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2013 Applicant Profiles and Admission Results


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Hi everyone! I have a quick question!

Has there been anyone in the past or this year that was rejected after interview but managed to get into program in the end by any chance?

What do you mean? Like did anyone get rejected after interviewing at program x but got into program y or did anyone get rejected from program x after interviewing but got into program x eventually?

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What do you mean? Like did anyone get rejected after interviewing at program x but got into program y or did anyone get rejected from program x after interviewing but got into program x eventually?

I meant the latter. Have you heard of anyone who got rejected from program x after interviewing but got into program x eventually. Like being pulled up from waitlist?

Edited by shiningsand
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Do situations occur where a school rejects you, however a professor really wants you and pulls you into their lab and agrees to fund you, therefore the university will overturn the decision?

No idea but if a professor wanted you that bad wouldn't they fight to get you accepted in the first place?

That said some people are "direct admitted" so it is possible.

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Yeah that's true, was just looking at the original question from another angle. I know that it can happen in undergrad. I had a friend who was rejected from the University, but accepted by a specific program in the University, so they overturned the decision because the department wanted her.

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just got done with Madison CMB, seemed like a good program. also got accepted to umass med school during my interview, but will be declining the offer this week.


5 interviews deep and I am pretty exhausted! Want to schedule myself a massage before Friday!

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FIVE and you still have more to go?? After three I was exhausted and glad to be done. I didn't have to travel much, just two hours for one. I admire you guys who are hopping on planes like it's nothing! Congrats on your acceptance!

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I'm done with all mine, thankfully.  Major kudos to you all who are able to go to all these interviews--3 was exhausting enough for me as it is.  Haha.


Now all I have to do is wait for a response... Week 3 for Notre Dame... I'm somewhat nervous.

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I know what you mean about the wait. I have to wait 2 weeks for my other top choice. If I'm rejected, the choice is clear. If I'm wait listed I have to decide if I want to wait or accept my other top offer. If I'm accepted, well then I will probably spontaneously combust.

It would have been great to be able to travel across the country for interviews, but I see myself staying on the east coast so my applications wouldn't have been genuine.

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It would have been great to be able to travel across the country for interviews, but I see myself staying on the easy coast so my applications wouldn't have been genuine.


East coast is the easy coast huh? I was under the impression that the west coast was easier! obviously a type-OH


I'm also waiting for my top choice response (UCSF IPQB), should be here this week or next. I've been making sure no one has posted anything on the results page, last year they came out early March. I am very nervous about it, but I have some other good options. I will probably need to take the day off of work or whatever I am doing if I get accepted!

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yup, I'm in California so I've been hopping around the country. This is a once in a lifetime experience and I have the time to make all of my interviews, so why not? 





Are you going to be interviewing with ASU Biodesign?  Just got back from weekend there last night.  There were only about 12 of us.  The interviews were kind of disorganized. My grad student interview was substituted 5 minutes before we met.  She didn't even know what to do.  Nice campus and great lab but was told cost of housing was high.  The lab also feels like a fish bowl- all glass (with rocket fuel being grown in tubes on the roof).

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Are you going to be interviewing with ASU Biodesign?  Just got back from weekend there last night.  There were only about 12 of us.  The interviews were kind of disorganized. My grad student interview was substituted 5 minutes before we met.  She didn't even know what to do.  Nice campus and great lab but was told cost of housing was high.  The lab also feels like a fish bowl- all glass (with rocket fuel being grown in tubes on the roof).


i have gotten wind of the disorganized admissions coordinator. she told me she would be in contact with me regarding an alternate date when more students presented interview conflicts. she never contacted me, so i emailed her last week...still no word. this is a bit of a turn off for me. when i expressed interest in not attending the interview to my boss, she said, "You should go, it's an interesting program." so, if the admissions coordinator ever gets ahold of me with an alternate date, i will most likely go. at this point it doesn't seem like that will be the case. it's crazy that only 12 people went to the interview. the reason why i applied to the program was for the algae biofuel focus...

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Haha banksy, didn't notice my autocorrect fail. West coast seems easy for me, would be great to be on the west coast where I could study outside most of the day, my favorite part of school is studying outside at the beginning and during finals, when the weather is best.

Academically, the west coast seems terrifying!

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Just got into UW-Madison for IPiB after being interviewed yesterday!!!



Congrats, chemaholic!



I received an acceptance from the Watson School at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory today via email (and a letter is in the mail)! :)


Congratulations on the acceptances! Keep them coming!

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Also rejected from UCSF. I don't really know why. Only reason I can think of is that I responded honestly about other schools I was applying to. Sad because I was seriously considering going to UCSF over the others.


They let us know by automated message to their application program.

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