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Anyone else losing their damn mind?


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65 applications were from people that want to work with her. She said they are ALL amazing and she is having a very hard time making a decision. So, no longer am I just worried about the 600+ applications that are received by my top program and the 6% of applicants that get accepted, I am now driving myself crazy thinking about how many people may have possibly applied to work with "my" POI.


which is going to make you feel extremely glad and proud of yourself when you are accepted!

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OK, it may be cruel, but I would love an email like this from St Andrews! I'm not sure how you had to submit your apps for the MLitt, but for the PhD I had to fill out a pdf, attach my materials (6 attachments!), and send it off. I did get a receipt email, but nothing giving me any indication of what was going on. Maybe universities should just have a universal line for emails during this time *This is NOT an acceptance or rejection* and then proceed with what the email is really about. 


But then we would just see *This is NOT an acceptance* in our inboxes - freak out, thinking we were rejected, and jump off a bridge. We can't win.  :blink:

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Finally heard from my first program!  They do a "visit day" before making decisions, and I got an invite, woo hoo!  It's not an acceptance, but I feel like it's validating to know I'm at least in the top applicants somewhere... lol.  :D

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the trick is to assume very low expectations, and be utterly enthused about getting any acceptances at all. at least that's better than assuming high expectations and getting mowed down flat to the ground

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Finally heard from my first program! They do a "visit day" before making decisions, and I got an invite, woo hoo! It's not an acceptance, but I feel like it's validating to know I'm at least in the top applicants somewhere... lol. :D

Congrats!!! Your first news is good news!!!

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i have just about lost hope of ever getting into university of alberta. i checked through the profile of past applicants and i can see i do not stand a chance except by miracle of course. so there goes my chance of getting into a grad school this year. :ph34r: 

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So just got contacted for an informal phone asking about my interests from POI.   Lost my damn mind during the return e-mail.  Probably re-wrote it 5-6 times.


Time to go reaquaint myself with the things that I said during the application.  Just to make sure I am consistent(its all true, but certain details will be slightly different).  Also need to research their research again.


Also is it wierd that I am looking for videos where the professor is introduced/says their own name so that I can practice the correct pronounciation?

Edited by gradorbust
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i have just about lost hope of ever getting into university of alberta. i checked through the profile of past applicants and i can see i do not stand a chance except by miracle of course. so there goes my chance of getting into a grad school this year. :ph34r: 

Don't lose hope yet! UofA is notoriously slow with their decisions. (Well, FGSR is anyway.)  I'm finishing up my MA there now, so if you have any questions about the university, let me know. :)

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Finally heard from my first program!  They do a "visit day" before making decisions, and I got an invite, woo hoo!  It's not an acceptance, but I feel like it's validating to know I'm at least in the top applicants somewhere... lol.   :D


Congratulations! On to the next step!  :)

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We're all freaking out because we're not all PhD. I'm looking at getting a terminal Master's that decides around February, for example.

Also, because the sciences are hearing and that's just annoying to hear from one school/one program and then say "Why can't I hear yet?" And lastly, because this is a HUGE deal to most of us and if anyone on this board is like me (and I imagine they are), they don't like the guessing game while their futures are in some else's hands.

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I have been told that PhD programs can take until April 1, 2013 to notify applicants, so why is everyone freaking out in January? I applied to Northwestern and University of Chicago.

Check the results search for those schools. Northwestern historically notifies in February. Not sure about UChicago. It generally doesn't take until April unless you're waiting to hear if you've been bumped up from a waitlist.

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Also what happens in the next three months could determine at a minimum the next year up to the next 6+years of academic pursuits followed by available careers.


Oddly enough it would be easier right now since I know the process is just getting started.  The last two months were hellish because I did not know if I had already been rejected, or if I was just in a pile getting sorted through.


Interview call went well.  Setting up a second interview for next week since I might be able to get a diversity fellowship.

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Congrats!!! Your first news is good news!!!


Thank you!  A few hours after that email, I got an email inviting me for an interview at another university.  On the same day... but I'm going to try to work this out... lol.  Now, bring on some actual admissions decisions...!

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Someone mentioned you're from Sweden? Sweden has some excellent, well known unis, I've applied to Uppsala last year, but I was rejected because I did my M.A. in translation studies, and not in literature. Which sucked, 'cause Sweden's pretty much a dream country for me. In fact, I'll be taking language courses in Swedish this year.  :)

Well spotted, I am. I also have a MA from an American university. I just can't help but think that if it ends up being a decision between myself and an American, with essentially the same merits, they'd go for the American applicant because they think he/she is a safer bet. 


And I approve of your fascination with Sweden! Couldn't have picked a better country  :lol:

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I'm getting a bit more tense...found out earlier in the month that I would not be interviewing for UCSD Psych. OK, it was my last choice, and the fit wasn't incredible (only applied there because it was a free app after already applying to UCSD CogSci - big deal for a broke international applicant)


However, I just saw a CogSci interview invite go up on the results today, and I'm really hoping that all interview invites haven't been sent out by now. It's my second choice of four, and my last two applications are for really competitive programs. Getting close to starting prep plans for another year in lovely southern Ontario.

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Thank you!  A few hours after that email, I got an email inviting me for an interview at another university.  On the same day... but I'm going to try to work this out... lol.  Now, bring on some actual admissions decisions...!



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On 1/17/2013 at 9:28 AM, child of 2 said:

the trick is to assume very low expectations, and be utterly enthused about getting any acceptances at all. at least that's better than assuming high expectations and getting mowed down flat to the ground


Perhaps I should have had this mindset from the get go. Right now I'm starting to get mowed down by my rejections. I haven't officially been rejected by Cornell, but I probably am, and I got rejected by Washington University in St. Louis, which I kind of expected (especially Cornell). But the only way to find out was to apply. However, getting rejected by Syracuse today really bummed me out! I thought I had a pretty strong application, and I really liked the program. I'm really hoping for good news from Penn State soon (maybe an e-mail from my POI to do an informal phone interview or something like that). Their program is the best fit and it's a great location. But we'll see, I guess.

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Don't lose hope yet! UofA is notoriously slow with their decisions. (Well, FGSR is anyway.)  I'm finishing up my MA there now, so if you have any questions about the university, let me know. :)

Thanks alot, aprreciate that. Just general questions, what's the school like? in terms of admission standards and all; my GRE isn't great. good luck with your interview ;)

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