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2013 Applicants (Philosophy)


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Hey UCSD Applicants.
I emailed the graduate coordinator and this is the response I received:

"We are in the process of making these decisions.  I believe those admitted have been informally informed, but nothing official has been done  yet.  Catherine Asmann"

I tried to decipher this in ways that were psychological satisfying in order to keep me sane. Any interpretations??

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Can anyone claim one of the UBC acceptances? And if so, could you explain what the details of the offer were? Thanks.


And, for that matter, anyone claiming the Brown acceptances (though I'm assuming no single person received more than one offer of admission)?

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Thanks, Hasbeen, for posting updates from the places you've contacted.  Question for you or anyone else  - do you know if Loyola generally interviews applicants, or decides just on the basis of application?

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Thanks, Hasbeen, for posting updates from the places you've contacted.  Question for you or anyone else  - do you know if Loyola generally interviews applicants, or decides just on the basis of application?


No problem!  It was very helpful information to me, so I figured I'd share it.  As for whether Loyola does interviews, I don't believe they do, as results from past years don't mention any.

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I emailed the graduate admissions coordinator and he told me that I didn't get in. I didn't post it on the results page because it wasn't an official rejection. Based on our conversation the acceptances have already gone out. The guy was really polite about it. It's still hard news to hear.


I saw that UCSD was one of the first programs to send out acceptances (on the survey page) and I had counted 13 offers there. Guess I was still hoping. Good luck with Stanford and the rest!

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Hey UCSD Applicants.

I emailed the graduate coordinator and this is the response I received:

"We are in the process of making these decisions.  I believe those admitted have been informally informed, but nothing official has been done  yet.  Catherine Asmann"

I tried to decipher this in ways that were psychological satisfying in order to keep me sane. Any interpretations??

 I wish Stillwaiting! Red Bull posted about this on the prev. page a similar response. I counted something like 13 acceptances logged on the survey page in early Feb, which makes me think that they made all their initial offers at once, expecting a few to turn them down (I think they usually admit 6-8 or something like that). If, say, 8 people turn them down, then they move on down the list.


The way I understand it there are two ways of making offers. One is the aforementioned, the other is for schools that have a "cap" on offers they're allowed to make at once. Say they can only admit 8, they only make 8 offers (ish) and then have to wait for someone to decline to move on. These are the schools that really encourage you to make a decision quickly. There are of course, a number of things that can change the game in both instances and I don't know how funding plays into this. If anyone else can elaborate, please do.


I think the application process is the worst for philosophy students, namely because it's so opaque and we all have a compulsive NEED to know what's going on back there. So we frantically attempt to piece together our impressions of the process. I've pulled mine mostly from a combination of the Splintered Mind, Leiter blog, and some correspondence with DGS's (who are often quite candid about the process via email) so hopefully, it's not just conjecture and has some semblance to the real process.


Friends of mine in other fields simply put their apps in and went skipping through the snow. Since LORs aren't as important in most other fields, they found random instructors/grad students to write them and didn't give it another thought.  Come to think of it, everything turned out just fine for them.

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Interesting about Loyola, as the chair said there was a meeting next week where things were getting decided. I think I need to try to reach the DGS again...


Yeah, I was surprised too. Maybe they are notifying those who have been rejected in the first phase and they will decide on a smaller pool of applicants next week. After all, they all seem to be letters of rejection and none of acceptance.

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Interesting about Loyola, as the chair said there was a meeting next week where things were getting decided. I think I need to try to reach the DGS again...


Your inquiries gave me such hope, for some reason. Though I don't know why. Alas, Loyola is not interested in me, as is nowhere else apparently. Again though, my stats are so miserably low.

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Your inquiries gave me such hope, for some reason. Though I don't know why. Alas, Loyola is not interested in me, as is nowhere else apparently. Again though, my stats are so miserably low.

I totally understand your pessimism, as I'm kind of in the same boat, with the UK waitlist be the first ray of light in awhile. I'm not that hopeful for Loyola, maybe because they rejected me the first time around before I went to get a Master's.

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Yeah, I was surprised too. Maybe they are notifying those who have been rejected in the first phase and they will decide on a smaller pool of applicants next week. After all, they all seem to be letters of rejection and none of acceptance.

I was thinking that too, but I was worried that it was just wishful thinking. It also could be that the chair was just giving me the general information, which is useful to people on this forum, but he didn't know anything for me specifically and my rejection letter is just taking an extra mail day to arrive. Bleh.

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The Loyola business is perplexing. I'm very near them in St. Louis, but received no letter. Perhaps they simply haven't decided who's getting an offer and who's getting waitlisted?

That sounds like what the meeting in the middle of next week will decide. Maybe some more rejections will go out after that for people that just made the first cut, but like I said before, the chair wasn't too clear about what's going on there. The only thing I'm positive about is the existence of a meeting lol.

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UK, SLU, Washington University in St. Louis, Northwestern, DePaul, Loyola Chicago, and Duquesne.

Northwestern and Wash U have rejected me so far. They were reaches anyway.

My situation is unusual, as I'm trying to match up my schools with my fiancée, who is going to match soon for a residency in internal medicine. Her rank list is due this weekend, so it's been rather stressful trying to find information that could affect the order of her schools.

Substitute 'pediatrics' for 'internal medicine' and I'm in the exact same situation. Match day is going to be intense!

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