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Fall 2014 applicants??

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GRE subject test score. I had signed up to take it, my grandmother died, I did not take it, and it was completely an oversight on my part that I did not take this school that required it off of my list, though I somehow managed to take all of the others off. 


That really sucks :( I’m sorry. 

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GRE subject test score. I had signed up to take it, my grandmother died, I did not take it, and it was completely an oversight on my part that I did not take this school that required it off of my list, though I somehow managed to take all of the others off. 

Explain your situation to the DGS. Be honest and direct. You never know. If you are a top choice candidate, they may be willing to overlook the lack or perhaps allow you to take the subject test in the summer, not as a consideration of admission but so that all incoming students went through the same hoops. Fingers crossed for you! 

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Explain your situation to the DGS. Be honest and direct. You never know. If you are a top choice candidate, they may be willing to overlook the lack or perhaps allow you to take the subject test in the summer, not as a consideration of admission but so that all incoming students went through the same hoops. Fingers crossed for you! 


I agree. The worst they can do is say no, and if you don’t try, they will likely say that anyway. 

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Woo! It looks like things might be okay. We will see. I will update you all when I know more. Nervous/excited. 


Good luck AC!! Given the circumstances, maybe they'll overlook it.


Out of curiosity, which school is it?

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GRE subject test score. I had signed up to take it, my grandmother died, I did not take it, and it was completely an oversight on my part that I did not take this school that required it off of my list, though I somehow managed to take all of the others off. 



I hope this works out for you!

Unfortunately I totally and completely BOMBED the Subject test. I have no idea what happened - all my practice test scores were much higher. I got to the test and just . . . choked, I guess?


I went through my spreadsheet and took off all the schools on my list that needed the scores, except for Rutgers, just because I had already fallen in love with Rutgers.


Then during applications, I got emails requesting the Subject Test scores from schools I had listed as not needing them – I freaked out! And because I had already submitted the SOP for those schools, I couldn’t include my “this is why that test score sucks so much” explanation.



And sorry to hear about your grandmother – My boss/incredibly close family friend died in December. I somehow missed submitting a few applications because of it. I regret now not calling, explaining the situation, and seeing if they’d let me submit a little late.So please – call them regarding your situation! Don’t have regrets like me!

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What are you all working on while you wait to hear from [the rest of] your schools? 

I'm revising my final MA paper. An earlier draft served as my writing sample, and I'm already kicking myself for how much it's improved (i.e., how much better my sample could have been if I'd done this earlier). It's out of my period, but I'm enjoying writing it. As soon as I get this piece together and submitted, I will be working on a conference paper that is also out of my period (but ultimately relevant to historical periods in general, so somewhat defensible). And I have two seminar papers to write this semester, so I've started research for those. What I really need to do is close my browser. :-/


ETA: and my bag of snacks. 

Edited by mmorrison
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What are you all working on while you wait to hear from [the rest of] your schools? 

I'm revising my final MA paper. An earlier draft served as my writing sample, and I'm already kicking myself for how much it's improved (i.e., how much better my sample could have been if I'd done this earlier). It's out of my period, but I'm enjoying writing it. As soon as I get this piece together and submitted, I will be working on a conference paper that is also out of my period (but ultimately relevant to historical periods in general, so somewhat defensible). And I have two seminar papers to write this semester, so I've started research for those. What I really need to do is close my browser. :-/


ETA: and my bag of snacks. 


Writing my thesis and teaching. That’s all I do these days: write my thesis, teach, and stalk GradCafe. Haha. 

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What are you all working on while you wait to hear from [the rest of] your schools? 



You mean clicking refresh on my email/grad cafe/application status pages isn't suppose to take up all 24 hours of the day?

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Was anyone else accepted to Chapel Hill and plans on attending? I'm interested in what your specialities are, whether you'll be going to the Prospective Students Weekend, etc. It doesn't seem like UNC gets much attention on here.


And good luck to all who are still being cruelly left in the dark! 

Edited by JuliaSug
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