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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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Thanks, everyone! I have to admit, you don't really know what your reaction is going to be until it happens. I got the generic "acceptance" email from the grad school to check website status, which was "accepted." 


So weird.  I burst into tears.  I went through this last year with 2 wait-lists, and neither ended up as acceptances, obviously, so I think I was just emotionally relieved after all this time.


proflorax and Ategenos -- yay!  -- i can't wait to chat up things with you over in the Amherst thread over the next weeks while we interview and make our decisions.


Also, the other weird part of this stage is that I'm really grateful for all of you gradcafers -- I feel like other folks wouldn't really understand the highs and lows of all this, so I'm so glad we have this forum.  It kinda keeps us sane by letting us reveal the edges of insanity, right? ;)

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Thanks! I have never been to Massachusetts, so I'd glad to hear it's amazing! 


I'm also originally from out west, but have been living in Mass since 2007, so if you need any recommendations of good places (namely delicious ice cream and Indian food) just let me know!


Congrats to you too, Imogene, you're definitely off to a great season! That is absolutely wonderful!


Congrats to the other UMass acceptances as well. :)

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An acceptance AND my very own gif... I just don't know how this day can get any better. I'm thinking celebratory burritos.

spoken like a true californian :D

so happy for you. go speak for them trees gurrrl.

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Well, after wallowing in despair, it looks like i'll be going to a PhD program after all! I woke up today determined to remain positive: to set my despair (over assumed rejections) aside, and finish proofing this article to strengthen my round 2. BOOM! e-mail for Skype interview with two academic heros of mine (the program is in London though, which I could probably never afford unless I luck out with grants/funding, which actually seems like a real possibility). One hour later, BOOM, acceptance from a great department in the states! Funding is pending on this one, but they usually hook it up somehow. Knowing something lukewarm made my whole concept of gravity change; knowing something good has made me weightless!! Will be sending out my positive-vibes to those who are still waiting. Thanks for keeping it trill, gradcafe! (Also, i'm not really a lit, rhet or comp person, so I doubt that the department is of shared interest. I am more like psychopolitical/psychosocial studies, hip-hop, and masculinity in late-capitalism person. I don't have an english degree. It works, trust me). 




Will be going on a long walk now :-). Hopefully this proofing process will be easier now that I'm not convinced the world wants me to fail.

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It is 6:03AM in California. I woke up five minutes ago to check my email (because I can't help it). When I saw that I had two emails, I whispered, "curses Groupon Getaways!" 

*snerk* Oh dear god, I had to laugh at this. Too real. Yesterday I finally lost it and unsubscribed from at least 10 mailing lists. I am SICK AND TIRED of jumping every time a "(1)" pops up in Gmail only to find that Groupon (effing Groupon!) has sent me its fourth email of the day. I even unsubscribed from the NARAL list, which is a little insane considering that I volunteer with them 1-2 times a week. I'll probably resubscribe when this madness is over, but I was ready to throw my computer across the room if I got one more piece of gray mail. And then all of them sent me "Wait! Don't go!" emails--I can't win. Hahaha.


BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, yayayayay for you! Congratulations on getting into an awesome program! :D

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Well, after wallowing in despair, it looks like i'll be going to a PhD program after all! I woke up today determined to remain positive: to set my despair (over assumed rejections) aside, and finish proofing this article to strengthen my round 2. BOOM! e-mail for Skype interview with two academic heros of mine (the program is in London though, which I could probably never afford unless I luck out with grants/funding, which actually seems like a real possibility). One hour later, BOOM, acceptance from a great department in the states! Funding is pending on this one, but they usually hook it up somehow. Knowing something lukewarm made my whole concept of gravity change; knowing something good has made me weightless!! Will be sending out my positive-vibes to those who are still waiting. Thanks for keeping it trill, gradcafe! (Also, i'm not really a lit, rhet or comp person, so I doubt that the department is of shared interest. I am more like psychopolitical/psychosocial studies, hip-hop, and masculinity in late-capitalism person. I don't have an english degree. It works, trust me). 



Will be going on a long walk now :-). Hopefully this proofing process will be easier now that I'm not convinced the world wants me to fail.


Congrats, Stephanie. I think many of us know exactly how you feel... I've taken the whole day off work today and am just playing Ni no Kuni and eating pop tarts. Tomorrow I eat sensibly, mark student essays, and do more work on my thesis... but today... I slob...

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Well, after wallowing in despair, it looks like i'll be going to a PhD program after all! I woke up today determined to remain positive: to set my despair (over assumed rejections) aside, and finish proofing this article to strengthen my round 2. BOOM! e-mail for Skype interview with two academic heros of mine (the program is in London though, which I could probably never afford unless I luck out with grants/funding, which actually seems like a real possibility). One hour later, BOOM, acceptance from a great department in the states! Funding is pending on this one, but they usually hook it up somehow. Knowing something lukewarm made my whole concept of gravity change; knowing something good has made me weightless!! Will be sending out my positive-vibes to those who are still waiting. Thanks for keeping it trill, gradcafe! (Also, i'm not really a lit, rhet or comp person, so I doubt that the department is of shared interest. I am more like psychopolitical/psychosocial studies, hip-hop, and masculinity in late-capitalism person. I don't have an english degree. It works, trust me). 




Will be going on a long walk now :-). Hopefully this proofing process will be easier now that I'm not convinced the world wants me to fail.

You've got me totally interested in your work. 

Edited by Gwendolyn
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You've got me totally interested in your work. 


Send me a PM, i'de love to chat! (Your posts have also intrigued me, and I know a student at OSU currently doing feminist hip-hop studies.)

Congrats, Stephanie. I think many of us know exactly how you feel... I've taken the whole day off work today and am just playing Ni no Kuni and eating pop tarts. Tomorrow I eat sensibly, mark student essays, and do more work on my thesis... but today... I slob...

This! Thanks!


Excellent news, StephanieDelacour. Where was the US acceptance?

George Mason. Limited funding opportunities, but fellowships and TAships do exist so i'm going to get on that ASAP. The program is attractive in the liberty it grants students to pursue their path/project. This has obvious job market downsides, and many people on these boards indicate that they would never take a non-fully-funded offer--for good reasons. I trust my own ability to hustle, however, and i'm sure that if my work (and teaching/networking ability) is good enough i'll be able to find funding and a job. I'm also waiting on five or so other programs, so it is all up in the air at this point. It definitely feels good though to know that a round 2 is only necessary if I want it to be...

Keep it trill yaal, i've got to go make some phone calls!

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Yes. I definitely understand. My wife is understandably really tired of hearing about it, although she has also been a pretty good sport. She's anxious to know where we'll end up moving, of course, but my obsessive email checking does strike her as awfully overwrought.

Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. My friends are extraordinarily supportive, more than I feel I deserve. Given the number of times I've heard something like "Gurl, U got this, Y U stressin'?" (or my favorite, "You'll get in somewhere/everywhere!"--just like that) I get the sense that they believe in me and don't really get why I'm so anxious. I don't know how to drive home that I'm not just fishing for compliments or stirring up drama for no reason; I'm genuinely feeling insecure.


it is in sentences like this that I understand my relatively nontraditional background.  I like the implication that "only" having two friends applying "this year" is supposed to be some sort of aberration.  I am 29 and the majority of my friends do not have undergrad degrees of any sort, much less graduate aspirations.  And no, I don't talk about it. 

Thank you for your response. I didn't mean to imply that my circumstances are a deviation from the standards for a "normal" applicant, but I see why it sounded that way and I apologize for using exclusionary language. What I meant was that although many of my friends/acquaintances are planning to apply to grad school at some point, only two of them did so this year. I was observing that my friends might feel irritated where they could have been empathetic, but I do not imagine that every other applicant is (or should be) surrounded by people who share their ambitions. I realize that applying, rather than not-applying, is by far the exception.

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Congrats, DontHate! That's great news. 


Any chance they'll pick the same few days as Columbia so you don't have to fly out here twice? 


(I mean, not to overlook the frustration of getting interview requests rather than acceptances... but an interview is better than a rejection, right?)

Edited by Pemberley
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Holy shit guys, I GOT INTO UMASS AMHERST!!!! 


The email says they I will be contacted by the Writing Program for an interview soon. It also says that I GOT INTO UMASS AMHERST! I got into a PhD program, ya'll! I already called my husband at work, but it's too early to call my friends and family... So I'm sitting in my bedroom, hopping around my mattress because I GOT IN. Weeeeeeeeee!



And guess what -- me TOO! ;)  



You guys get to share an old-timey myspace gif!

Edited by asleepawake
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About talking to friends/feeling insecure. My friends and family think that all I want to hear is: of course you'll get in! Stop worrying!


It's hard to explain that I'm not fishing for compliments...getting accepted to a humanities PhD is an impossible feat for many fine scholar-warriors. 

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Congrats, DontHate! Good luck with the interview! :)


About talking to friends/feeling insecure. My friends and family think that all I want to hear is: of course you'll get in! Stop worrying!


It's hard to explain that I'm not fishing for compliments...getting accepted to a humanities PhD is an impossible feat for many fine scholar-warriors. 

Exactly! Common sense says that I should stop talking about it altogether, and damn, I wish I could. But I should reiterate that I am incredibly grateful for their support either way. I much prefer their optimism to the alternative, i.e. one of my neighbors (getting a PhD in Music) who found out that I'm applying to English PhD programs and reacted thusly: "Oh... huh... I'll be interested to see how that goes... You know, English is really hard."



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About talking to friends/feeling insecure. My friends and family think that all I want to hear is: of course you'll get in! Stop worrying!


It's hard to explain that I'm not fishing for compliments...getting accepted to a humanities PhD is an impossible feat for many fine scholar-warriors. 


Yeah, this pisses me off to no end.  What's worse, professors kept telling me, "You'll get in somewhere; I'm sure of it!"


I quite like the sick satisfaction of telling them how dismal this season has been, though.

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