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Fulbright 2014-2015


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I've been lurking for a while now and finally decided to join the conversation. I applied for an ETA grant in Colombia. I’m interested in researching Afro-Colombian culture and history, particularly the curriculum being taught in schools. Did anyone else apply to Colombia? I talked to a friend who was an ETA in Colombia.  She said that the Fulbright committee sent her the survey email in December and she was recommended in Jan.  It’s strange that they sent us the email so late. I hope this doesn't delay the whole process. Good luck to everyone! Thank you for helping me stay sane...well hmmm…it's just good to know that I'm not the only one going crazy. Tomorrow is my birthday and I only have one wish.

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I've been lurking for a while now and finally decided to join the conversation. I applied for an ETA grant in Colombia. I’m interested in researching Afro-Colombian culture and history, particularly the curriculum being taught in schools. Did anyone else apply to Colombia? I talked to a friend who was an ETA in Colombia.  She said that the Fulbright committee sent her the survey email in December and she was recommended in Jan.  It’s strange that they sent us the email so late. I hope this doesn't delay the whole process. Good luck to everyone! Thank you for helping me stay sane...well hmmm…it's just good to know that I'm not the only one going crazy. Tomorrow is my birthday and I only have one wish.


Hey!  If you haven't already, add your info to the spreadsheet- it helps current and future applicants get a handle on what to expect/compare notes/do something with the anxious hours spent waiting for emails: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsJrSSHnssqFdHNPell4VVZwWDgtWUpQcTVVeWM0bWc&usp=drive_web#gid=1 


The Fulbright program is pretty extensive in Colombia (30 ETA spots), but only a few of us appear to be lurking and/or posting here.  I also applied for the ETA in Colombia, and my independent research project would look at Spanish-English bilingual education programs in primary schools that get public funding through the Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo.  Your project sounds fascinating, do you have a preferred area of the country for placement?  Also, where did your friend end up teaching?  I would've loved to look at bilingual education involving minority indigenous and/or creole languages, but because those are rare and the ETA program doesn't allow us to get geographically specific, I thought I'd play it safe with something relevant to my academic interests but also available pretty much wherever I might get placed.


Thanks for sharing, I hope your wish comes true.  Happy birthday!

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Hey!  If you haven't already, add your info to the spreadsheet- it helps current and future applicants get a handle on what to expect/compare notes/do something with the anxious hours spent waiting for emails: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsJrSSHnssqFdHNPell4VVZwWDgtWUpQcTVVeWM0bWc&usp=drive_web#gid=1 


The Fulbright program is pretty extensive in Colombia (30 ETA spots), but only a few of us appear to be lurking and/or posting here.  I also applied for the ETA in Colombia, and my independent research project would look at Spanish-English bilingual education programs in primary schools that get public funding through the Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo.  Your project sounds fascinating, do you have a preferred area of the country for placement?  Also, where did your friend end up teaching?  I would've loved to look at bilingual education involving minority indigenous and/or creole languages, but because those are rare and the ETA program doesn't allow us to get geographically specific, I thought I'd play it safe with something relevant to my academic interests but also available pretty much wherever I might get placed.


Thanks for sharing, I hope your wish comes true.  Happy birthday!


Thanks Raymondnorth for sending me the spreadsheet!! Your project sounds so interesting and I would be interested in reading your research. I hope you are accepted.  La Ley 70 in Colombia requires the state to modify national school curriculum to reflect Afro-Colombian culture and history, and since it’s national, I could conduct the research/observe anywhere. I did not get geographically specific. Well…as you mentioned, we aren’t allowed to anyway. My friend was an ETA in Inbagué, Tolima. I’m just hoping to get in. If I am placed in Cali or the department of Chocó, that would be awesome since they have a large Afro-Colombian population. Thank you so much for your support and Birthday wish. Good luck to you! Hopefully more ETA-Colombia applicants join the forum.



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I am a Colombia applicant but for the research grant, I don't think I have seen a lot of research grants for Colombia in this forum. Alas, good luck to all of you, I hope I can snatch one of the 7 spots for the research grant and if not there's always next year :) 

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Were you able to apply to more than one Fulbright? I thought it was only one per year?


The way the US-UK Fulbright Partnership Award program is set up, an applicant can apply for up to three grants at once. In my case, I am applying to MA programs at two UK universities, so I listed both on my Fulbright application.


Also, did anyone else notice the deadline was extended for the Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship? Certainly seems to add more credence to the claim that Fulbright is working more slowly than previous years.  

Edited by cbcurley
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The way the US-UK Fulbright Partnership Award program is set up, an applicant can apply for up to three grants at once. In my case, I am applying to MA programs at two UK universities, so I listed both on my Fulbright application.


Also, did anyone else notice the deadline was extended for the Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship? Certainly seems to add more credence to the claim that Fulbright is working more slowly than previous years.  

 I wish I had known that or been told by my Fulbright Advisor. I don't see it anywhere on the website. Weird.

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I hear you. When I was deciding which country I wanted to apply to, Russia or Georgia, that very question factored in my decision. Albeit, it was only one of several factors, but I felt I had a better shot at getting into Fulbright Georgia than I did Fulbright Russia. Who knows how things would have turned out had I applied for Russia? That being said, however, somebody has to make up that 15% and 5%, why not it be you? :) Good luck! 


I just found out today that for China research grants, there are 60 fellowships and 130 applicants. That's almost a 50% chance! :o

Edited by kbui
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About application statistics: The last woman awarded an ETA at my school actually applied for Hungary, but Fulbright asked her if she'd be interested in Bulgaria instead. She changed her application as Fulbright requested, and was awarded an ETA to Bulgaria. So my FPA told me that they can look beyond the applicant pool for a specific country, if they didn't find what they were looking for. I think this applies mostly to countries that get fewer applicants, though.

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About application statistics: The last woman awarded an ETA at my school actually applied for Hungary, but Fulbright asked her if she'd be interested in Bulgaria instead. She changed her application as Fulbright requested, and was awarded an ETA to Bulgaria. So my FPA told me that they can look beyond the applicant pool for a specific country, if they didn't find what they were looking for. I think this applies mostly to countries that get fewer applicants, though.

This also happened to Brazil (ETA) last year. Fulbright asked applicants who were rejected from Colombia if they would accept an ETA grant to Brazil instead.

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An early good morning and happy MLK Day to you all! So, I received an e-mail this morning from another Fulbright Armenia research grantee (she went recently). A friend introduced us via e-mail and I told her about my project proposal and vice versa. Then, she remarked how nice it is that Fulbright Armenia is doling out research grants again because they cut the program last year and were only giving it to ETAs. I'm really panicking now, and want to double-check my sources/connections. I know I'm the only Armenia applicant on this forum, but has anyone heard of something like this? This is the first time I'm hearing it. 

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Yea I mean they cut programs from time to time. They'd make some sort of announcement or email all the applicants. They cancelled Egypt last year right before the fulbrighters were supposed to start... Can be funding, security, relationship with committee in-country...

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I am positive that we will find out this week...and maybe even on Wednesday! (maybe they want to shake it up a bit...well, I am hopeful).

I hope so too! I'm telling myself to not get antsy though until Thursday. :-P

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I just found out today that for China research grants, there are 60 fellowships and 130 applicants. That's almost a 50% chance! :o

Fantastic! Now I'm gonna feel especially bad if I don't get recommended, haha...

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Delurking. I've been obsessively, unhealthily checking this forum and finally decided to contribute. Like most of you, I am barely tolerating this waiting game and very anxious to find out the results. Anyways, I applied for a research grant for India. Wishing all of you good luck!

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Wow! I had no idea. That is really good news, though I am trying not to have any expectations. I majored in cultural anthropology as an undergrad and my project is in anthropology (media focused). I proposed looking at how television serials depict female roles and gender violence and exploring how it impacts perceptions of women and said violence. How about you? What is your project area and topic, if you don't mind sharing?

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Wow! I had no idea. That is really good news, though I am trying not to have any expectations. I majored in cultural anthropology as an undergrad and my project is in anthropology (media focused). I proposed looking at how television serials depict female roles and gender violence and exploring how it impacts perceptions of women and said violence. How about you? What is your project area and topic, if you don't mind sharing?

Hello, fellow anthropologist specializing in women and violence! What a fascinating, yet very depressing, topic. 

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That's a great topic! I studied history and gender studies. I hope to research the history of African American jazz musicians that fled racism at home in the 1920s-1950s and moved to India. I hope to study their involvement in the Indian independence movement as well as the role of jazz as diplomacy in India during the Cold War.

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Hello, fellow anthropologist specializing in women and violence! What a fascinating, yet very depressing, topic. 

It's a fairly disturbing topic, for sure and my project would entail watching these serials and documenting instances of violence over a period of time. I have watched a few indian serials and was shocked at how commonplace violence towards women is. I am not particularly looking forward to having to witness this violence repeatedly, but I if I am afforded the opportunity to do this research, I think it will be a rewarding and interesting experience overall. I am assuming your project is also related to women and violence? What does it entail?

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That's a great topic! I studied history and gender studies. I hope to research the history of African American jazz musicians that fled racism at home in the 1920s-1950s and moved to India. I hope to study their involvement in the Indian independence movement as well as the role of jazz as diplomacy in India during the Cold War.

 That sounds incredibly fascinating! I wasn't even aware there was a movement of jazz musicians to India..or that jazz even had a place in the country historically. I think it's incredible how people come up with such unique, interesting projects for research.

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It's a fairly disturbing topic, for sure and my project would entail watching these serials and documenting instances of violence over a period of time. I have watched a few indian serials and was shocked at how commonplace violence towards women is. I am not particularly looking forward to having to witness this violence repeatedly, but I if I am afforded the opportunity to do this research, I think it will be a rewarding and interesting experience overall. I am assuming your project is also related to women and violence? What does it entail?

I completely agree! I have a cultural anthropology background as well. My project is in Armenia and I want to focus on post-violence situations, like ethnic Armenian refugee women from Syria, Iraq, and Azerbaijan who are all living in Armenia and how they establish intra-group solidarity and networks. Basically, if they help each other survive after escaping or if they are independent of each other. I'm explaining this very poorly!

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