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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Selected as an alternate for Moldova. Sorta keeping up hope, but expecting that this is it. I don't know why, but I had a sinking feeling that I was gonna get alternate. Gahhh, MORE anxious waiting. Olioliwoo, doesn't look like us Bulls are doing so well, huh?


Historically, I don't we have done too well as far as getting actual principals. From the statistics released by university, I think we get a lot of alternates: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/uploads/files/top_producing/2013-14/doctoral.pdf


Last year, 40 people applied and 4 people got ultimately accepted.

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Secret_Ninja, I understand your stress.  The medical clearance form is stressing me out since I go to school ~1,500 miles from home (aka. where my primary care physician is). When i told my mom I had to take care of it in six weeks, she freaked out! Luckily my college's health center can do the clearance since they have my immunization history and are used to doing Fulbright clearances every year.



Let me know how yours goes. I am hoping that they will at least let me turn mine in without the G6PD test. I will call Fulbright again on Monday (and hopefully speak with someone nicer) to see. I know the basics behind why the test is necessary, but I am still crossing my fingers that I do not have to wait weeks for the results before I can upload everything to Fulbright. 

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Let me know how yours goes. I am hoping that they will at least let me turn mine in without the G6PD test. I will call Fulbright again on Monday (and hopefully speak with someone nicer) to see. I know the basics behind why the test is necessary, but I am still crossing my fingers that I do not have to wait weeks for the results before I can upload everything to Fulbright. 


There are some rapid diagnostic tests for G6PD.  Depending on your health center/hospital, they might be able to tell you quite quickly.  

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When can we usually expect them to stop notifying us for the day? 5pm EST? I'm so done with waiting. 


Agreed. I believe applicants have heard up until around 5:45 / 6 pm EST. I would be surprised, though, if there is any more news today, considering it's Good Friday (for some). Granted, it's not an official federal holiday, but many places shut it down and pack it up early. Took a trip up to Capitol Hill today around 3pm and the halls were emptier than they usually are on weekends. Here's to hoping next week is more fruitful. 

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This is how I go about my day nowadays:


8 AM: Today is the day. I can feel it!!!!

11 AM. Checks GradCafe to see if the're any acceptance for others.

2 PM: It is coming, be patient. Focus on school work.

4 PM: They are waiting till the work day ends, so in an hour or so.

5:30 PM: (disappointment!) I guess it is not happening today.

11 PM: I feel it, it has to be tomorrow.


(in between, countless refresh of the email)


And repeat.

Edited by Maliyazi
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This wait is the most excruciating thing!!! I know last year people who applied to Vietnam heard back May 2nd but I was really hoping it would be before then this year..

I hope that everyone else still waiting for word is finding ways to not go crazy. It's just hard being this close to graduation without any idea of what I will be doing! Hang in there everybody. I am with you in frustration.

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Sweden folks...here is Eileen's response. Guess we are still in for a bit of a wait. I was very much hoping today would be the day!

Unfortunately we are still awaiting FFSB approval but hopefully this will come through in the coming week or two.

Best, Eileen

Eileen O’Malley

Senior Program Officer – Europe/Eurasia, Fulbright U.S. Student Programs

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Sweden folks...here is Eileen's response. Guess we are still in for a bit of a wait. I was very much hoping today would be the day!

Unfortunately we are still awaiting FFSB approval but hopefully this will come through in the coming week or two.

Best, Eileen

Eileen O’Malley

Senior Program Officer – Europe/Eurasia, Fulbright U.S. Student Programs

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To everyone still waiting,


I know it sucks. But it's just a while longer. Think about this way, everyday that passes means one more day closer to the notification rather than one day of more waiting. It's because patience is hard that it is a virtue. Remember, those of us that already heard back are rooting for you!




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To everyone still waiting,

I know it sucks. But it's just a while longer. Think about this way, everyday that passes means one more day closer to the notification rather than one day of more waiting. It's because patience is hard that it is a virtue. Remember, those of us that already heard back are rooting for you!



Thanks!! I love this forum, it's full of the only people who can relate to the struggle hahaha

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Email from Jermaine an hour ago:


To:  Deborah Brown,
This is a reminder to please arrange for your official transcript to be sent to IIE as soon as possible. The transcript must be the original, registrar generated transcript and in a sealed envelope when mailed in hard copy. Failure to submit in a timely manner may delay the notification of the next stage of your application in the Fulbright U.S. Student award process.
We are missing the following transcript(s):
PhD degree granting/expected institution (Gonzaga University)
If you have requested the transcript(s), you may want to check with the registrar to verify when they were sent.  Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for the transcripts to reach IIE and be processed.  Also, be sure that the transcripts are clearly addressed to:

US Student Programs

Institute of International Education

809 UN Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Please contact me if you have any questions.




Dear Mr. Jones,


Thank you for notifying me about this! I am horrified. I ordered those transcripts months ago. I have just re-ordered them and payed for overnight delivery. However, the National Clearing House is closed today for Good Friday. They should send them out by Tuesday or Wednesday at the very latest, and you should receive them the following day. I apologize sincerely for this.


I assume since you only mentioned Gonzaga that my other transcripts (University of Washington and Cascadia Community College were received by you?


Thank you again for letting me know about this and giving me the opportunity to correct it. You will receive the transcript as soon as humanly possible.



Debbie Brown




Please be honest with me, friends. Have I completely blown it? Did the fact that the National Clearing House somehow bungled my transcript last January just cost me a Fulbright?  Of course, if I don't get it now, I will beat myself up for the rest of my life for the missing transcript! Feedback, PLEASE!  :unsure::(



Not at all! THEY reached out to YOU. You're in good shape... if they didn't care to get your transcript and thought "too late"...they definitely would not have reached out. :D

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First time poster here!! I found out I was selected for the South Korea research grant! Reading this thread through the waiting process was really encouraging and it helped me survive through it :)!!


fellow SK research or ETA people, I guess we'll get more information about stipend, starting date, housing, etc from KAEC soon? I also know to get an A3 visa we have to receive like an official letter from Fulbright or something...do you guys have any idea what this is? 


Thank you for your help :)!! I'm so excited!!

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I completely understand.  I also feel like it comes in waves.  I was fine with waiting till like April 15 then my nerves went crazy.  I would not worry about the notifications either.  What happens will happen, and we will meet it when it comes. <--- My attempt to be zen about this entire thing.   :)



Congratulations!!  :DDD



 Congratulations on Moldova!



Congrats!!! How exciting!! I immediately dropped everything I was doing and frantically checked my inbox (I'm also a Eurasia applicant, for Armenia)

Thank you all so much! I usually checked the forum when I was at my internship and I was off yesterday... so I was super shocked that when I got the email (ended up having a not-so-minor freakout at a sporting goods store) and then I had to wait all day to get on the computer. To those of you still waiting, I have a good feeling things will start happening soon! Or maybe this is just a really weird year because Moldova sent out their notifications so soon... Thank you all for being such an awesome community to stress/not stress with!! :)

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I am recommended for SSA and have a question for anybody who might have some ideas. I need to get to my field site early and just booked my ticket for June (I received internal funding from my university). I know Fulbright has special rules about booking flights-- under the very special circumstance that I get good news from Fulbright, do you think they'll have a problem with me already being there?

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In case any of the other dozen Ukraine research applicants are as neurotic as I, a bit of news:


Called Alyssa Yeng on Thursday, 4/17. They still haven't received State Department approval, so the best estimate she could give was an amorphous sometime in the next couple weeks.


Meanwhile, my girlfriend won her ETA to Taiwan and has a week before her decision is required. *gulp*

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I am recommended for SSA and have a question for anybody who might have some ideas. I need to get to my field site early and just booked my ticket for June (I received internal funding from my university). I know Fulbright has special rules about booking flights-- under the very special circumstance that I get good news from Fulbright, do you think they'll have a problem with me already being there?


I know of someone who (2 or 3 years ago) actually found out that she had been awarded the Fulbright the day she landed in Kenya. They had no problems with this at all. She did her medical clearance in Africa as well as all the other paperwork. She also had a Leaky and the NSF DDIG, which paid for her flight there. 

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I know of someone who (2 or 3 years ago) actually found out that she had been awarded the Fulbright the day she landed in Kenya. They had no problems with this at all. She did her medical clearance in Africa as well as all the other paperwork. She also had a Leaky and the NSF DDIG, which paid for her flight there. 


Fabulous! Thanks so much Secret_Ninja!

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First time poster here, but as many others, I too have been closely following the happenings of other Fulbright applicants on this forum- it's been a great source of comfort in this excruciating wait! I'm a recommended candidate to Colombia for an ETA position, and I emailed Susan Muendl yesterday  inquiring about when we should expect to hear final notifications and she replied, "within the next few weeks." Any other Colombia applicants out there? I'm still crossing my fingers that we will receive word this upcoming week!


Congratulations to everyone who was been awarded a Fulbright grant! And here's to hoping that the rest of us will join you all soon :) 

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