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Fall 2014 applications


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fuzzylogician, I have a question for you... Private schools never have to take into account citizenship for funding? A professor from Rochester told me that they needed to take that into account, and that, among other things as fit, etc.,  they probably won't be able to make me an offer of admission since I'm an international student...

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fuzzylogician, I have a question for you... Private schools never have to take into account citizenship for funding? A professor from Rochester told me that they needed to take that into account, and that, among other things as fit, etc.,  they probably won't be able to make me an offer of admission since I'm an international student...


I guess the professor has a reason for saying that -- perhaps some of their funding does come with strings attached even though it's a private school. I can imagine (though I don't actually know that this happens) that some funding agencies require students funded on certain types of grants to be US citizens. Maybe if a large amount of the department's funding is of that sort, they have will have less spots for international students. Personally I've been funded by NSF grants as an international student in the past so it's not a flat-out impossibility to get money from US funding agencies, but I think it's true that not all grants and not all funding agencies were created equal, and particular situations may vary.


I'm sorry to hear you couldn't get funded because of your citizenship, that really sucks. 

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Thanks for your comprehensive response, fuzzylogician! It actually sucked getting that sort of explanation after two interviews with positive feedback... My POI said that he really wanted to offer me admission, but that unless "something very unlikely" happens, it would be impossible. On the other hand, Yale doesn't seem to have that issue, and I'm waiting for their final decission after being invited to their Open House...


So, despite some agencies not wanting me there, it seems I'll be going nonetheless, ;P

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Good luck, I hope it works out for you! 


Honestly I think it'd be better for you to attend a school where your funding is not an issue. One reason I didn't go to UCLA was that even though they did offer me admissions, there were certain kinds of funding and other opportunities that they told me I wouldn't be eligible for, and I didn't want to be excluded in that way. I also had a more similar ordeal to yours with UCSC that involved my citizenship as an important factor in my admissions decision. It really doesn't feel good, but if it's any consolation, they do think you are good enough to be admitted so it's not a flat out rejection, just a reflection of a broader suck factor that governs the whole process. Also, remember that the connections you made there will last beyond the admissions process itself--you are starting to build your professional network and even though it's a no from them, they will remember you positively as someone who they wanted to admit. These connections are just as important (if not more important) than the admissions decision, as long as at least one school leans your way! 

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Regarding funding, I totally agree. Moreover, I will be fully dependent on my stipend, so I need them to make a substantial offer for me to be able to go... As for the connections, I couldn't agree more! Even if I stay in my country, doing my PhD here (I've already won a scholarship here, being co-advised by a University of Buenos Aires researcher and a McGill professor), I strongly believe that this whole application process has been very useful in terms of networking. 

Edited by linguotherobot
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I just emailed the DGS & my POI at UMD making sure that their failure to interview me after saying the would is an indication that I have not been shortlisted. I'm sure it is, I just want to hear it so I can move on.

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Following up the Michigan rejection with another, more offiicial email from Arizona saying that I had been recommended by the Anthropology and Linguistics departments for admission into their Dual PhD program. It aint all bad. 


Congrats! One full glass, one empty glass. That's how it goes, right? :)


I'm on my way to my first campus visit tomorrow. Nervous, but definitely excited.

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Well, I got in with funding at my top choice!  :)

It's been a very fun and bumpy ride here at gradcafe but I'm glad I got to spend it with you guys.

Good luck to everyone!


Also, if you're 99.999% sure you want to go to School A, would you accept even if you hadn't heard back from School B? I can't imagine anything changing my mind at this point and I want to get my acceptance in as soon as possible, but it just seems like such a waste of an application fee if I don't wait it out.

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Well, I got in with funding at my top choice!  :)

It's been a very fun and bumpy ride here at gradcafe but I'm glad I got to spend it with you guys.

Good luck to everyone!


Also, if you're 99.999% sure you want to go to School A, would you accept even if you hadn't heard back from School B? I can't imagine anything changing my mind at this point and I want to get my acceptance in as soon as possible, but it just seems like such a waste of an application fee if I don't wait it out.

If you get a better funding package from school B you can negotiate with school A, for example

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I got a call from the DGS yesterday afternoon. I'm reaaaaaally hoping this pulls through! 


Respectfully, if you got in and you decide not to go, please decline ASAP so those (very few) of us who have been waitlisted have a chance of getting in!

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Congrats everyone!!! So good to hear so many good news! :) :) :)


Unless you're 100% sure of where you want to go, I'd suggest you should investigate your options. I'm learning a lot about the programs I applied to through the interviews/visiting days, and in some cases it has really made an impact on how I feel about them...

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I got a call from the DGS yesterday afternoon. I'm reaaaaaally hoping this pulls through! 


Respectfully, if you got in and you decide not to go, please decline ASAP so those (very few) of us who have been waitlisted have a chance of getting in!


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Arghhh, I had totally forgotten about academia.edu and their snitchy policy of telling who saw your profile, when suddenly:

"Someone just searched for you on Google and found your page on Academia.edu. To see what country the search came from, follow the link below"


New Haven, CT and New York, NY. Both searches are from today... It makes me nervous to know they're vetting me, :P

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I happen to have a veeeeery common name (my name is spelled the same in Spanish, English, French, German, Dutch..., and my last name is quite usual too), so I really don't know how they found me! You made google me, and there's actually a photographer that has all the web-domains with my (well, and his) name registered, and in more academic sites, there's a well-known mathematician!

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Arghhh, I had totally forgotten about academia.edu and their snitchy policy of telling who saw your profile, when suddenly:

"Someone just searched for you on Google and found your page on Academia.edu. To see what country the search came from, follow the link below"


New Haven, CT and New York, NY. Both searches are from today... It makes me nervous to know they're vetting me, :P

I keep getting them notifications from academia.edu as well. But I must be much more googlable than you, so they actually put effort into finding you =)

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I just called and I'm admitted...They said that sometimes it happens with the website not showing "being admitted message" after accepting the offer. They also invited me to Open House so.. Yay! 


They also said that sometimes they send EITHER email or letter. Apparently I'll be receiving a letter that's why it's gonna take a while for me to get it. 


I'm so relieved! 

Wow That's good :).  Are you going to open house?

Edited by yeonju123
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I was just rejected at UCSD, which is both not surprising at all and a serious let down. This is what you get for letting yourself believe there is such thing as a top choice school. I thought it was best fit but clearly they didn't. Oh well!

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Wow That's good :).  Are you going to open house?


Yes..What about you? Are you still waiting on other offers or  have you already decided on CUNY? 


beccamayworth >They offered 300 dollars for reimbursements if you are still interested in coming.

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