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2014 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results

Monochrome Spring

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have yet to hear from my last school - Boston University but on a happy note I got accepted into the master's program at Queens College.

Congrats!!! I'm still waiting on Boston too. Weird process they have.

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Well by the time you go to their third week they already accepted a big bulk of international students and almost ever international I met during the 3rd week got put into this "we want you put can't afford you" wait-list because they had already accepted internationals from the previous two weeks. I also know quite a few faculty and administration from my two summers and a few of them outright told me that had I gone to the 1st or 2nd week I would have been admitted without a doubt. Still, MIT is a great place regardless and I feel going to Stanford and expanding my network is for my benefit, I can always post-doc at MIT :P.

Hmm. Well the international I met during the second weekend was admitted after the third interview date (I think there were 3 internationals the entire weekend)... But regardless, if what you're saying is true that's a little surprising.


Anyways, the science at Stanford and MIT is both cutting-edge, and you'll have an awesome time there I'm sure! I even think we might cross paths in the science field in the future... who knows right haha.

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I just informed Harvard Biophysics of my intent to accept their offer! (I haven't officially accepted it yet because they're helping me work out some logistics with considering a one-year deferral, but everything should be official within the next few days.)


It's been a wild ride! I'm reposting my stats and results here to help future gradcafers. If I could do one thing differently, it would be to think more carefully before accepting interview offers. I accepted 7 interview offers because I didn't think about waiting to see how many I got before accepting them; this turned out to be way too many for me, and I ended up awkwardly canceling two of them shortly beforehand. There's no harm in holding off on accepting interview offers for a few weeks, and if like me you're lucky enough to get a good number of them, doing so could save you a lot of travel fatigue and/or cancellation guilt.


I feel extremely lucky to have gotten offers to several wonderful programs and to now be extremely excited about the program I've chosen to attend - because I think a lot of this IS luck! The lesson I take from this is that I now feel very humbled to have ended up somewhere that I think I'll be very happy, and that I'd also urge people whose application seasons didn't go how they wanted not to feel like it reflects too much on them or their abilities as scientists. By all means work to make your application as strong as possible, but don't let the sometimes highly subjective decision of an admissions committee define how you feel about your academic or personal worth. 


Good luck to everyone in future gradcafe generations. Keep calm through all the waiting; I know it's hard, but the worrying doesn't get you anywhere! (: 


Undergrad Institution: Top 5 research (ivy) 

Major(s): Molecular and Cellular Biology
Minor(s): Philosophy
GPA in Major: 3.7
Overall GPA: 3.8
Position in Class: Probably between 10 - 15% 
Type of Student: Domestic female
GRE Scores (revised version):
Q: 91%
V: 98%
W: 99%

Biochem: 92%

Research Experience: ~2 years in an HHMI lab. No publications. 

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nothing, really. 

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  Tutored genetics and multivariable calculus for a couple summers. 

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: None.

Applying to where + results:

Harvard Biophysics (accepted, attending)
MIT Biology (accepted)

Berkeley Biophysics (declined interview)

Caltech Biology (accepted)

Baylor College of Medicine Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics (accepted)

Stanford Genetics (declined interview)

Princeton Quantitative & Computational Biology (accepted)

Duke Cognitive Neuroscience Admitting Program (accepted)

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Got the only official acceptance just then.


Undergrad Institution: Local University

Major(s): Applied Biology
Minor(s): Biotechnology
GPA in Major: 2.3/4.0
Overall GPA: 2.3/4.0
Position in Class: last one out with honors 
Type of Student: International female
GRE Scores (revised version):
Q: 166
V: 152
W: 3.5

Biochem: no subject

Research Experience: 5 years, full time, in WHO reference lab. 5 Publications with 3 First authorship. 4 Pending. 

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: No.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  Time and patience? 

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: 3 Strong LoR from no name. Being an Asian with fluent spoken and written English?


Application: see my signature. Never give up.

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I got pulled off a waitlist! I got the email about 20 minutes ago that I have been accepted by Einstein! :)


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I liked Einstein when I interviewed there, they have some really cool microbio research going on. Plus I like to think me giving up my waitlist spot helped. :-P Congrats again!

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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I liked Einstein when I interviewed there, they have some really cool microbio research going on. Plus I like to think me giving up my waitlist spot helped. :-P Congrats again!

Lol I think it did, too  ;). Thank you! :)

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I got rejected at Michigan State after being on wait-list for several weeks.  In the end, this means that i've been rejected from every school except the one that I wanted to go to the most. Ironic!


Today, I was awarded a huge fellowship from the University of Michigan - Rackham Merit Award for Science. This covers full tuition + benefits for 5 years. This does not change my original funding plan from the Ecology & Evolutionary Biology department (ie no additional money). However, it does mean that I am only required to teach for 2 years, instead of 3, and I get an opportunity for extra funding this summer.


So excited for the years ahead.



Reposting my stats:


Undergrad Institution: Small State School

Major(s): Biology with a focus in Ecology and Biodiversity
Minor(s): n/a
GPA in Major: 3.74
Overall GPA: 3.76
Position in Class: no idea
Type of Student: non-traditional (started at age 25), first generation
GRE Scores (revised version):
Q: 150
V: 145
W: 2

(I don't test well - but there's hope for you too if you're in the same boat!)

Research Experience: ~ 2.5 years + 1 year as a lab tech.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: President's/Deans lists several times, huge grant/scholarship from CSU system, several scholarships through Uni

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  Lab Tech

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Strong and personal Letters of Recommendation



Advice for those new to the process: start as early as you can with the process (ie write all your statements early with several drafts; email and develop relationships with potential PI's), and concentrate on fit rather than prestige.

Edited by microarray
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Hi all!

I've been accepted at 2 schools but I still haven't heard from my top one. They interviewed me 2 months ago and they didn't wait-list me or anything. I was there doing an intership last summer so I know everyone on the committee and they have always been really nice. I sent them an email 2 weeks ago asking if I still have some option or I should assume the rejection at this point. They never replied. 


As April 15th is getting closer, should I accept at my second choice and forget about it? You think is there any possibility of being accepted at my top school at this point?  Really hate this situation. 

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Hi all!

I've been accepted at 2 schools but I still haven't heard from my top one. They interviewed me 2 months ago and they didn't wait-list me or anything. I was there doing an intership last summer so I know everyone on the committee and they have always been really nice. I sent them an email 2 weeks ago asking if I still have some option or I should assume the rejection at this point. They never replied. 


As April 15th is getting closer, should I accept at my second choice and forget about it? You think is there any possibility of being accepted at my top school at this point?  Really hate this situation. 


I would try calling them, emails are way too easy to ignore. You may have to hound them/talk to multiple people, but don't stop until you get your answer and good luck!

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Hi all!

I've been accepted at 2 schools but I still haven't heard from my top one. They interviewed me 2 months ago and they didn't wait-list me or anything. I was there doing an intership last summer so I know everyone on the committee and they have always been really nice. I sent them an email 2 weeks ago asking if I still have some option or I should assume the rejection at this point. They never replied. 


As April 15th is getting closer, should I accept at my second choice and forget about it? You think is there any possibility of being accepted at my top school at this point?  Really hate this situation. 

call them. They might give a generic answer like we will let you know in the upcoming weeks. Tell them you need to make a decision soon.

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

Funny how I got accepted to the schools you are rejected from.

Pretty sure the joke's on you, douche face. Err_Alpha said he/she got rejected from the low-tier schools and accepted to the high-tier schools. So you're bragging that you got accepted into low-tier schools? Good for you, clown boy. 

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Guest Gnome Chomsky

SciencePerson is butt hurt. He couldn't even reply. Just down voted me. Probably too busy trying to decide between Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. Lot of good schools. If you want my advice, I'd go with etc. 

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I officially accepted the offer from Einstein! I'm so excited to start in August!


Okay, so here are my stats:


Undergrad Institution: Mid-size state school

Major(s): Biology with a focus in Cell and Molecular Biology
Minor(s): General Anthropology
GPA in Major: n/a (My department never gave one, oddly enough)
Overall GPA: 3.68
Position in Class: There were positions?
Type of Student: Traditional, whole family went to college
GRE Scores (revised version):
Q: 160
V: 166
W: 4

Biology: 740

Research Experience: 1 year High School, roughly 3 years between 2 labs (one at undergrad and one in home city)
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List all semesters, Graduated Cum Laude

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  Worked as a lab TA at undergrad institution, tutored science at undergrad, tutored math and science to high school and middle school students during gap year.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Really passionate SOP?


Advice for those new to the process: Start early and don't get discouraged! If you don't get in the first time you apply, try to bolster your application and try again. Also, keep on top of your LORs! I got rejected from one school because my application wasn't complete until nearly 2 months after the deadline due to my former PI forgetting to turn it in. Remember, it's YOUR responsibility to make sure everything gets to your school, not your professors' or your undergrad institution. On a final note, have fun during interviews and be yourself! It's a great opportunity to meet tons of different people and learn something new. I was afraid to talk about my research because everyone else's projects sounded so much more interesting, but it turns out there were people who thought the same thing about me.  

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It was the shortest rejection I've gotten haha. "Too many qualified, thanks and good luck!" Haha


Yes, definitely very concise! But I thought it was still pleasant enough.

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