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2013 Applicant Profiles and Admission Results


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Hey guys,

I've narrowed down my decision to UCSD Biomedical Sciences and UCLA ACCESS. I was wondering what anyone had to say about either of these programs if they had any advice. I'm leaning towards UCSD because I feel that the research opportunities are stronger and I like the overall scientific environment more there, but I did meet a researcher I connected well with at UCLA. I'm not sure whether to go with more research opportunities in general in my field or a specific researcher. I was wondering what you had to say!



If you choose to go to a program because you connected well with one faculty member, keep in mind that the faculty member may not be accepting students, the faculty member may run low on funding before you finish your rotations, or there are multiple students competing for one or two spots in his/her lab.

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I compared observations with fellow recruits from each weekend which really helped my decision. Also took a weekend off and finally came to a decision: Johns Hopkins University, BCMB :) My interactions with everyone thereafter have definitely confirmed for me that I made the right choice.


I hope everyone is making progress in their decisions -- I'm always willing to have a conversation if you need a different sounding board/perspective.

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Acceptance to the University of Maryland College Park Biological Sciences Program, concentration molecular and cellular biology, five weeks after the interview.


I have made a decision and will post my committment tomorrow after I turn down the other offers. Feels great to have everything in and be finished. What a wild ride!

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Acceptance to the University of Maryland College Park Biological Sciences Program, concentration molecular and cellular biology, five weeks after the interview.


I have made a decision and will post my committment tomorrow after I turn down the other offers. Feels great to have everything in and be finished. What a wild ride!


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Congratulations everyone!  I'm sure you guys will make the right decisions in choosing the places you want to attend.


@ion exchanger:  Hearing back from a school after 5 weeks gives me more hope for some places I haven't heard back from.  Maybe they're genuinely still deciding on who to admit and everything.  It's very hard to tell at this point.

Edited by Biohopeful
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Congrats aryelh! Penn is an amazing school.

@biohopeful, I am remaining optimistic for you. I interviewed at that school on feb 7th. Unfortunately some schools are insanely slow. I guess I'm spoiled because everyone else got back to me within a week.

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People who have been accepted to UCLA ACCESS, have you received an email from the UCLA Graduate Division yet? I received the unofficial acceptance from the program 3 weeks ago, but I'm still waiting for the official email.

I received an email from Greg Payne the director and from two faculty members I interviewed with.

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MIT Biology acceptance today via email :)


Wow bassish, congratulations!! MIT is totally my dream school and I was just thinking how awesome it would have been to be accepted there. Your list of acceptances is really impressive. I wonder what you're going to decide...! Any clues you can give us? :)


BTW, official acceptances from both UBC and U of R today!! Yay!!!

Edited by Winteriscoming
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Committed to the Georgetown University/NIH Graduate Partnership Program this week. It feels so good to get that out. I was incredibly torn between this program and Penn, and Penn is amazing. People are surprised by my choice, but I know in my gut that I made the right decision. I love NIH! I will always look back and wonder what if.


I think that Bassish101 has the biggest most promising reveal! I can't wait to see your decision!

Edited by ion_exchanger
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Congrats, ion_exchanger!


I'm planning on committing to a program this weekend. I'm ready for this process to be finished, though it was a lot of fun. :)

When you do your big reveal, You should list your top three (please). I'm just interested in which schools actually have a shot.

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I spoke with my mentors and advisors today and yesterday, and I am about 90% confident about one program, but I will post my final decision (along with my top three choices) in a couple of days (I want to be 100% sure that I am making the right choice for me).



Congrats to everyone who already committed! It sounds like you all are going to have a great time in grad school! :)

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Congratulations everyone! I have also decided to commit; I will be attending Weill Cornell BCMB in the Fall! I'm mailing the replies tomorrow.


@bassish101 that is a very enviable list you have! Very excited to see which program you choose.

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I committed to Rockefeller this morning! I am really excited! It was definitely a difficult decision, and it came down to Rockefeller, Harvard, UCSF, and MIT in the end, but Rockefeller is really the best program for me. :D

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