

This argument may be lazy, but negotiating capitalism in the confines of the university is such a complex problem. Is it an ideological containment zone, or is the university actually expanding the horizons of people's thinking?



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You guys and your POIs. It just felt too crass to me to be emailing professors. Maybe I should have. Oh well.

And jeez...600 apps. So appx 1% of applicants will be accepted...that's absurd. We have better chances doing a lot of things that seem difficult to us right now than being 6 out of a 600 pool for an ivy league school. 


When I say POI, I just mean someone at the University who's reached out to me, whom I'm also interested in working with at a given program. I've heard that there's nothing wrong with contacting professors, I was just too intimidated to do so. Thus, I've only been in contact with POIs from programs at which I've been accepted.

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This argument may be lazy, but negotiating capitalism in the confines of the university is such a complex problem. Is it an ideological containment zone, or is the university actually expanding the horizons of people's thinking?




It's both a containment zone and the horizon!

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Gotcha. Well, someone on here had stated that they knew from a source that Penn would report this coming week, but looking at last years reports the 28th was the first reported contact,

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I was too intimidated to contact professors, too. I work for a (non-English) professor right now, and I see how many prospective students contact her every week. It's maddening. And they do it so early, too! We've already heard from several students interested in talking to her about their applications for next year. Luckily, my boss is pretty gracious about making time for meetings and phone calls, but in many ways she views it as a chore, or just another part of her job. I can't imagine that it makes any difference in the consideration of 99.9% of them. That said, I have seen her take a special interest in one prospective student that contacted her in the time that I've worked for her, so, maybe those odds are enough to motivate other applicants' efforts.


I think for me, my worries about irritating professors or making an ass of myself outweighed the potential benefits. Also, let's be real, I somewhat ran out of time.

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When it comes down to it, I suppose we're both more invested in our careers than we are in our relationship.




Re: relationship stuff: I'm in the same boat as some of you. My partner will be finishing his MA this year. It happened that our undergrad institution was his top pick of the MA programs that accepted him, and I was planning to stick around here after graduation anyway. We've stayed together so far while he's been doing that and while I've been working for the university / applying to programs this year. He's not applying to PhD programs (yet?), but he will probably apply for some fellowships and study abroad programs for next year. If that doesn't work out and I somehow get into grad school, he's indicated that he'd be willing to move out there with me. He's been really supportive of my apps and I'm so grateful, but if he gets a kickass fellowship or wants to apply to PhD programs five states away from me, I'd want him to go! And then, I dunno, I guess I would want to separate rather than attempt a long-distance relationship, but I'd prefer that over feeling like he's giving something up for me. Maybe I'm kidding myself, though.


At least another week's wait for Penn. Just FYI. 

Whew, thanks! One less thing to worry about for now!

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That's rough! On this note, how much are people factoring their personal lives (partners, family, etc.) into their decisions? My partner will be attending grad school on a different continent, so we're looking at 2-7 years apart... What are people's strategies with coping with this/making decisions? (I realize this is very personal, but I imagine that some people must be in this situation as well!)

My boyfriend of nearly a year is planning to move with me wherever I may end up... Luckily, he works for a corporation that will allow him to easily transfer most anywhere in the country, so he'll have something while he works through a more long-term career plan. I included him in the researching process and the eight schools I ended up applying to are all in locations that we both felt we would feasibly like to move. It's hard, though... I worry that he's going to end up feeling like he just "followed" me. He isn't as excited as I had hoped. But I think that's a result of all of the not-knowing right now.

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My boyfriend of nearly a year is planning to move with me wherever I may end up... Luckily, he works for a corporation that will allow him to easily transfer most anywhere in the country, so he'll have something while he works through a more long-term career plan. I included him in the researching process and the eight schools I ended up applying to are all in locations that we both felt we would feasibly like to move. It's hard, though... I worry that he's going to end up feeling like he just "followed" me. He isn't as excited as I had hoped. But I think that's a result of all of the not-knowing right now.

My hubs is coming with me wherever I go. Like you, I included him in the decision making process when it came to schools and locations. He's incredibly supportive, but I can tell he's a bit anxious about the whole thing. I mean, he's leaving his stable, well-paying software engineering job so that I can go to grad school. That's crazy, right? I'm always nervous that he'll have a hard time finding a new position and/or friends wherever we end up, but I also have lots of faith in his ability to succeed. But yeah, I feel you. I'm really grateful that my partner is supportive and coming along for the journey, but I know I'll also feel responsible for his happiness and success since he moved for me. 

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My hubs is coming with me wherever I go. Like you, I included him in the decision making process when it came to schools and locations. He's incredibly supportive, but I can tell he's a bit anxious about the whole thing. I mean, he's leaving his stable, well-paying software engineering job so that I can go to grad school. That's crazy, right? I'm always nervous that he'll have a hard time finding a new position and/or friends wherever we end up, but I also have lots of faith in his ability to succeed. But yeah, I feel you. I'm really grateful that my partner is supportive and coming along for the journey, but I know I'll also feel responsible for his happiness and success since he moved for me. 


Because this process isn't already stressful enough.

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Hey friends! Just wanted to throw out there, I heard rumors today that the adcomm here at UNC is finalizing decisions basically as we speak and will be starting to notify soon! I know I got my e-mail last year at about 8 pm, so keep your eyes out! :) I am crpssing my fingers for all of you!!

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Talking about partners, mine is presently in a PhD program, so if I'm lucky enough to get into a program, I'll probably have to do long distance at least 4 years. Yeesh.


He was definitely a part of my decision making process, as he was last year when we both applied. However, I guess we're wagering that 4 years apart to get strong PhDs means we're more competitive on the job market to get hired together, thus reducing future long distance situations.


The stressful part about it is if I get in, which would be SO exciting, it also means I'll have to move away from him. As if there was any way to make this process more stressful or upsetting, ha.

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Hey friends! Just wanted to throw out there, I heard rumors today that the adcomm here at UNC is finalizing decisions basically as we speak and will be starting to notify soon! I know I got my e-mail last year at about 8 pm, so keep your eyes out! :) I am crpssing my fingers for all of you!!




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Hey friends! Just wanted to throw out there, I heard rumors today that the adcomm here at UNC is finalizing decisions basically as we speak and will be starting to notify soon! I know I got my e-mail last year at about 8 pm, so keep your eyes out! :) I am crpssing my fingers for all of you!!



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Still no word from Duke or NYU, yet I know Duke at least has been sending rejections following acceptances. This process just confuses me the more I try to think and rationalize it.


The bulk of my apps were sent out on Dec. 15th deadlines. I wouldn't be upset to hear from all of them this week, though I think it's very very unlikely.

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I got my first rejection today, and in some way, it actually felt good. I mean, I totally want to throw a hissy fit and stomp and scream that it's not fair... but at least I know my anxiety over the past weeks was justified. I just want the rest of my rejections so I can curl up with booze, fattening food, and my misery and tell the rest of the world to FOD. Fruitless hope is so much worse than rejection.

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Still no word from Duke or NYU, yet I know Duke at least has been sending rejections following acceptances. This process just confuses me the more I try to think and rationalize it.


The bulk of my apps were sent out on Dec. 15th deadlines. I wouldn't be upset to hear from all of them this week, though I think it's very very unlikely.


Duke's process has been very odd this year. The first thing to go up on the results page was waitlists, then admits, and now a solitary rejection. There is only one possibility: they are toying with us.

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I got my first rejection today, and in some way, it actually felt good. I mean, I totally want to throw a hissy fit and stomp and scream that it's not fair... but at least I know my anxiety over the past weeks was justified. I just want the rest of my rejections so I can curl up with booze, fattening food, and my misery and tell the rest of the world to FOD. Fruitless hope is so much worse than rejection.


empathy +1

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I got my first rejection today, and in some way, it actually felt good. I mean, I totally want to throw a hissy fit and stomp and scream that it's not fair... but at least I know my anxiety over the past weeks was justified. I just want the rest of my rejections so I can curl up with booze, fattening food, and my misery and tell the rest of the world to FOD. Fruitless hope is so much worse than rejection.

Awww. *hug* I'm with you on that... I hereby give you permission to have as much booze and fattening food as you desire! Heck, it's Mardi Gras--you're practically required to do it.


But y'know, it's not over till it's over. For either of us!

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