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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Just signed up for my school's info session for next year's application cycle. My mind and body are already dreading the thought of going through this process for the second time.


Although I'll probably already know a lot of what is being discussed, the Director of Outreach for the Fulbright Student Program is suppose to be there and I'm hoping to maybe get clarification on the whole alternate process.


 Olioliwoo, I am so happy to see you aren't giving up. Your project is so important! Please do everything you can to make it happen.



Olioliwoo, YAY FOR YOU!!!!!  I'm with GnosisExchange in being so happy to see you're getting right back in there! It's nice you're at a school that is actively involved in guiding students through the process. I hope you get to talk with the outreach director and get some clarification on your alternate status. I'm still rooting for you to go this year! Like GE said, your project is important.

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So it's currently 5:50am Central Time... could today be the day?


Let's do this! Finger on the refresh button is ready to go!


Does anyone have news for central and south america? Central was notified May 6 so i'm trying to not freak out.


Rachelrushing, miri1776, and everyone waiting to hear: GOOD LUCK! MAY TODAY BRING WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

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Oh wow. I just turned on CNN when I read this... nothing so far, but I'll keep it on while I'm editing.


I can't think of anything I could possibly say that would make this situation any better. Of course, our first thoughts go to the family of the mayor and then to the Ukrainian people. We are so privileged...I will not spend one second today wondering who will be running my government tomorrow...I can't get my head around what it would be like to live day to day with Russian troops at the border and random people running around with loaded guns and Molotov cocktails...


Nevertheless, I really, really hope the Fulbright program in Ukraine goes forward! This is a time where building friendship between our two countries is desperately needed! Everything Fulbright stands for is magnified by the situation in Ukraine. We, as a nation, need to stand by the Ukrainian people and I, for one, hope a part of doing that involves the Fulbright U.S. student program!  Good luck, shogun and all other Ukrainian recommendees! 


Mozartgirl, you are so incredibly correct to bring this up.  We are very blessed indeed to not have to worry about the uncertainty and fear that the Ukrainian people are currently waking up every day too.  I too believe that standing with the Ukrainian people is important and Fulbright is the perfect program for such relations to continue.  Considering my research is to study the EU/Ukraine relations, I find that this time in Ukraine is perfect for me to conduct my research to learn more about how the world (EU) interacts with Ukraine.

Mozartgirl53, thank you so much for this comment. I think because we are all so excited for Fulbright, we lose perspective every once in a while. It sucks to be waiting back from Fulbright if you applied to Ukraine, but the uncertainty of being a citizen there has to be a million times worse.


GnosisExchange, I agree with you.  I have many friends and family in Ukraine who have been very negatively impacted by everything that is going on.  It pains me to have family and friends who are living in such unstable times, all the while I am comfortably living in America waiting to graduate from undergrad.

I've been wondering about this. Is it really even a feasible solution for  some of the research grants? Wouldn't some be too specific to Ukraine for it to be transferable to another country?....


I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, I'm just curious. 


I do not think you are being a debbie downer, you are being a realist.  If the program is cancelled, idealistically, I would love for the winning Ukraine applicants to be relocated to another country (if that is at all possible).  But I think you are correct in one aspect for sure.  How good would the research be if it is meant to be done in Ukraine and not another country.  Luckily my research topic is a bit flexible when it comes to where I would want to do my research.  But I feel like most people are specifically geared to research in Ukraine to learn about Ukraine.

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Y'all, I just got an email from my school inviting me to a dinner for our school's grantees. I haven't a single thing from the commission (and I checked my spam this morning). Sigh.

That's the worst! Nice of them to include you though :) maybe you'll hear today!

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Has anyone who is still waiting on Europe heard from or called the new PM Walter Jackson? I also got invited to some dinner for the winners at my school and so did my rec writers which is weird because I haven't heard.


I'm in the exact same position. I emailed him mid last week, and heard nothing. 

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In case any of the other dozen Ukraine research applicants are as neurotic as I, a bit of news:


Called Alyssa Yeng on Thursday, 4/17. They still haven't received State Department approval, so the best estimate she could give was an amorphous sometime in the next couple weeks.


Meanwhile, my girlfriend won her ETA to Taiwan and has a week before her decision is required. *gulp*



The mayor of the Eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv just this morning was shot by unknown gunmen.  He is alive, but barely......................I fear Ukraine will be officially cancelled after this tragic event.


Hi Shogun1, this is no doubt tragic but doesn't necessarily have to impact Western Ukraine. Where is your host institution, if you have one? 


Try to relax (although this is very difficult in deed). I bet you will hear soon! (I actually have $10 riding on you finding out tomorrow -- @irockafe bet on later in the week.) 


Saw this tweet today: https://twitter.com/FulbrightPrgrm/statuses/459699320208760834

Granted it was originally posted on April 25th, I doubt Fulbright will cancel the program if it's tweeting about it just a few days earlier. (Edit - Did not read far back enough to see everyone and their mother on this forum has already posted about this tweet! But still hopeful it's a good sign!) 


Anyways, just want to say you are not alone in your worry over Ukraine crisis. My google alert updates me on Ukraine news every few hours too! It's a terrible situation but hopefully it won't impact your Fulbright candidacy. 


- Alyssa

Edited by am403
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I'm so excited (and a little terrified). Just signed and sent out my Fulbright contract and yesterday my TFA deferral was granted!

(Mine was delayed because it was sent to wrong house at first and had to be resent to Korea and then back to Miami)


OMG--I still can't believe this is really happening. When I had the contract in my hand is when it all became real. For the first few days I was convinced I would get an email saying my acceptance had been a system glitch, but that doesn't seem to be happening.


Thank you to everyone that has been so supportive in this community. I truly thankful I have had you guys to go through with this.


I am nearing the end of my 2-year commitment with TFA. Where are you going to be placed/where were you originally placed before the deferral? 

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Has anyone who is still waiting on Europe heard from or called the new PM Walter Jackson? I also got invited to some dinner for the winners at my school and so did my rec writers which is weird because I haven't heard.


Well, just tried to call him and he's left for today, but the person I spoke with said he gets into the office around 8:30am EST. Maybe tomorrow is the day...

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Hey everyone, I got my (P) email at 7:30 PM EDT, so since it's only 5:30 PM back there right now, you could still possibly hear tonight-- Here's wishing!


I have a question for y'all. The professor I first went to Zambia with back in the UW Bothell days did her student Fulbright in Zambia around 1980. She told me that once you have a Fulbright in hand, it is relatively easy (or at least easier) to get other complimentary grants. For example, when she was awarded her Fulbright she applied to the NSF and got money to purchase a car in Zambia because her project involved a decent amount of traveling around eastern Zambia. I am thinking along the same lines. Not a car, for me, but I could use assistance to buy a camcorder and camera (although the camera on my phone is pretty decent). I could also use money to get my website hosted and up and running.


I'm just wondering if any of you have heard the same advice and if so, are you or will you apply for other grants and if so, which ones?

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Unfortunately they often just cancel. It has happened more than once to grantees in middle eastern countries. I think it has to do both with the fact that most projects are not immediately transferable (topically) and with how funding works. :-/

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I meAn often is a relative term, but there is precedent. It sucks, but this is also a state dept program so they tend to walk a conservative line, and they understandably want to avoid any evac crises

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The mayor of the Eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv just this morning was shot by unknown gunmen.  He is alive, but barely......................I fear Ukraine will be officially cancelled after this tragic event.


Spoke to Alyssa Yeng -- she said Ukraine should hear by the end of this week. They are waiting for approval from State Department. As of right now, no plans to cancel, program is expected to continue. If something should change, all candidates will be notified for sure. 

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Y'all, I just got an email from my school inviting me to a dinner for our school's grantees. I haven't a single thing from the commission (and I checked my spam this morning). Sigh. 


Has anyone who is still waiting on Europe heard from or called the new PM Walter Jackson? I also got invited to some dinner for the winners at my school and so did my rec writers which is weird because I haven't heard.


Is it possible your FPAs have heard but can't tell you yet? Because that would be AWESOME!!! Talk about needles and pinnnnnnnnnza!

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Spoke to Alyssa Yeng -- she said Ukraine should hear by the end of this week. They are waiting for approval from State Department. As of right now, no plans to cancel, program is expected to continue. If something should change, all candidates will be notified for sure.


WOW AM403, that's quite the update!  Thanks for calling and sharing! I bet there are a few people out there breathing a pretty big sigh of relief! ONWARD HO UKRAINE!


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Is it possible your FPAs have heard but can't tell you yet? Because that would be AWESOME!!! Talk about needles and pinnnnnnnnnza!

Just to add my two cents, I also got my P email in the evening (around 8 pm EDT?) which was a happy surprise - I didn't expect any news after 5 pm. My FPA was copied on the email and that was the first they had heard as well. Good luck to those still waiting; I'm pulling for you!

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I have a question for y'all. The professor I first went to Zambia with back in the UW Bothell days did her student Fulbright in Zambia around 1980. She told me that once you have a Fulbright in hand, it is relatively easy (or at least easier) to get other complimentary grants. For example, when she was awarded her Fulbright she applied to the NSF and got money to purchase a car in Zambia because her project involved a decent amount of traveling around eastern Zambia. I am thinking along the same lines. Not a car, for me, but I could use assistance to buy a camcorder and camera (although the camera on my phone is pretty decent). I could also use money to get my website hosted and up and running.


I'm just wondering if any of you have heard the same advice and if so, are you or will you apply for other grants and if so, which ones?

In my discipline (studio art) complimentary funding is encouraged, if not expected. There is a small fund available (roughly $20,000) through my college that is available for students to apply to for a variety of reasons. I applied this last month to the fund and maxed out the possible funding at $2,500 for supplies for my project, art supplies and money for things like a voice recorder. I was told by my professor that I was virtually guaranteed the funding due to the Fulbright nomination because it's so prestigious and rare in my department. 

Now, I say all of this in regards to smaller grant opportunities. I suspect that applying to larger opportunities might be different if the proposal didn't clearly outline specific needs to be met by multiple grants of over $20,000. If you were to apply for a Fulbright after already receiving a 30 or $50,000 grant, I have a difficult time seeing them award a Fulbright as well, mostly because I have the sensation that Fulbright wants to help candidates get to where they want to go who wouldn't be able to get there otherwise. Of course, this is just my theory at this point. 

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Hi Shogun1, this is no doubt tragic but doesn't necessarily have to impact Western Ukraine. Where is your host institution, if you have one? 


Try to relax (although this is very difficult in deed). I bet you will hear soon! (I actually have $10 riding on you finding out tomorrow -- @irockafe bet on later in the week.) 


Saw this tweet today: https://twitter.com/FulbrightPrgrm/statuses/459699320208760834

Granted it was originally posted on April 25th, I doubt Fulbright will cancel the program if it's tweeting about it just a few days earlier. (Edit - Did not read far back enough to see everyone and their mother on this forum has already posted about this tweet! But still hopeful it's a good sign!) 


Anyways, just want to say you are not alone in your worry over Ukraine crisis. My google alert updates me on Ukraine news every few hours too! It's a terrible situation but hopefully it won't impact your Fulbright candidacy. 


- Alyssa

am403, Thank you kindly for the kind words :)  My university is indeed in Western Ukraine, Lviv to be exact and it is very safe there (as is the Western part of Ukraine as you put it).  I really hope you win your 10$ !!!!! hopefully we both would benefit form your prediction.


In regards to the Fulbright tweet, I think it is referring to Ukrainian applicants applying to study in abroad.  But someone else in previous posts said that if they are not closing the Fulbright foreign student program for Ukrainians, that leads us to believe the program is still open.


Once again, thank you for the kind words.  I am currently working for 3 foreign institutions on the current crisis by doing research for them.


Did you apply for Ukraine as well??

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Spoke to Alyssa Yeng -- she said Ukraine should hear by the end of this week. They are waiting for approval from State Department. As of right now, no plans to cancel, program is expected to continue. If something should change, all candidates will be notified for sure. 


am403 !!!!!!! I just read your post!!!! Thank you so much for calling!  I am breathing a bit easier now!


WOW AM403, that's quite the update!  Thanks for calling and sharing! I bet there are a few people out there breathing a pretty big sigh of relief! ONWARD HO UKRAINE!




ONWARD!!!!!! :) 

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am403, Thank you kindly for the kind words :)  My university is indeed in Western Ukraine, Lviv to be exact and it is very safe there (as is the Western part of Ukraine as you put it).  I really hope you win your 10$ !!!!! hopefully we both would benefit form your prediction.


In regards to the Fulbright tweet, I think it is referring to Ukrainian applicants applying to study in abroad.  But someone else in previous posts said that if they are not closing the Fulbright foreign student program for Ukrainians, that leads us to believe the program is still open.


Once again, thank you for the kind words.  I am currently working for 3 foreign institutions on the current crisis by doing research for them.


Did you apply for Ukraine as well??


I received a ETA grant for Taiwan, but my boyfriend applied to a research one in Kyiv, so I can't wait to hear either! I don't have your level of stress but I sometimes feel like I am almost as nervous. The odds are definitely um, ever in your favor.  ^_^ So few applicants! 


 Glad I could help to alleviate any stress!! I pressed Yeng to tell me more about the IIE's take of the crisis but she just repeated "no plans to cancel at this time" but could change and they will notify everyone as soon as they make that decision, if they make that decision. 

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