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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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Hey I have a question . . . I was accepted to KU via an unofficial letter from the DGS. It mentioned nothing about funding. And I am still waiting on the official letter. Would it be too forward to email the DGS back (she said to email her with my phone number and we could talk if I have questions) and ask her about funding? And if I do email her, what would be the best way to phrase such a question? I just want to make sure I have proper "etiquette" :)

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@ImWantHazPhD, LOL!!


Re: the new Duke posting on the results board, I guess it's time to update my signature? I did an obligatory check of my spam mail and the website, which still sez "Decision Not Ready." I feel comfortable assuming that it's a "no" for me. I am oddly OK with that.

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I e-mailed UCR and got this reply: Decisions will be sent to each of our 100+ applicants throughout the months of February and March, via email.


I was really hoping for more info...


Uggghhhhh! Throughout the months of February & March?! God in heaven, why does it keep changing? And why the hell is it so vague? I don't even know what to think anymore.


When I checked the UCR results over the past few years, all of them starting coming in sometime during Feb, so I am still hoping it will be by the end of this month (like she told me this morning).

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nah, irvine *just* started notifying yesterday, so i wouldn't assume anything at this point. i assumed davis was a rejection for me after about two weeks of silence as notifications kept rolling in, & that turned into a really positive waitlist notification.


stay strong! i'm keepin' the faith that riverside gets back to us all soon...ish, at least.

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How come Stanford hasn't sent out interview notifications yet? Any ideas? I'm so restless...

Yeah, what's up with that? It looks like they sent them out pretty early last year. I think it's very, very unlikely that they'll reach out to me, but I'm still curious as to what they're doing differently. Do you think there's any chance they're not having interviews this year?


Of course, as I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from 6 more schools, I am also receiving a seemingly record number of spam emails to give me false alarms. I guess at least if programs don't want me, all of these lonely people with their webcams do.

Haha!  :lol: I've been checking my spam folder semi-regularly (just in case!) and I am intrigued and slightly frightened by all of this mail I never knew I'd received...

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Could we get a list together of how many people here are accepted to Pittsburgh, or are waitlisted, but believe that they either will not go, or at least are holding out for other ("better fit") options? My intent is both to try and develop a clearer sense of how likely it may be that I make it off the waitlist, as well as to offer anyone else in a similar position some more information. 

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Could we get a list together of how many people here are accepted to Pittsburgh, or are waitlisted, but believe that they either will not go, or at least are holding out for other ("better fit") options? My intent is both to try and develop a clearer sense of how likely it may be that I make it off the waitlist, as well as to offer anyone else in a similar position some more information. 
Also, if I could get a home address and a list of food allergies for everyone accepted into programs I am waitlisted that'd be great. Thanks!
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At what point would it be acceptable for me to contact UW-Madison about my app?  :wacko: It looks like their acceptances went out 1/30 and quite a few rejections around 2/6. I still got nuthin' and I'm going crazy because they were one of my top choices.

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