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Film, Cinema, and Visual Studies –– 2013


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UC-SB notified of rejections very early on, but seems to have spread their acceptance notifications over a longer period. Berkeley likely notified all at once. The others are clustering together recently, but perhaps not by design. 

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Eh? Where'd you get that from, filmophile?


Edit: There's nothing on the results board to indicate that they have notified. The other possibility is that they have notified people who aren't even on this forum and that you've heard this from them, perhaps?

Edited by Swagato
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woops, my bad. i misinterpreted your comment: "It looks like U. Rochester, Brown, Stanford (Modern Thought & Lit) are in the timeframe for notifying"


you mean we should be hearing from them imminently? i had thought you meant that they notified around when expected. phew! now i can go form bitter resolve back to anxious anticipation..

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Oh my, no, no. I do apologise if I worried you needlessly. Yes, I did mean that they are in the timeframe for notifying, i.e., we should (going by past years) be seeing notifications from them roughly around this week or next. 


How are we doing so far? This thread has seen fewer people than last year. I do wish the Chicago admit would come forth--I've so many questions! Same with Berkeley. Congratulations to all the admits so far, and hopefully we'll all have somewhere to go this fall. 

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Offcially rejected from Berkeley. Got the email notifying me to check my application.

No big surprise, but still a huge disappointment. It was my top choice. Maybe I'll have better luck after getting an MA somewhere. I'd kill to be out there working with Linda Williams.

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FYI: Rochester adcom will meet Tuesday. 


Hi Swagato, thanks for the information. How did you find out about this? Did they respond to a request for information, or did they notify you without being prompted? Last I heard from them was last week, when they mentioned that a first cut would be made by Friday (8th Feb). Should we assume that we've not made the cut if we've not heard from them since?


Good luck with your apps!

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I emailed in response to that earlier notice, actually. I really hope we made that cut. The response to my query just mentioned that the adcom will meet Tuesday, and that we should expect to hear that week. 

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New to this forum, but I am the one who posted an acceptance to Brown's Modern Culture and Media program today. I got an email today to check my application status. The acceptance letter included information about funding. I'm almost speechless right now. This was one of my top schools.

I also wanted to mention that I have been emailing back and forth with one of the directors at UCSB. He mentioned that there was a glitch in their new online system that caused some acceptances not to go out. If you haven't heard back from UCSB yet, it might be a good thing. I got my acceptance yesterday via email.


Congrats to everyone on their acceptances!

Edited by EbDim9
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Congratulations, EbDim9. Given Brown's past results on the survey, I assume they have notified everyone--meaning it's a no-go for me. I'd love to know more of your background/proposed interests, and anything else you know about this year's admission (cohort size, etc.). Feel free to PM!

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I take it you are waitlisted there?


Edit: And on that note, I'd make the same request to anyone who was accepted to Pittsburgh Film Studies and knows that they will be declining. Please let them know that you won't be accepting the offer as soon as you can. 

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I don't believe there is an official waitlist yet. I think this is dependent on hearing back from those who have been accepted first, to evaluate waitlist possibilities. So there are those that have received accepted and rejected notifications, and those that are in this in limbo phase that are hoping their hopeful future colleagues have received better offers they will accept! Sending good thoughts to everyone. 

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hey guys, i received a strange email from tisch (NYU) today saying that my application had been sent to the Department for review and it is being looked at very carefully. just wanted to confirm if it was a personal email (didn't really felt like it) or a standart message to all the applicants? in any case, the email said that we should hear about the results within the next few weeks

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