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Fulbright 2013-2014


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OMG they said at the end of my interview on March 12, they said I would here the decision mid April. I just got an email, just now, and I got the Fulbright to Mexico! Hell yeah!!!!! so stoked!

Congrats!! That is awesome! Especially since you are hearing back so early!!..No, I'm not jealous of that at all! -_-

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Hi!  Lurker, first time poster.  I added myself to the spreadsheet.  I am a recommended applicant to the Dominican Republic, Arts Applicant for Creative Writing.  Just waiting to hear.  Anyone else waiting to hear from the DR?  How does it work now that everyone is pooled under the Carribean?  

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Hi!  Lurker, first time poster.  I added myself to the spreadsheet.  I am a recommended applicant to the Dominican Republic, Arts Applicant for Creative Writing.  Just waiting to hear.  Anyone else waiting to hear from the DR?  How does it work now that everyone is pooled under the Carribean?  


We (Latin American countries) wait, wait, and wait some more, because Latin American countries like to take their time (more so Central America and Caribbean countries than South American apparently)! What's your focus: nonfiction or fiction work? I did an English minor and took each level of creative writing possible!

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We (Latin American countries) wait, wait, and wait some more, because Latin American countries like to take their time (more so Central America and Caribbean countries than South American apparently)! What's your focus: nonfiction or fiction work? I did an English minor and took each level of creative writing possible!


I'm doing fiction.  I just finished my MFA in fiction and hope to be writing a historical novel.  


Do they let everyone in the Caribbean know at the same time, or is it just country by country like before?  

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Hi!  Lurker, first time poster.  I added myself to the spreadsheet.  I am a recommended applicant to the Dominican Republic, Arts Applicant for Creative Writing.  Just waiting to hear.  Anyone else waiting to hear from the DR?  How does it work now that everyone is pooled under the Carribean?  

I'm applying for a Fulbright in Creative Writing as well!  I'm recommended to Switzerland to work on a series on nonfiction essays.  Just wrapping up my MFA at Northwestern right now.

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Hi!  Lurker, first time poster.  I added myself to the spreadsheet.  I am a recommended applicant to the Dominican Republic, Arts Applicant for Creative Writing.  Just waiting to hear.  Anyone else waiting to hear from the DR?  How does it work now that everyone is pooled under the Carribean?  

I'm waiting to hear back from the DR!! yay for Dominican Republic applicants!! I applied for public health. Hopefully it won't be too much longer, but the whole region seems to really like to take their time... Plus they haven't even projected the number of awards like some other places so I dunno.

Caribbean and CA hears back together - usually in the same day (not sure why).

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Welcome to all the new folks! Please put your info on the spreadsheet if you have not done so already. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmoTe-gJd4B9dFJ0aW1mYTVkYnhKcUEzR28yRTNwdlE#gid=1


Thanks! Welcome to our waiting game. :)

I think I should have stayed in bed today. I am in no state to be patient.

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Welcome to all the new folks! Please put your info on the spreadsheet if you have not done so already. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmoTe-gJd4B9dFJ0aW1mYTVkYnhKcUEzR28yRTNwdlE#gid=1'>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmoTe-gJd4B9dFJ0aW1mYTVkYnhKcUEzR28yRTNwdlE#gid=1   Thanks! Welcome to our waiting game. :)
Yay! Waiting Game!
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Sometimes I can't help but be reminded of a certain part of this song... the part relevant to us is at 5:14:

While we wait, I never did ask, what are your plans for Finland? I'm looking at the transformation of the Finnish Education system through a genealogical/pragmatic historical methodology, if I get accepted (knock on wood). I have affiliation with the University of Yvaskla

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Germany, you are killing me.

SERIOUSLY!  I thought since we didn't even have to give the Germans our translated essays/ application that we would be notified earlier than usual. Wishful thinking I guess! This waiting is definitely increasing my daily wine intake...thank god for two three buck chuck!

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Germany, you are killing me.


SERIOUSLY!  I thought since we didn't even have to give the Germans our translated essays/ application that we would be notified earlier than usual. Wishful thinking I guess! This waiting is definitely increasing my daily wine intake...thank god for two three buck chuck!


I think every day we all die a little more inside :unsure:  


I didn't even think of that...good thing too, or I would have started my super freaking out a month ago instead of like a week/week and a half ago.  I'm actually just really surprised that they haven't even notified the full research grant people yet...usually they hear quite a while before the ETAs.

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I'm waiting to hear back from the DR!! yay for Dominican Republic applicants!! I applied for public health. Hopefully it won't be too much longer, but the whole region seems to really like to take their time... Plus they haven't even projected the number of awards like some other places so I dunno.

Caribbean and CA hears back together - usually in the same day (not sure why).


So we have to wait for every country to send in there stuff before we hear?! Crazy...Panama only had 7 people! Looks like they didn't get notified until May 9th last year... PLEASE be sooner than that! The last thing I need is to be thinking about that during finals ;)

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