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NSF GRFP 2013-14


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I have to vent my frustrations here. 

I was talking to some people today about how they are raising the stipend in lieu of upping the number of awards. I expected the conversation to go the way it has been on this forum. I was dumbfounded when I heard a current fellow say that he IS GLAD that the number of awards isn't going up because his title as an NSF fellow will remain prestigious. My jaw hit the floor. The number of people applying to the GRFP increases every year - it's about time that the number of awards increased as well. Prestige is not an issue - just because the number of awards are increasing doesn't mean that NSF would suddenly start funding, as he called it "crap science". He seemed to think that with the extra 700 awards possibly being given out this year, NSF would be scraping the bottom of the barrel to fill those spots. After all of this - and the look of shock on my face - he asked if I knew if his award would increase because "it's only right". WHAT?!? I don't know about you all - but I do what I do for the love of it. Money is necessary to live and be able to do what I love to do but I am certainly not in science for the money. GRRRRRRRRRRR.

Wow that is all sorts of messed up. Talk about making out science to be an exclusive club. I completely disagree with this fellow. The emphasis should be on expanding the prevalence of science in society and having that sort of attitude is the exact opposite of what you would think NSF wants. Hopefully this person presents the vast minority (which I would like to believe is true).Considering the wealth of quality candidates who are passionate about their field (not the money) that apply for this fellowship, it seems reasonable to expand the number of awards with the additional funding.   

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I have to vent my frustrations here. 

I was talking to some people today about how they are raising the stipend in lieu of upping the number of awards. I expected the conversation to go the way it has been on this forum. I was dumbfounded when I heard a current fellow say that he IS GLAD that the number of awards isn't going up because his title as an NSF fellow will remain prestigious. My jaw hit the floor. The number of people applying to the GRFP increases every year - it's about time that the number of awards increased as well. Prestige is not an issue - just because the number of awards are increasing doesn't mean that NSF would suddenly start funding, as he called it "crap science". He seemed to think that with the extra 700 awards possibly being given out this year, NSF would be scraping the bottom of the barrel to fill those spots. After all of this - and the look of shock on my face - he asked if I knew if his award would increase because "it's only right". WHAT?!? I don't know about you all - but I do what I do for the love of it. Money is necessary to live and be able to do what I love to do but I am certainly not in science for the money. GRRRRRRRRRRR.


This isn't the first time I've heard anyone complain about the number of GRFP awards. Back when the number of awards first began increasing from 900 awards (or whatever it was), a professor of mine was complaining about the fellowship losing prestige. I guess applicants for the fellowship and full professors looking to hire new assistant profs view these things very differently.


I guess I could understand this prestige complaint for other fellowships, like the Hertz or DOE, but it seems to go against the NSF mission statement for the GRFP.

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I won a GRFP fellowship on my second go-around.  It has really been a game changer for me . . . and although I sometimes forget about the prestige factor, most times I mention it to a professor they react by highlighting how prestigious that award is.  Hopefully (a few years down the road) a hiring committee will still view it that way.  Mostly it just feels good to have your research validated, and feel like you're part of a larger community of researchers that is making a positive difference in the world.

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So I recently found out I got into grad school (applied for GRFP during a gap year) but I imagine it's too late to let the NSF know and have that (positively) affect my chances. Anyone have any thoughts? Good luck, only ~2 weeks of stressing left. 

Edited by Neuro_Guy
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So I recently found out I got into grad school (applied for GRFP during a gap year) but I imagine it's too late to let the NSF know and have that (positively) affect my chances. Anyone have any thoughts? Good luck, only ~2 weeks of stressing left. 

I don't think getting accepted into a graduate program affects your chances at all with respect to GRFP (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I think they will just judge you based on intellectual merit (most likely undergrad grades+research) and broader impacts. I don't think you already being a first year PhD student or senior undergrad matters (again, this is as far as my knowledge is of the program). 


In summary, I wouldn't stress out (too much). BTW, congrats on your acceptance; is you attending this program tied to you getting GRFP?

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I don't think getting accepted into a graduate program affects your chances at all with respect to GRFP (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). I think they will just judge you based on intellectual merit (most likely undergrad grades+research) and broader impacts. I don't think you already being a first year PhD student or senior undergrad matters (again, this is as far as my knowledge is of the program). 


In summary, I wouldn't stress out (too much). BTW, congrats on your acceptance; is you attending this program tied to you getting GRFP?


Seeing as you MUST be accepted (or already enrolled) in order to even accept the award... Congrats on meeting the minimum requirements.

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So I recently found out I got into grad school (applied for GRFP during a gap year) but I imagine it's too late to let the NSF know and have that (positively) affect my chances. Anyone have any thoughts? Good luck, only ~2 weeks of stressing left. 


Being accepted is a condition for accepting the reward but I don't think they consider it when basing their decision. I bet you could update your profile though, but I don't think anybody is looking at it at this point.

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Being accepted is a condition for accepting the reward but I don't think they consider it when basing their decision. I bet you could update your profile though, but I don't think anybody is looking at it at this point.


You can't update your profile at this point.

Edited by Monochrome Spring
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So I recently found out I got into grad school (applied for GRFP during a gap year) but I imagine it's too late to let the NSF know and have that (positively) affect my chances. Anyone have any thoughts? Good luck, only ~2 weeks of stressing left. 

Mirroring what others have mentioned, getting into grad school would not affect your chances (aside from needing to be enrolled to accept/receive award). Also, I heard from a colleague of a 2014 reviewer that they were done reviewing a few weeks ago. They've probably since been working on lists and logistics (purely speculation and spookery of course). Best of luck to everyone when the GRFP groundhog comes out of his hole in a week or two! I have 0 expectations, but hope for the best. Buenos suerte!   :D


Edit: Congrats on getting into grad school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by iheartplants
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Oh, and because I don't want anyone else to neurotically do what I just did...No judging 


Previous release times:

2013 :Friday, March 29, 2013 @ ~2:00AM

2012: Friday, April 1, 2012 @ ~2:00AM

2011: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ ~12:50AM

2010: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ ~1:00AM

2009: Friday, April 10, 2009 @ ~1:00AM

2008: Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @ ~2:00AM

2007: Monday, March 23. 2007 @ ~11:20 PM

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Oh, and because I don't want anyone else to neurotically do what I just did...No judging 


Previous release times:

2013 :Friday, March 29, 2013 @ ~2:00AM

2012: Friday, April 1, 2012 @ ~2:00AM

2011: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ ~12:50AM

2010: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ ~1:00AM

2009: Friday, April 10, 2009 @ ~1:00AM

2008: Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @ ~2:00AM

2007: Monday, March 23. 2007 @ ~11:20 PM

Ohhh thanks for this! I am been wondering when stuff usually comes out. Looks like it varies a lot. I didn't read through this whole thread because I just found it, but can someone give me a quick overview of how the notification works? I heard from other students that they usually post online (but where exactly on the website? or will it be obvious from the front page?) way before they send out the emails. Seems reasonable to me since that's how the Goldwater Foundation does their award notifications as well.

Can't wait.... want to find out now!!! 


Has anyone's research statement/hypothesis/methods/specific area of interest, etc. changed since applying so many months ago? 

Mine has changed a lot. Or maybe changed isn't a good word. I think I've just become very quickly exposed to a ton of research area that I didn't know were research areas, and feel like I could love all of them. Thankfully you don't have to pursue the exact project you describe in your NSF proposal in graduate school! :)

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Thanks everyone for the advice and the congrats. I was worried for a min that I missed an opportunity to improve my chances so I'm relieved that this isn't an issue (aside from now being legally able to accept it if the planets align ) To jeffleung1992, fortunately no; I can't even recall if the program knows I applied for the GRFP. 

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Ohhh thanks for this! I am been wondering when stuff usually comes out. Looks like it varies a lot. I didn't read through this whole thread because I just found it, but can someone give me a quick overview of how the notification works? I heard from other students that they usually post online (but where exactly on the website? or will it be obvious from the front page?) way before they send out the emails. Seems reasonable to me since that's how the Goldwater Foundation does their award notifications as well.

Can't wait.... want to find out now!!! 


Mine has changed a lot. Or maybe changed isn't a good word. I think I've just become very quickly exposed to a ton of research area that I didn't know were research areas, and feel like I could love all of them. Thankfully you don't have to pursue the exact project you describe in your NSF proposal in graduate school! :)


From my understanding the GRFP fastlane site goes down sometime Thursday night and gets updated and back online sometime early friday morning (midnight-5am ish?) Once the site's back up, it has a list of that year's awards and HMs

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Has anyone's research statement/hypothesis/methods/specific area of interest, etc. changed since applying so many months ago? 


I found out a dissertation was recently completed very similar to what I proposed. Luckily, I had already started to find a particular aspect more interesting and as I read through the dissertation it seems like they will complement each other rather than conflict. Since the GRFP funds the scholar and not the project I don't think it will be an issue regardless.

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Ohhh thanks for this! I am been wondering when stuff usually comes out. Looks like it varies a lot. I didn't read through this whole thread because I just found it, but can someone give me a quick overview of how the notification works? I heard from other students that they usually post online (but where exactly on the website? or will it be obvious from the front page?) way before they send out the emails. Seems reasonable to me since that's how the Goldwater Foundation does their award notifications as well.

Can't wait.... want to find out now!!!

You will be able to see the list of all of the awardees here: https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/grfp/AwardeeList.do?method=loadAwardeeList


Also, if you are awarded it will say "Hello, Fellow!" where it currently says "Hello, Applicant!" They will also email you if, like me, you don't intend to stay up all night waiting to find out.

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Oh, and because I don't want anyone else to neurotically do what I just did...No judging 


Previous release times:

2013 :Friday, March 29, 2013 @ ~2:00AM

2012: Friday, April 1, 2012 @ ~2:00AM

2011: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ ~12:50AM

2010: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ ~1:00AM

2009: Friday, April 10, 2009 @ ~1:00AM

2008: Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @ ~2:00AM

2007: Monday, March 23. 2007 @ ~11:20 PM

You're a gentlewoman and a scholar! Thanks for this.

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Mine has changed a lot. Or maybe changed isn't a good word. I think I've just become very quickly exposed to a ton of research area that I didn't know were research areas, and feel like I could love all of them. Thankfully you don't have to pursue the exact project you describe in your NSF proposal in graduate school! :)


Ditto. Same school, same mentor, but the project I proposed is nowhere close to what I'll likely end up doing.

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Also, I just accepted an offer at UW, but they're only giving me TA funding for my first year. So now, I'm freaking out because no part of me wants to TA for my first year in graduate school, so I NEED this fellowship.

Edited by bathingintheneon
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