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HGSE Fall 2013


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Somehow, knowing that we are all doing the anxious dance simultaneously all over the country makes it easier to bear. It makes me feel like I am not crazy to be as nervous about the future as I am.


I am actually more nervous now than I was before I had heard back from any schools. I am just so afraid of making the wrong decision, and that I will look back and realize I should have done it differently... and I have only heard from half my schools. It is strange to think that I hope that this particular anxiety gets worse (by getting accepted to more schools.)


ASzofer, would you mind sharing your feelings about the Peabody information session when you return, either on the board or via PM? I am really drawn to the program, but I am unable to attend. Same goes for anyone who is making it out to Michigan!


I look forward to meeting some of you in real life in the fall!



Absolutely!  I'll send you a message when I get back.  Really excited about hearing more about the program and meeting some people.  

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Catch up on ALLLLLL the reading, tv shows, movies you've missed. I've been so stressed out I've started munching on everything in site. I had to stop myself the other day. :mellow:  lol...But in all seriousness, think of it this way, if you go back to school you won't have much time for simple pleasures. Go out and do all those things right now.


^Ditto on the advice. I would suggest contacting your undergraduate's career or alumni office for help editing your resume or SOP. They usually have handouts or time slots to go over them with you over the phone. :)



Haha I watched the entire first two seasons of Downton Abbey this weekend.  Good show... makes me forget I don't actually have a British accent though.  

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Haha I watched the entire first two seasons of Downton Abbey this weekend.  Good show... makes me forget I don't actually have a British accent though.  

Oh Downton. That show is so addictive. I walked around with the music from Downton Abbey stuck in my head for weeks after I marathonned the first two seasons... I like to think it added a touch of class and drama to everything I did (a classier cereal-pouring cannot be thought of).

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GRE Score (Revised): 151 V, 151 Q, 4.0 AWA (weak point)
GPA: 3.53 Overall, 4.0 Major (strong point)
Work Experience: Out of UG for 4 years 5 year F/T Work experience(while a senior in college Federal department, Special Asst. to U.S. Secretary of Education 18 months, legislative internships x 2 prior, Running mentorship program, Academic Coordinator for medium size tutoring non-profit
Undergrad Institution (Public, Private, Ivy, etc..): Private transferred to Public 
Research Experience: Research in Out of School time spent and Achievement Gap,
Applying for PhD or Masters:Masters, 2013
Program:  Ed. Policy & Mgmt. 
What Other Schools Are You Applying To: Brown UEP (Accepted), PENN GSE (Waiting) HGSE (Waiting)
LOR: Former Ambassador to S.A., Secretary of Education, former Supervisor

Applied: PennGSE, HGSE, & Brown 

Accepted: Brown

Rejected: ...

Waiting to hear back from: HGSE & PennGSE

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Well, I'm slowing losing my mind this week.  Hi, folks--I've been following the grad forums since around the app deadlines in early December, but just made an account this week.  I'm loving seeing that everyone else is marathonning television, too.  

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Hi, merrysoprano!  I applied to the EDD in Ed Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice.  As for TV, I'm working on Season 3 of Downton and am well into The West Wing.  If you're going to be finished with 30 Rock soon (love it, and can't wait for next season to hit Netflix!), you should try Parks and Recreation.  I kind of want to be Leslie Knope (that is, Amy Poehler).  

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Hi, merrysoprano!  I applied to the EDD in Ed Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice.  As for TV, I'm working on Season 3 of Downton and am well into The West Wing.  If you're going to be finished with 30 Rock soon (love it, and can't wait for next season to hit Netflix!), you should try Parks and Recreation.  I kind of want to be Leslie Knope (that is, Amy Poehler).  




You and merrysoprano just became BFFs.

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CQE just took the words out of my mouth/out of my keyboard. He's already put up with my rambles about Amy Poehler. She's just one of those winning human beings, what can I say?


And your EdD plans sound exciting! (Any reason to achieve a Leslie Knope dream is a good reason.)

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Yep it's true, EdM committees meet this week! You're sooooo close! Best of luck to everyone!


Say whahhhhhh?


Where'd you hear that?


(Not doubting you, just wondering B) )

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According to previous threads/results page, everyone finds out at once. Don't give up hope yet!

Oh, I have hope. It's just this waiting process.

Anyone know when they've started the review process in the past and if this year is any different by comparison?

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PhDDreams, any idea on the Ed.D timeline? Are there still calls to be made or were all accepted students notified today and yesterday?


No idea. I can ask around to see if anyone knows anything. I just know a D3 that sits on admissions that mentioned that EdM committees meet this week. Haven't heard of anything about EdDs... Good luck to all!

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Yep it's true, EdM committees meet this week! You're sooooo close! Best of luck to everyone!

Does anyone know how the admissions committees for the masters programs work as far as representatives from each program? Is it certain that the program director (or someone similar) from the masters program we applied to sees our application or is it all by general committee?

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