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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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This is so great to hear!  I have heard so many things about it from SLPs in the area I live in (Oklahoma!), and I am happy to hear that students love it - I don't know any actual STUDENTS there, so that's a relief to hear.  I am really excited to go visit the Callier Center in a couple weeks!!  Good luck to you with your remaining schools!  Glad to have a Texan in here - I am an honorary Texan (went to UT-Austin for undergrad and looooove it down there!)
Well I have only heard AMAZING things!!! I would have applied but my GRE is just average and when I got rejected last year that's what they recommended me to improve. I took it again and didn't get much higher so I opted out of the application fee! But, I highly recommend the school! I haven't been to Richardson much because I'm from Fort Worth. But it's suppose to be really nice! Jmarti, I believe that's the average GPA but all of the people I knew that got in last fall had very high GRE scores as well!
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Well I have only heard AMAZING things!!! I would have applied but my GRE is just average and when I got rejected last year that's what they recommended me to improve. I took it again and didn't get much higher so I opted out of the application fee! But, I highly recommend the school! I haven't been to Richardson much because I'm from Fort Worth. But it's suppose to be really nice! Jmarti, I believe that's the average GPA but all of the people I knew that got in last fall had very high GRE scores as well!

Thanks for the tip! My GRE scores were good I think (306), but I can always retake if necessary :).

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Thank you! I still have seven schools to hear from and while I am hoping for good news, I am trying to remind myself that everything will work out as it should. I am glad you've enjoyed your experience but I hope you get some great news this year too!

Seems as though more people have gotten acceptances since I've last been on - congrats to all of you! And for those of you still waiting (as I am), I am sending good thoughts your way :).

Ahh I gave you a -1 and I didn't mean to!!! That's what I get for using my iPhone! I am so sorry! I'll figure out how to fix it!

We will both get in and not have to worry about being an SLPA!! Positive thoughts!

Edited by meangreen23
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Has anyone heard from Edinboro University, I heard they were making decisions March 8th??? Are there any EU undergrads that can confirm or deny this? Thanks!


Hi Knighty! I graduated from Edinboro last May and am also waiting to hear from them. I never thought I'd come across another EUP applicant on here. As for their decisions, I have not heard any specific dates - but the MASLP website says the initial decisions are made before April 1st. I will let you know if I hear anything...I may just end up emailing one of my professors because I'm so impatient. :P

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It's the date that most schools recognize as "mid-March" and start getting back to you if that's what they stated as their notification of decision period.


Oh, okay, thanks. The only one I'm still waiting on is SDSU. How are you feeling about hearing back from them?

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Yes, please let me know!! They have a research focus in my area of desired specialty, and Spring admission, so I really am looking into it! I've never been to Texas, so any bit of info helps me out.

Judging from ASHA and edfind, it seemed like it was pretty average in terms of competitiveness (3.6ish?). Does this seem accurate?


I will let you know!!  Texas is not a bad place - Dallas is pretty cool.  A bit LARGE because it's such a big spread out city, but lots of good opportunities for externships, etc.  I am not entirely sure on the competitiveness, but that sounds about right.  Plus, I bet it's less competitive in the spring because less people apply in spring (would be my guess?).  I'll get back to you after I go visit!  Hopefully by then you will have already gotten accepted somewhere for the fall and you won't want to hear about it, but if not, I will fill you in :)  Good luck these next couple weeks!!!

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No worries meangreen...I don't even know how the +1 -1 thing works anyway. Yes, positive thoughts...many many positive thoughts. I wish I would have applied while I was still an undergrad...at least then I would have had school work to keep me occupied through the waiting period.

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No worries meangreen...I don't even know how the +1 -1 thing works anyway. Yes, positive thoughts...many many positive thoughts. I wish I would have applied while I was still an undergrad...at least then I would have had school work to keep me occupied through the waiting period.

bright side of not being in school?  studying for finals is practically impossible right now!

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I will let you know!! Texas is not a bad place - Dallas is pretty cool. A bit LARGE because it's such a big spread out city, but lots of good opportunities for externships, etc. I am not entirely sure on the competitiveness, but that sounds about right. Plus, I bet it's less competitive in the spring because less people apply in spring (would be my guess?). I'll get back to you after I go visit! Hopefully by then you will have already gotten accepted somewhere for the fall and you won't want to hear about it, but if not, I will fill you in :) Good luck these next couple weeks!!!

Thanks! I hope you have a great trip there!

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Congrats to everyone who got accepted today!  Especially those of you who have been dealing with wait-list spots and rejections...I need the hope!


I was feeling okay about my two wait-list spots but just got my first rejection today and still haven't heard from another school a friend already got accepted to.  So, I'm finally starting to worry for real.  I've noticed some of you are applying for the 2nd or 3rd time and I know how competitive these programs are.  I think I've just been really convinced it's my time!  I'm almost done with a post-bacc degree in speech and hearing and have worked with children with autism for 6 years, including supervision of on-site and in home programs.  I was so glad to finally have found my field after graduating with a degree in psych in 2003 and have worked so hard to get good grades in my classes while working nearly full-time.  I have a decent background in research too (I think).  


My general issue is, I've been so focused on getting into grad school for the last 2 years that I feel like I've barely had a life.  Which is depressing on its own, and doubly so if I don't get in!  Sorry to complain, but most people in my life don't really get it, and I know you guys do!  Now that I've gotten that out, I'll try to stick to more positive posts.   :)


I totally get that! I've been pretty much letting the "rest of life" slide these past two years working, getting a second BS in Comm Disorders, experience, and applying for grad schools... I think that makes this time so much more unbearable. I don't think I ever really considered the fact that I might not get in anywhere until these past couple of weeks. Hang in there, I keep trying to tell myself even knowing bad news is better than no news, but I wonder how much I believe it. 

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To those mentioning SIU-Carbondale.  I have not heard from them yet either, I think the poster made an error.

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I totally get that! I've been pretty much letting the "rest of life" slide these past two years working, getting a second BS in Comm Disorders, experience, and applying for grad schools... I think that makes this time so much more unbearable. I don't think I ever really considered the fact that I might not get in anywhere until these past couple of weeks. Hang in there, I keep trying to tell myself even knowing bad news is better than no news, but I wonder how much I believe it. 

Good luck to you!  It looks like you still have a few schools to hear back from, so there could definitely be good news in there (I should take my own advice)!  I thought waiting would be the easiest part of this process, but it is so much worse than the rest!


 Worst case scenario, I guess I can look forward to getting reacquainted with my social skills next year...


Also, thanks midnight streetlight and norcalslp for your kind words earlier!

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Finally got my first response which was an anticipated rejection from CSU Long Beach.. Oh well, I'm just happy to get that first one out of the way.. Now hoping for some good news in the near future!

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Hi Knighty! I graduated from Edinboro last May and am also waiting to hear from them. I never thought I'd come across another EUP applicant on here. As for their decisions, I have not heard any specific dates - but the MASLP website says the initial decisions are made before April 1st. I will let you know if I hear anything...I may just end up emailing one of my professors because I'm so impatient. :P

Thanks! Please let me know if you hear anything. It was a random find for me- I'm being interviewed for a coaching grad assistantship there and the coach had heard March 8th. I didn't want to be the crazy girl that called the department with a made up date.

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BTW, where are all of the people from Texas at??? Congrats to everyone! I have read enough I feel like I know y'all! Hahaha


Hi meangreen! I'm in Austin. What about yourself?

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I'm really hoping today is the day for Emerson! I finally caved and called their office yesterday (I submitted my application in December! Through CSDCAS, which is probably the problem....). They said they were aiming to have decisions out "by the middle of this week" which by my estimation should be today.


Although, it looks like we have a longer wait for Northwestern and Columbia. Sigh.  I'm relocating with a baby and a husband, I need more than two weeks to choose a school! 

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Can someone please freak out about Columbia with me?


Right there with you.  I wonder if they are using a new system this year which is why it's taking a bit longer? I am a little confused about The Next Step TC vs. apply yourself. 

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To all of the people who got wait-listed and rejected: Don't lose hope yet! There are so many schools to still hear from for all of you. It isn't even the magical 15th of March yet!

I'm really reconsidering that maybe the loans for NYU will be worth it to attend after seeing so many people here who have applied multiple times. It's honestly making me panic that if I give up NYU and try again next year, I won't get in anywhere at all. I can't imagine I'll be lucky enough again.

If I don't get in anywhere else, I'm going to Marquette, as I don't want to sit around another year, reapply (not to mention beg for letters, oay the fees, etc), and then not get in at all! So I can feel your pain!

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No, I still have not heard anything from them.

I got an email today day talking about how they received my financial aid. Nothing special but I was just wondering if anybody had been hearing from them. I am really nervous.

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I got an email today day talking about how they received my financial aid. Nothing special but I was just wondering if anybody had been hearing from them. I am really nervous.

AY still says my application is complete and ready for review. Nothing has changed for me.

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