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International Development Applicants 2014/15 for SOAS, IHEID, LSE or Sciences Po?


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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)

Congrats angie! Anyway better acceptance than rej.  ;)  Sincerely hope the scholarship thing works out for you.

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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)


Congratulations and big hug! :) 


Mine still says under consideration. Hopefully i'll know by the end of the day.

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Thank you and same to you :)




Awww! A hug from me to you! Hope it wasnt among your top choice and yes tomorrow will be awesome. :)



Aww, I am sorry :(. Whiskey & a good night's sleep will make you feel slightly a bit better. I am sure tomorrow will be a great day!

Thanks guys!


Angie, it wasn't infact one of my top choices. So it's ok. But rejection sucks anyway. i WANT good news!


Kittythrones, that would have helped, yes. But i'm in a village in India for pre-election reporting and this hotel would freak out if i ask for whiskey. :P The plan is drown myself in work all day. 

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Okay so I just emailed IHEID and Ms Eicher just got back to me with this. I think it might be very well be a glitch. She said the following.

"Dear Angel,

Thank you for your message.

You will receive tomorrow morning the decisions on both admission and scholarship.

Please, be patient,

Best regards,

Paola Eicher"

So well there might just be home and silver linings and all. Sigh. Relieved. Happy.

Congratulations Angie! At least the long wait for decisions has ended and you will be able to start weighting your options!

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Congrats on getting in!!! You deserved it :). Hopefully, the scholarship thing was a complete fluke!


:( DAMN YOU PRE-ELECTION. Don't stay in the way of much-needed booze. How about dancing? Dancing is always a good way to relieve stress and unhappiness. 

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Most of us don't, because our campus is separate, we are allowed to take one course at UniGe, but no more etc. Many do use UniGe facilities, though! B)  IHEID kind of is its own little bubble in Geneva, we tend to be closer to the intern crowd than the general student crowd, since many of us intern at the UN while studying. I will say that there's completely different IHEID experiences depending on which program you choose. I chose IHEID over Oxford, JHU SAIS, Yale and Warwick, and changed from MIA to M.A. in IR/PS after arriving. I did not regret any of my choices!

The difference between programs within IHEID is THAT big?!

To choose IHEID over Oxford and Yale is kind of hard for me to imagine... :P

Good for you not to regret any of your choices. i may have to choose between IHEID and SAIS, either way there is bound to be some regret. :(

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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)


Congratulations Angie! You really have awesome colleges to choose from, hope the scholarship works out for you. Also, people I'm new to this forum, I applied for MIA from IHEID on 13th Jan, will I also be getting the result by today or tomorrow?

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Congratulations Angie! You really have awesome colleges to choose from, hope the scholarship works out for you. Also, people I'm new to this forum, I applied for MIA from IHEID on 13th Jan, will I also be getting the result by today or tomorrow?

No one knows...you will certainly get your result by the end of Friday though. Good luck!

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The difference between programs within IHEID is THAT big?!

To choose IHEID over Oxford and Yale is kind of hard for me to imagine... :P

Good for you not to regret any of your choices. i may have to choose between IHEID and SAIS, either way there is bound to be some regret. :(

But it's also very encouraging to hear additional confirmation that IHEID is a solid school!


And also @IRToni:

You said many IHEID students intern with IOs in Geneva.

I heard it's a really competitive scene. What's your take on chances of getting an internship in the area?

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But it's also very encouraging to hear additional confirmation that IHEID is a solid school!


And also @IRToni:

You said many IHEID students intern with IOs in Geneva.

I heard it's a really competitive scene. What's your take on chances of getting an internship in the area?

Excellent question dpgu800! I'm curious to get an answer to this from anyone with first hand experience

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But it's also very encouraging to hear additional confirmation that IHEID is a solid school!


And also @IRToni:

You said many IHEID students intern with IOs in Geneva.

I heard it's a really competitive scene. What's your take on chances of getting an internship in the area?

Sure that too! Looks like we all need that kind of confirmation lol

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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)




Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mine is still under consideration. I hope I will have some good new to share with you guys tomorrow 

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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)


Well done k_angie. At long last, you don't need to freak out and live in suspense anymore

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I'm doing the same to the LSE for You website and UCL portico website.....

I've been checking them constantly.......

And now I'm having doubts about my choice of program for LSE.... since it has a ridiculously low rate of acceptance (about 1/8), compared to some other Msc programs.... which had higher rates of acceptance and similar curriculum..... 

The doubts of my program choice coupled with the long wait is just driving me insane....

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So well I checked my online application follow up status and well what do you know!


Unfortunately no scholarship and it remains refused as yesterday which means it wasn't a technical fault. Nevertheless thanks for the support you guys!

Guess I am the first one to know from the deferred applicants. Haha irony! Though I haven't received an official email yet!

As for everyone else waiting I hope you guys get through with full scholarship!

Loads of wishes :)


Congratulations Angie! That makes 9/9 programmes you've been accepted to! If I may ask, what do you think you did differently with your application to IHEID this year vs your IHEID application last year?

All the best with finding alternative funding. :) Do you know whether you're leaning more towards IHEID or ScPo?

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I dropped a message for Ms Eicher and she said that we will get to know the results definitely tomorrow..another anxious night to kill :/

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all these refreshing the follow up page is gradually irritating me.... 



I'm doing the same to the LSE for You website and UCL portico website.....

I've been checking them constantly.......

And now I'm having doubts about my choice of program for LSE.... since it has a ridiculously low rate of acceptance (about 1/8), compared to some other Msc programs.... which had higher rates of acceptance and similar curriculum..... 

The doubts of my program choice coupled with the long wait is just driving me insane....


To be very honest I've more or less resigned myself to a rejection from IHEID, though I reckon it will still be heartbreaking to receive it. The fact that so many have already received their admissions and that they've waited so long to respond to me is highly discouraging, especially when considering the highly limited number of acceptances they issue for the programme.

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To be very honest I've more or less resigned myself to a rejection from IHEID, though I reckon it will still be heartbreaking to receive it. The fact that so many have already received their admissions and that they've waited so long to respond to me is highly discouraging, especially when considering the highly limited number of acceptances they issue for the programme.

thats very true, i should prepare myself for this. My mind and heart are already  drawing me towards Columbia given that all my beloved friends are gonna be in the US, yet i just need to see the result on the freaking page so I can be completely happy to accept my other offer and move on with my life. For me till this point, it is only about the money, if they accept me without giving money then going to Colum would probably be cheaper. 

I really don't know what is taking them so long. 

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I'm at work and I can't concentrate at all. But on the other hand, I don't want to find out because the fact that I haven't heard back yet makes me think it's bad news. Btw, has anyone heard beck about International Relations yet?

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I cant believe it. My Status is still Under Consideration...........


i fear that a rejection is coming. 


Is it not too cruel for the first round applicants to receive a rejection at the very last moment? If it is really a rejection, they would.  have known it way before as we were already assessed before the second round applicants.Why do they wait for the last moment to send it out?????


IHEID dun do this please. 

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I cant believe it. My Status is still Under Consideration...........


i fear that a rejection is coming. 


Is it not too cruel for the first round applicants to receive a rejection at the very last moment? If it is really a rejection, they would.  have known it way before as we were already assessed before the second round applicants.Why do they wait for the last moment to send it out?????


IHEID dun do this please. 


My theory is this:


1) The crème de la crème of the first round applicants were accepted in December. The definitely unqualified were rejected. The rest were postponed.


2) The clearly qualified second round applicants were admitted over the past 2 weeks. The pool of postponed applicants remains untouched.


3) The borderline qualified second round applicants were added to the pool of applicants postponed from the first round, possibly ranked.


4) Once all the clearly qualified applicants have been accepted, they begin reevaluating the pool of applicants within the constraints of the remaining places.


5) Some of the reevaluated borderline applicants will be refused, the others placed on the waiting list for the end of April result.

Long story short, I'm extremely anxious about the results and am trying to distract myself by conjuring up baseless theories.

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Hello Everyone! I have been following this thread on a regular basis. But this is my first post here. I thought I could cope up with my anxiety by simply reading it online, but apparently, I can't.

I have applied for IHEID, MDEV program, and my application is still under consideration. Anybody here whose application is still under consideration for MDEV??


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Hello Everyone! I have been following this thread on a regular basis. But this is my first post here. I thought I could cope up with my anxiety by simply reading it online, but apparently, I can't.

I have applied for IHEID, MDEV program, and my application is still under consideration. Anybody here whose application is still under consideration for MDEV??



Hi SIXX A.M. Second round MDEV applicant here, still under consideration.

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Hi SIXX A.M. Second round MDEV applicant here, still under consideration.

Ah!! Same here, second round applicant. I am sick of being a part of this hot or not being played by a few faculty members with my applications now. Can't keep it up with the anxiety now. Lol

And as far as your theory goes, - I just hope it's completely flawed. Lol.( don't mind me saying that haha, after such a long wait, I would not wanna read that theory in the last possible 48 hours of my acceptance :D) I would like to think that they are picking up the applications randomly, and thus mine has been delayed. :P

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