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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Have you guys filled them out? I always get sketched out filling out forms like that... I have no idea about expected income and paying into retirement funds and what scholarships I've secured etc. It freaks me out that in the fine details they can potentially kick you out for misleading information.... it's all slightly misleading as I have no idea how to answer all the questions. Ha.


What have you done about it? It's due soon...


I would not panic. They just want estimates. They even give a text box for you to explain which I used. I basically just estimated what I spend on everything every month multiply it by 12 for that page detailing out your annual expenses. As far as the scholarship, expected income is concerned, I put a lot of zeros down. I'm not going to have financial help from my parents and I am hoping to get a job at whatever school I go to (which I put in the text box) and I currently have no outside scholarships lined up (although I wrote that I will be looking for outside money once I know I've gotten into a program). I'm sure I'll have some income but I wrote in the text box that I plan on taking out loans to cover some of my living expenses etc. 


If you don't pay into a retirement fund like a 401K or Roth IRA then those questions don't pertain to you. Just put a big old zero and move on!


I really doubt that if you earnestly answer the questions to the best of your knowledge they will reject you if you get something wrong. Just do your best! I hope this helps.

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Congrats on everyone receiving interviews and acceptances! HANG IN THERE.


Question to those that have interviewed...What sorts of questions do they ask? 

Run of the mill, any curve balls? I have my painting interview at Yale & get really nervous in interview situations. 

For some reason I added the pressure of trying to finish some new work to bring. I'm crazy.


Also, still haven't heard from Northwestern, though some people heard back days ago...

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What a beautiful sentiment Tomberry! I completely agree in the gap year I took from applying my work has progressed, I have progressed, and I feel more grounded and ready to take on this challenge.


That being said, I just got a rejection email from one of the schools. I'm trying to not feel discouraged. I think I'll feel better once I know what is happening with my life (as we all will). Is it mid-March yet?


Thanks! I know it doesn't seem as valid when it's coming from somebody who seems to be having a good run of it. I was watching the "news" and some writer was on plugging for her new book The Up Side of Down: Why Failing is the Key to Success and I just thought, what a funny coincidence. It's kind of in line with Malcolm Gladwell's work on advantageous disadvantages. In my personal experience, I find that people with more varied/deep experiences tend to be much more driven and interesting. I think you could find a lot of artists, politicians, and other famous people that support that concept.

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Congrats on everyone receiving interviews and acceptances! HANG IN THERE.


Question to those that have interviewed...What sorts of questions do they ask? 

Run of the mill, any curve balls? I have my painting interview at Yale & get really nervous in interview situations. 

For some reason I added the pressure of trying to finish some new work to bring. I'm crazy.


Also, still haven't heard from Northwestern, though some people heard back days ago...

Yes, people, what the hell do they want to know?

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Writing answers to these questions was a decent way to do something productive in this time of waiting and bit fingernails. The hardest to answer off the cuff that I've heard of came from a Northwestern interview: why art? Just two words, but how to answer that quickly and succinctly?

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I'm starting to detest the words "complete ready for review" when I login to the portal. Waiting is incredibly difficult. I just want an answer one way or the other. *sigh*


Mine still says "complete ready for review". Here's what I actually received in the personal email in response to my query: "The faculty in the Department of Painting + Printmaking met last week to determine an interview short-list; unfortunately your application was not among those selected.  As you likely know, this is an extremely competitive process, given that we can accept only 9 students from almost 200 applicants."

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Mine still says "complete ready for review". Here's what I actually received in the personal email in response to my query: "The faculty in the Department of Painting + Printmaking met last week to determine an interview short-list; unfortunately your application was not among those selected.  As you likely know, this is an extremely competitive process, given that we can accept only 9 students from almost 200 applicants."


Thanks for the info. Still waiting on VCU for Visual Communications (plus almost all of the other schools I applied to). I've got to get focused on something else to keep my mind off of this waiting and the possibilities. It's hard because so much of my future depends on where I'm going to grad school. 

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Thanks! I know it doesn't seem as valid when it's coming from somebody who seems to be having a good run of it. I was watching the "news" and some writer was on plugging for her new book The Up Side of Down: Why Failing is the Key to Success and I just thought, what a funny coincidence. It's kind of in line with Malcolm Gladwell's work on advantageous disadvantages. In my personal experience, I find that people with more varied/deep experiences tend to be much more driven and interesting. I think you could find a lot of artists, politicians, and other famous people that support that concept.


I agree and I applied to some very competitive programs and I know in my heart that I did everything to the best of my current ability and you send those thoughts out into the universe and hope it is enough. I'm not going to let some potential rejections affect my self-worth. Of course, we all want to get accepted but the reality is these schools are competitive and top tier because of the amount of applicants they reject each year. It seems pointless to doubt my judgment and acumen now (although easier said than done, right?). In any case, I think I should know everything by March 15th so I'm not going to let myself get too crazy while I wait for that to happen and it's not like this is the only pathway. It's a path I eventually want to take but there is a whole big world to be travelled, experiences to be had and new cultures to explore so either way I expect I'll be alright.


That being said, I do really want to get accepted but there is always room for further growth, more art books to read, more galleries to be visited and more work to be made. While I'd love to do this under the umbrella of an academic program, I won't stop if I don't get into one.

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Almost had a heart attack as I checked my email to see an email from George Mason U's MFA program. Apparently they misplaced my resume so they just needed a copy of it again. I did confirm with them that they still had my portfolio and was told they had a "transition in their office" and my resume might have been accidentally misplaced. So, if you applied to GMU, be aware. 


I also asked her for timeframe of decisions... Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Response:


"Typically decisions are made by March 15th. Depending on the number of applicants, it could be earlier or later than that. But hopefully that gives you a frame of reference."


The waiting is torture. 

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I got interview call from Yale (3 year GD) and from VCU (2 yr GD). Does anyone have any idea what do they ask in the interviews.




Mustafa, you said VCU GD - I'm assuming Graphic Design. Is that the same as their Visual Communications MFA program or something different???

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Mustafa, you said VCU GD - I'm assuming Graphic Design. Is that the same as their Visual Communications MFA program or something different???



Its the same.  Sorry in VCU the course is of visual communication my bad

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I was accepted to SAIC Sculpture last year, didn't go though, $42,000 a year is too much.

All I know is that they interviewed about 40 ppl for 12 or so spots.

Hi Coreythegiraffe,


Could you share what your SAIC sculpture interview was like last year?  Did you Skype or visit in person?  What was the review like?  Was it just faculty or were there current students present? Any particular questions beyond the obvious about artwork?

and this is silly but i had to ask… did you wear nice 'interview' clothes or casual clothes?


Anything you can share would be really helpful. Thanks!

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Just heard from RISD--got an interview! Now the real nerves begin.. 


I know you guys are already talking about interview questions, I'm wondering if anyone knows a good way to tackle the question

"where does your work fit within contemporary art?" 

Are they looking for your knowledge of contemporary art? Or are they looking for you to make an argument for why anyone should give a s**t about your work?  

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Just heard from RISD--got an interview! Now the real nerves begin.. 


I know you guys are already talking about interview questions, I'm wondering if anyone knows a good way to tackle the question

"where does your work fit within contemporary art?" 

Are they looking for your knowledge of contemporary art? Or are they looking for you to make an argument for why anyone should give a s**t about your work?  



I think it's a little bit of a combo pack but mostly do you know other contemporary artists who are making work along the same vein as you and furthermore, where do you fit into that? What are you doing and how is it unique? None of us are in a bubble when it comes to art. Whether we like it or not we are all influenced by the work and images that have come before us. How do contextualize the history of photography and how are you making it your own? This probably fits a lot into your artist statement. :)


Hope this helps and good luck with your interview!

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