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2013 Applicant Profiles and Admission Results


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you're right, I'm not international, it just seems like they would at least start looking at domestic applications soon too if they haven't already


They most likely will, but it makes sense for them to go through the international pool first since the applicant and acceptance pool is smaller, plus many other international deadlines fall before domestic. Everyone seems to be doing them first.  Once we start seeing responses come out for Americans we can read more into it.

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you're right, I'm not international, it just seems like they would at least start looking at domestic applications soon too if they haven't already


By the way, do you also want to punch someone in the face every time you read that "Meh.." about acceptance into UW? They have a damn good BioE program!

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So tempted to just contact the remaining programs and see.


I thought about that, but decided against it. If you find out good news awesome, but you were going to anyway. If it's bad news, then you brought bad news and everything that goes with it down upon yourself. I know if everyone rejects me I'm gonna be pretty damn down, so as much as I wanna know I'm in no rush to be dejected.

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By the way, do you also want to punch someone in the face every time you read that "Meh.." about acceptance into UW? They have a damn good BioE program!


HA! Congrats mysinia!


Anyone heard from ASU MCB? I'm losing hope.

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Rejected from UW Madison CMB. :( At least I have two other interviews to look forward to next month, yeah?


Sorry to hear that, was it a straight up reject? I thought I got a reject today, but it was more of a reject/non-admit/maybe-if-you're-lucky.


It's a kind of weird thing, something called 'direct admit'. It was the only school I applied to for CMB instead of computational work, which is all of my research experience/publications, so I'm not surprised. I applied less on actual fit and more to just to leave the option of going experimental open, a sort "let's add something different to the application list just for the hell of it".

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Maybe -- the school where I work signs a contract with the incoming graduate student that says (paraphrasing) "if your PI runs out of money, the university itself will pay your stipend/tuition reimbursement for the duration of the program." There are plenty of students here whose labs have run out of money, but they are still able to continue.

maybe. you have to be careful about this though. I attended a rich private school that also said this, but the fine print was you have to find a new lab to support you. This slows you down a lot and it can be difficult to find a lab that will not require you to start over.

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Anyone hear from Berkeley Computational Biology? I saw a rejection post who said all the invites were out. When it rain it pours, it might be my turn to start rolling in the rejections.

Edited by bamafan
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@flat_rhino it was via email


btw have fun touring UNC, people that made it. Their Genome Sciences building was finished last August. It has an Ikea-like vibe to it (in a good way) with a Starbucks on the ground floor and a glowing double helix staircase running up the middle. Weather's great here too.

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By the way, do you also want to punch someone in the face every time you read that "Meh.." about acceptance into UW? They have a damn good BioE program!


Hahaha to preserve my sanity I've just convinced myself that person is either trolling or meant to respond 'rejected,' because otherwise I would be pretty angry about that

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I've called UCSD BMS 3 times today and no answer. Anyone hear anything? Last year there was a wave day on Jan. 17 which has not happened yet this year. Also the rejections came early this year and I haven't gotten one, so I am still hopeful!

Edited by ImmuneuroXX
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Just got an interview invite from Duke's Computational Biology. I already counted it as a rejection after seeing people receive interviews on January 9th. That was the best anti-depressant.
I guess no news is sometimes just no news, especially if you turn in the application right at the deadline.

If anybody has an opinion on the strength or weakness of the program, I'd appreciate it. 

Edited by docholliday
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