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NSF GRFP 2013-14


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Yes -- I also accidentally submitted an essay over its page limit. Woops! I suppose this is why it isn't good to do things at the last minute.

I was going to say it may be OKAY, but the over the page limit is definitely an auto-denial as it is viewed as unfair advantage. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 

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I was going to say it may be OKAY, but the over the page limit is definitely an auto-denial as it is viewed as unfair advantage. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 


Yeah, they often give a little bit of wiggle room around the on-the-hour deadline, ostensibly to account for clock variation and server backup, but those extra lines are gonna be an auto-kill.

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Yeah, they often give a little bit of wiggle room around the on-the-hour deadline, ostensibly to account for clock variation and server backup, but those extra lines are gonna be an auto-kill.

Ahh. Bummer. Does anyone know if my letter writers will somehow be notified that my application was prematurely rejected?

Edited by YokedBrah
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Dammit, I am exactly one paragraph over my page limit on the personal statement/&c. and I have spent hours cutting it down.  That last paragraph on p. 4 is killing me!   :angry:

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.                                                                                                                                                                                                 why would you want to kill me?

.                                                                                                                                                                                                   I've done you no wrong.

Edited by child of 2
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Argh... For some reason every time I upload my unofficial transcript the uploader changes it to landscape format and everything is rotated sideways even though it is normal in the original format. I hope this doesn't doom me. :(

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Argh... For some reason every time I upload my unofficial transcript the uploader changes it to landscape format and everything is rotated sideways even though it is normal in the original format. I hope this doesn't doom me. :(


Mine does, too.  :|  Here's hoping they print stuff out to review it...?

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Is anyone else interested in doing therapeutics research? If so, how are you going about the personal statement? I've heard that the NSF really doesn't like supporting research that could be covered by the NIH, but does this intend to research in the next stage of my career? I'm in a lab doing bioengineering for basic science applications, but my motivation for being here (and in grad school in general) is to learn the techniques and apply them to therapeutics development during a post-doc or later. Is that safe to keep that in my personal statement, or should I stay away from the subject completely?

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Anyone else entering the field of affective neuroscience and not sure what to put as their primary field?


Was considering cognitive neuroscience + social psychology, but not entirely sure...

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So quick question about the 1'' margins - how are they checking this? Do they use an automated program or something? Because I set my 1'' margins using MS word but under really high magnification it looks like a few of the serifs on letters cross the 1'' boundary (admittedly by 0.0019 ''). Even writing this I know how ridiculously neurotic it sounds but still, if they use some computer to automatically check the boundaries might any excess, no matter how small, come back as a violation? Can't wait to be done...

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I've never had a problem with their software misinterpreting MS Word-set 1" margins as anything under 1". Don't worry about it. If you want to be absolutely sure, convert it to a PDF before uploading so you don't have to rely on FastLane's conversion software.

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Graduate research statement finally through with all revisions!  One set of revisions left on the personal statement, I think.


How is everyone else doing (esp Nov 7 deadline folks)?

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I foolishly did not double check the spacing for proposal before sending it in. The spacing is a tiny bit under single spacing, and the references are at 0.7 spacing instead of 1.0 spacing. Does anyone know anyone who has been DQed for things such as these? The changes don't affect the length that much, and its difficult to notice unless you are looking for it. Anyone know if the process is automated? Is it every worth messaging them?

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I foolishly did not double check the spacing for proposal before sending it in. The spacing is a tiny bit under single spacing, and the references are at 0.7 spacing instead of 1.0 spacing. Does anyone know anyone who has been DQed for things such as these? The changes don't affect the length that much, and its difficult to notice unless you are looking for it. Anyone know if the process is automated? Is it every worth messaging them?


Hate to be the second bearer of bad news on this thread but I do think it is likely that your application will be DQ'd. Formatting is one of the first criteria used to weed out applications, especially when you have thousands. Also, the extra space (as little or non-significant as it may be) constitutes an unfair advantage. You can hope it won't be noticed but my guess would be that after seeing hundreds of applications formatted in 1' margins, 0.7' margins might be easier to spot than one might think. 

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