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Starting Our Own (Inspired by Zoberg and Recycled Viking)

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I claim Psychology Department Head!

Also, thanks everyone, you have put a smile on my face. :)

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Yes, burn the GRE and dance around the flames! (Isn't a critical mass being met, where adcoms must be getting as tired of the GRE as applicants?). And, though I think letters of rec are important, did anyone else find this to be the most frustrating part of the application process? I was in control of everything else, but getting my letter-writers to complete their letters and to do them on time was more than stressful :twisted: . One of my letter wrtiers--a very, very, very, very old man, indeed--did not even use proper letter-head or affix a digi-signature. But by the time this was brought to my attention--one of my dossier services was kind enough to give me a heads up--it was too late to find a new letter-writer. Ack!

All of the recommendation letters would have to be from friends and family, and mailed by carrier pigeon...


All of the recommendation letters would have to be from friends and family, and mailed by carrier pigeon...

The Pony Express is also a recommended method of delivery. :)


Oh Sh#&! I take a night off for Jabberwocky and the Burn Notice premier and now we're more than a dozen posts deep into a thread of which I am an eponymous contributor :shock: :o:D

I nominate myself as head of the Dark Age North Atlantic History Department which is of course in charge of all the pillage, plunder, and raiding necessary for this graduate school to survive, let alone distribute border collie puppies and shortbread biscuits. ("QUICK, CREW! TO THE PUPPY FARMS!") We will of course do a joint honors program with the Colonial Caribbean History Department to best utilize their advances in gunpowder, multiple-sail rigging, and frilly shirts. Applicants should row to sea and set fire to something, because that would be badass.

Courses include:

501: Rocking Out To Viking Metal (Includes fieldtrip to T


I hope university benefits include free tuition, because I am totally getting a degree from the Dark Age North Atlantic History Department :P

Course 519 sounds like a good idea about now. And just for curiosity's sake, what does "annwfn" mean anyway?
Annwfn (also spelled less intimidatingly as Annwyn) is a name for the Welsh Otherworld, pronounced in my horrible New Jersey-accented non-orthographic rendition as "AH-noov-in". W is a sort of oo sound in Welsh, meaning it's a vowel, meaning you have words like "cwm" which appear to have no vowels and drive non-Welsh-speakers crazy.

In other Welsh news...


And brewing mead is AWESOME...if you are patient.

I hope university benefits include free tuition
If the longship crew is courageous and valiant, and our mighty warriors and berserkers are victorious under

I suppose that I will have to be in charge of practical human rights application at the university, just to be sure that Recycled Viking is only mean to the people who deserve it...

Like the marauders who suggested that our funding should be cut. They're about to pay dearly, I'd imagine, in short bread cookies and Border Collies.

On the human rights agenda of course will be the following coursework:

701: Intro to the futility of the United Nations as a governing body

716: Bad genocide humor and other things required to study atrocity

750: The wisdom of Gandhi, Mandela, and Kermit the Frog with regards to caring for other people

830: Your Mother Was a Hamster and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries! Sufficiently Taunting People who Commit Atrocity

and the capstone 899: Planning a Charity Concert with the help of Bono, John Mayer, and George Clooney. Extra Points for Actually Donating the Money to a Worthy Cause.


Eff application fees. I say we charge like a 50 dollar "deposit"... if you're rejected, we give you your $50 back.

Or at least give a few bucks back. Enough to buy a beer on us, at least. =)

Eff application fees. I say we charge like a 50 dollar "deposit"... if you're rejected, we give you your $50 back.

Or at least give a few bucks back. Enough to buy a beer on us, at least. =)

And if they are accepted, we will send them a welcome mug of Meade from Viking's course.


Can I head up Art History? We shall send out notifications via liveried messenger. There shall be engraved invitations for acceptances and cartoons mocking the applicant by Daumier for rejections. Here are some of the required courses-

501- Modern/Contemporary; Why your kid can't paint that

502- Baroque/Rococo; Pictures of rich people

503- Nineteenth Century; Drafty Garrets and Absinthe

504- Seminar- Picasso; So's your face!

505- Medieval Art; WTF happened there?

506- Feminist Art History; Artemesia Gentileschi is gonna cut a bitch

507- Art of the Roman Empire; Jeff the god of Biscuits and Simon the god of Hairdos

508- Art of Asia; We thought of it first


Afraid I'm not going to be around to help establish the linguistics department, but my suggestions for courses are:

504 Intensive Pig Latin

511 Making Up Language(s)

523 Alien Communication (also ANTHR 620, ASTRO 502)

531 Intensive Pirate English (also CCHD 505)

540 Field Methods in Collecting Stupid Quotations

541 Beginner Irish Curses (also DANAHD 508)

542 Intensive LOLcat and 1337-5P34K (also CS 501)

555 The Art of Needless Terminology

556 The Art of Needless Synonyms for Already-Needless Terminology

563 Seminar in Talking to Yourself (also COMM 592)

569 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism

577 Song Lyrics: Deconstructionist Viewpoints (also ENGL 684, MUSIC 612, PHIL 491)

580 Intensive Hip-Hop Lingo

592 How to Pronounce Welsh Words Like "Annwfn" (also DANAHD 510)

And, of course:

603 Canadian as a Second Language


Now wait a minute: in this time of economic crisis, will we have to worry about certain budget cuts, i.e. giving out border collies that ate shortbread cookies, rather than getting both collies and cookies?


Since dogs are such good judges of character, getting your puppy to "smile" in a picture (as was1984 did so nicely) waves the requirement for letters of recommendation.

501: Rocking Out To Viking Metal (Includes fieldtrip to T


I'm greatly enjoying reading this thread. :lol:

I'm wondering, though, if all incoming students should have a required one-credit course on basic defenses against ninjas and pirates. Useful lifelong skills to have that undergraduate curriculums seem to be forgetting these days!


I think we all need some sort of writing class, just to make sure students are on track for dissertating (F-you Mozilla, it is a word because I say it is!)

Something along the lines of, how not to stare at Rock of Love Tour Bus and eat frosting out of a can while your laptop hums idle by your side.

I think we all need some sort of writing class, just to make sure students are on track for dissertating (F-you Mozilla, it is a word because I say it is!)

Something along the lines of, how not to stare at Rock of Love Tour Bus and eat frosting out of a can while your laptop hums idle by your side.

add to that "How to not waste your day on social networking sites when you have a project due for Viking's controlled arson class". :D I'd hate to see the punishment for screwing up there!


I think our art department (wait, do we have one yet?) should have a class in doodling. Creative title to come later...


We have an art history section...no art section yet. Go for it.

Doodling should cross-list with the Psych department listing:

Psych 730: You saw WHAT in the ink blot? :D


The Department of Computer Science

601: Why you think your computer is spying on you.

602: The Budget Crisis: replacing all electronic chips with potato chips

603: Geeks and Dorks: It is directly proportional to the amount of Computer Science you know

604: How to make a Bacteria ( and run Norton out of business)

605: Programming in D (it is the new C)

606: Computational Biology : how giant cucumbers can do GRE math better than most humans

607: Take over the world...Muaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa

The Department of Computer Science

601: Why you think your computer is spying on you.

602: The Budget Crisis: replacing all electronic chips with potato chips

603: Geeks and Dorks: It is directly proportional to the amount of Computer Science you know

604: How to make a Bacteria ( and run Norton out of business)

605: Programming in D (it is the new C)

606: Computational Biology : how giant cucumbers can do GRE math better than most humans

607: Take over the world...Muaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa

oooooh...enroll me in 607 immediately please. I've heard its cross listed with Human Rights Studies 715: How to commit atrocity and get away with it.



We will need a CS class for Humanities dinosaurs who eschew Facebook for engraved calling cards and cannot figure out their computers. Also known as art historians.


MDLee...what's your score in SMT( Standard Mad Test)...

I accept a minimum score of 1000 out of 800, plus research work

Send me a SOP and a couple dozen LORs from certified mad men...preferably from someone in jail

You are not bad if you are not mad :mrgreen:

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