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Fulbright 2014-2015


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I just defended my dissertation proposal, so I am officially ABD. I submitted two grant proposals today (for the same research as my Fulbright). I have a grant report to finalize, lectures to finish prepping (I am actually teaching, not just TA'ing this semester), have an experiment currently in progress, and a manuscript to submit for publication. While these things all occupy my mind and my time - I still cannot stop taking breaks to hit refresh on this damn forum. The only time I stop is when I have to run to the lab. 

Edited by Secret_Ninja
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I just defended my dissertation proposal, so I am officially ABD. I submitted two grant proposals today (for the same research as my Fulbright). I have a grant report to finalize, lectures to finish prepping (I am actually teaching, not just TA'ing this semester), have an experiment currently in progress, and a manuscript to submit for publication. While these things all occupy my mind and my time - I still cannot stop taking breaks to hit refresh on this damn forum. The only time I stop is when I have to run to the lab. 

I understand entirely.  I'm taking my exams in March, solo-teaching two classes, and starting my prospectus.  And yet, here I am, waiting, waiting...



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Regarding the second round - this blog written by a successful Fulbrighter speculates on how it's done:


Kelly J. Stoner - Advice for Fulbright Applicants


Again, this is just an idea of the process she pieced together. But it sounds pretty similar to what's being discussed in this thread already anyway.


So I just read the entire article, and now I feel like my application was lacking in the "connect it back to why the U.S. would care" part. Even though I'm applying for the ETA grant, and it might seem like it doesn't need to be explicitly said, I should've said a couple sentences about it anyways.

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What other programs are you all applying to abroad, if any??


Hi, afminsky! I've applied for two dissertation fellowships, one sponsored by the Japan Foundation and the other by the Social Science Research Council/ Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (which is sort of a misleading title since they also support research in the humanities--I'm a Japanese literature student myself). I also applied for a Fulbright-Hays fellowship but was rejected.

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This isn't really a fellowship, but last summer I spent three months in Uganda as a journalism fellow for a non profit and I've been offered the role of fellowship director this summer for the new program in Peru! Only problem is in an americorps member and those two months would be during my service so I don't know what to do..

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This isn't really a fellowship, but last summer I spent three months in Uganda as a journalism fellow for a non profit and I've been offered the role of fellowship director this summer for the new program in Peru! Only problem is in an americorps member and those two months would be during my service so I don't know what to do..


That sounds like an amazing opportunity! 

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I was searching for more information about notification dates for Fulbright and came upon this forum last night. I thought I'd jump In and say good luck to everyone! I'm hoping we find out today or tomorrow...I can't take another week!

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What about other years? My FPA does not seem to ever get the "heads up" on notifications, so don't think it would be worth me emailing her again.

From what I can tell from 2012 and 2013, there was at least one FPA who knew the week of that applicants would be getting notifications. There were plenty who weren't in the loop, but there was always definitive talk (around mid-week) before the notifications actually came. I really hope I'm proven wrong, but all indications to me point to next week...

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It is totally possible that perhaps we do not have the wonderful privilege of having an FPA who is in the loop. It seems unlikely based on how many people use this thread, but it is still possible. Also, considering how weird this year seems to be compared to others, I imagine they could just release the emails before telling anyone or that it could be next week. 

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Hi all, been lurking for a while and finally decided to post. I applied for an ETA in Brazil. This wait is killing me, ugh!!! But I'm not trying to get my hopes for when we are going to hear back. I'm hoping that once I sorta forget about it the email will appear lol Anybody else apply to Brazil?

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Called my FPA. He said he's not heard anything and is as astonished as we are. He said they expected last Friday but have heard nothing. I have no clue what's going on but with meetings all day tomorrow I won't know until late. Grrrr.

At least he said I didn't sound crazy and not to worry for bothering him.

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So I just read the entire article, and now I feel like my application was lacking in the "connect it back to why the U.S. would care" part. Even though I'm applying for the ETA grant, and it might seem like it doesn't need to be explicitly said, I should've said a couple sentences about it anyways.

It's okay, reading through these articles after we've all submitted our apps is pure masochism. ;)  We just have to trust that the overall strength of our apps will see us through.


I know I wish I had put in more about how my work directly benefits Indonesia.

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I have applied for an NSF-DDIG (physical anthro) and about 10 other grants/fellowships/scholarships that have a range of dollar amounts. I have already been awarded one small grant, but I need much, much more to research in Indo for a full year. 

Asking as a fellow Indonesia applicant - what specifically are you looking to research there?

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Called my FPA. He said he's not heard anything and is as astonished as we are. He said they expected last Friday but have heard nothing. I have no clue what's going on but with meetings all day tomorrow I won't know until late. Grrrr.

At least he said I didn't sound crazy and not to worry for bothering him.


From past cycles, it seems like some of the FPAs got an email stating what day the emails would go out. I wonder if his expectation of last Friday was based on an email like that or just from trends like we estimated off of.

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From past cycles, it seems like some of the FPAs got an email stating what day the emails would go out. I wonder if his expectation of last Friday was based on an email like that or just from trends like we estimated off of.

I'm going to launch into pure, unnecessary speculation, but there's also a possibility (though probably low probability) that the protocol has been changed such that the FPAs are no longer notified in advance. Much more likely that we'll just be notified next week, but always room for wild speculation ;)

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In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, some words of wisdom from another Olivia and hi_there.



One thing I want to suggest (as I am telling myself the same) is that you have to have faith that what will be will be. I am sure that everyone on this board and those just reading, are extremely talented and ambitious individuals, or else you wouldn't have applied to for a Fulbright in the first place. If you don't get it, it just wasnt meant to be, and you have to believe that there are other, perhaps even better, things around the next corner. Life is often unexpected.

Congrats to everyone who applied and is hanging in there.



i totally agree and when i was working on the application, i went through an experience that put me in that frame of mind. after getting denied from a possible host institution, my first choice affiliation contacted me four or five months after i had sent an email and stated that she was happy to work with me which was quite the surprise.

even if we don't get past the round tomorrow, be proud of the work you've done this far. i know i am. and it's true, getting it all out on paper, putting in the effort helped me to cement what i want to be doing and what i need to be doing in order to get there. don't let one 'no' discourage you from realizing the projects you need to make. there will be a 'yes' soon enough.

also, i'm incredibly fascinated by the projects people are proposing. if you start/have a blog about it, link it someday please!

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Hi all, been lurking for a while and finally decided to post. I applied for an ETA in Brazil. This wait is killing me, ugh!!! But I'm not trying to get my hopes for when we are going to hear back. I'm hoping that once I sorta forget about it the email will appear lol Anybody else apply to Brazil?


I also applied for an ETA in Brazil! Hoping for good news for both of us soon!

Edited by FingersCrossed_118
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