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Social Psychology Fall 2013 Applicants


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Greetings fellow social psychologists,

With application deadlines nearing, I figured it would a good time to start this years Fall 2013 Application thread. I'd love to interact with as many people going through the same process. Just as a brief background:

My name is Darwin, and I am an undergraduate student at SFSU. I will be applying to Social/Personality psychology PhD programs that focuses on emotions, emotion regulation, emotion and cognition, or emotion and motivation.

I am in the process of making a list of all possible programs and advisors before I narrow it downto 25 programs.I hope to hear from more of you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone emailed certain professors yet? Does anyone know if Dr. Fredrickson and Dr. Algoe from UNC will take students this fall application season?

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Darwin- first, good luck. Second- do you have any idea how much 25 schools is going to cost you between transcripts, GRE scores, and application fees?? You might want to add it up :-). I think 10-15 is pretty standard... 25 might be overkill. It's definitely your decision, but I imagine it's difficult to find 25 programs you love, all with professors in your exact research interest who are taking students. If I were you, I'd think carefully about whether I really wanted to end up at each school for 5-6 years of my life. Sorry for the unsolicited feedback- just something to this about!

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Any feedback, unsolicited or otherwise, is always welcome =). I am aware of the cost. My scholarship is paying for most of it. I will be very selective. You are right that I will probably be hard press to find 25 programs I might really love, but I will starting sorting through my list of 100 professors soon.


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You have a scholarship that specifically pays application fees? That's intriguing. Though also consider the time involved; it's better to customize 10 great applications than half-ass 25. (If you have time and money to do 25 great ones, more power to you.) My own strategy was 3 dream schools, 5 realistic ones I'd still love to attend, and 3 that I'd attend but weren't great fits.

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Part of the scholarship pays for it. I like the ratio you provided. I will probably go with that ratio. I will certainly try to have high quality applications. The personal statement is really the only thing customized correct?

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Hey Darwin,

Thanks for starting this thread. I am in the midst of cramming for the GRE and applying to Social Psych programs as well. My research interests are broadly related to race, ethnicity, and gender. I'm narrowing down from about 15 schools... I'm thinking I may apply to about eight or nine. You are ambitious with 25! I'm stressed enough just coping with my nine! :)

Best of luck in the application season!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did but he had not responded. Everyone else I emailed did respond at this point so I figured it was a no go. However he did respond today and is accepting!

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I don't think it's too late. I mean some schools haven't even started (those on quarter schedules) so I would say you're safe. Plus, as psychdork said, I usually only ask if they are taking students, that kind of email doesn't really have a deadline. That is, unless you're hoping to initate a further conversation about research. It's still early in the game!

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You can ask if they are accepting students right up to the deadline for apps. After that it will seem silly :)

Good luck all...my best piece of advice to you is to remember not to take the application/acceptance process personally!

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Part of the scholarship pays for it. I like the ratio you provided. I will probably go with that ratio. I will certainly try to have high quality applications. The personal statement is really the only thing customized correct?

If you are interested in 100 different professors, perhaps you should try to pinpoint and narrow your research interests a bit. I am not sure what research topic would be a great fit with even 25 different programs. I actually regret applying to 10 different programs because I felt like I was stretched too thin. I think it would be a better use of your time putting out 7 or 8 excellent applications than 10 good applications. Make sure that every application is a compelling case for why the program is perfect for you, and why you're perfect for them.

Good luck all!

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If you are interested in 100 different professors, perhaps you should try to pinpoint and narrow your research interests a bit. I am not sure what research topic would be a great fit with even 25 different programs. I actually regret applying to 10 different programs because I felt like I was stretched too thin. I think it would be a better use of your time putting out 7 or 8 excellent applications than 10 good applications. Make sure that every application is a compelling case for why the program is perfect for you, and why you're perfect for them.

Good luck all!

I agree. Plus, customizing a SOP isn't as easy as tacking on a few paragraphs at the end. My SOP directed at Davis emphasizes my historical coursework, while my SOP directed at Vanderbilt focuses more heavily on my longitudinal research experience. Mind you - my SOPs have to convince POIs that my method and substantive interests align with theirs.

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  • 1 month later...

You can ask if they are accepting students right up to the deadline for apps. After that it will seem silly :)

Good luck all...my best piece of advice to you is to remember not to take the application/acceptance process personally!

Watson- Do you by any chance know if Alice Eagly at Northwestern (where I see you're attending) is accepting graduate students for Fall 2013?

Thank you!

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Watson- Do you by any chance know if Alice Eagly at Northwestern (where I see you're attending) is accepting graduate students for Fall 2013?

Thank you!

I emailed her over the summer and she said she isn't accepting students.

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