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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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Hey Everyone!


Figured I would join in more actively, though I've been worrying along. 


For those who have attended interviews, are you going business? Or anthro funky?


UFlorida has made their decisions, but will not send out official notifications for a week or two. Not sure if anyone else applied there. 



Congratualaionson on the UFlorida acceptance. Did you oficially interview them after you sent in your application? 

Edited by anthroflea
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Anthroflea: Hey! No, no interview. I had several phone convos and emails with profs I was interested in there, though. I think UFL is different from some other schools, you know, like I got the feeling that some didn't want to be bothered before they'd offered admission (for example, Duke's site politely requests no prior contact and stresses that it doesn't advantage your app) while others won't consider applicants who don't have three supporters who they've contacted, willing to be on the dissertation committee (this is what I was told about Florida). So feel free to take from that what you will. Thanks for the congrats, it is validating to hear from someone. I must stress though that they haven't sent the official notifications, so anyone else interested in that program need not suffer undue anxiety! 


MPollywog, I am so sorry to hear that. I was warned about funding at UTAustin, or I would have applied there as well, such a great program and wonderful city. I heard so much about funding woes from accepted applicants that I didn't throw my hat into that ring, so I congratulate you for applying and being conditionally accepted, way to go!

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Ahhhhh.... if anyone wants a laugh, I was just reading through all the SOPs I sent out, because I individualized them all quite distinctly, etc... and so I'm feeling all proud of myself, right, like, wow, this sounds great! This really articulates what i'd like to study/compare, blah... and then I read the last one. The one to Harvard. The one where I clearly mention "University of Virginia" in the last paragraph, as I'm making my bold closing statement. 



Is that worse than dropping the wrong name in bed?  :ph34r:

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Ahhhhh.... if anyone wants a laugh, I was just reading through all the SOPs I sent out, because I individualized them all quite distinctly, etc... and so I'm feeling all proud of myself, right, like, wow, this sounds great! This really articulates what i'd like to study/compare, blah... and then I read the last one. The one to Harvard. The one where I clearly mention "University of Virginia" in the last paragraph, as I'm making my bold closing statement. 



Is that worse than dropping the wrong name in bed?  :ph34r:

oh shoot. now im scared to go back and do the same thing.   :o

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It's a common mistake. But you can always email the grad secretary and ask if it's not too late, whether they can substitute a corrected statement...


Also, I've mentioned this elsewhere, but the Duke thing is pretty strange. If you read their sample SOPs one of them specifically mentions how he visited and met with his POIs prior to applying - and yet they tell you that you shouldn't do that - yet they give you examples of SOPs from students who did that. I think what this really means is "we're not going to publicly acknowledge that visiting and contacting POIs makes a difference, but it does."

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Canis- I hear you. I read the website statement and the sample successful SOPs, and came away with a similar thought. Ah well. Honestly, I say this for all of us: we only need one yes. That's advice straight from a well-loved prof. 


Have to celebrate out loud: Just got an email from UVA POI for informal phone interview this week! I'm all fluttering wings in a ribcage! 


Will email Harvard Secretary Monday morning to see if that is a possibility... but given previous posts, looks like I'd have been found out by now. And they were sooo expensive to apply to... sigh. But I have to try, of course. 


To everyone else waiting who feels like they are reliving teen angst, 


I hear you :rolleyes:

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If last year is any indication, we should hear from Brown by Wednesday. I'm preparing myself for that one. They were my top choice for undergrad and rejected me. I don't know why but I just suspect history will repeat itself.

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If last year is any indication, we should hear from Brown by Wednesday. I'm preparing myself for that one. They were my top choice for undergrad and rejected me. I don't know why but I just suspect history will repeat itself.

Do you think they will send an email about their decision? Or is it on the website?

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Ahhhhh.... if anyone wants a laugh, I was just reading through all the SOPs I sent out, because I individualized them all quite distinctly, etc... and so I'm feeling all proud of myself, right, like, wow, this sounds great! This really articulates what i'd like to study/compare, blah... and then I read the last one. The one to Harvard. The one where I clearly mention "University of Virginia" in the last paragraph, as I'm making my bold closing statement. 



Is that worse than dropping the wrong name in bed?  :ph34r:


I was so afraid I might do this! I was checking and re-checking all of my statements like a zillion times. 


If it makes you feel any better, I was looking at my CV yesterday and I noticed that there is a typo that says I worked at a job until Oct. 2014 instead of 2013. I hope no one notices and thinks I was lying about when I worked there...

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I haven't heard anything from Berkeley either.


And speaking of application gaffs, one of my applications asked both for a resume and also a work/school history timeline where you have to enter each company and the dates into separate boxes, an well as a job description. It was taking so long that I stopped part way through and then totally forgot to finish before submitting - oops! I hope they look at my resume before they jump to the conclusion that there are massive gaps in my employment history...

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If last year is any indication, we should hear from Brown by Wednesday. I'm preparing myself for that one. They were my top choice for undergrad and rejected me. I don't know why but I just suspect history will repeat itself.

you mean anthropology right? archaeology results were from mid-feb. i am waiting to hear from the joukowsky institute.

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Groan, you guys. As I mentioned in another thread, I've just been accepted to present at a conference and wanted to inform grad admissions contacts of this. My first response back was essentially a "don't bother, this won't help your application." Very discouraging. : (


/end vent session

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So I emailed the contact person at the Anthro department for Harvard.. should I have gone straight to grad school admissions? assuming they wouldn't have let a hair-brained app past their office?


Gah. 'tis what it 'tis. 


Silver lining: highly encouraging email from a Chapel Hill POI...


So everyone is thinking this week will be a big week?

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Harvard typically sends stuff out through snail mail, usually towards the end of February. Most people seem to hear before that directly from a POI. As for Yale, it could be late Feb. to the first week of March, notified through e-mail. 

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