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Anthropology Results 2014


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ahhh hahah. well have fun and tomorrow i might be drinking with you too! i really hope we get one good news at least...i have been rejected from 3 out of 7 so far and my only hope is my waitlist. What is your situation? 


Thanks. I totally knew it was coming, so I was prepared for the rejection, but it was nice just having my friends around to help me be at least temporarily less bummed. I've gotten 2 outright rejections now, and if the Columbia and Toronto results posted recently are true, then that'll make 4 rejections. Oh, wait, add in Madison, so that's 5. That leaves me just UBC and given the funding situation for people from the States in Canada, I'm not holding my breath on that one. I'd love to go, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm so sorry skylarking. I know it was your top choice.


Thanks. This year is just looking like another bloodbath across the board for me. Oh, well. I'll live.

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Official rejection from ucsd. I saw it coming so I'm not surprised but still really, super bummed. Though being at my second party of the evening, I'm drowning my sorrows in gin


I'm so sorry. Hope you get some good news soon! You're great, and you deserve that :)

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I'm so sorry. Hope you get some good news soon! You're great, and you deserve that :)

Thanks, I really appreciate that (and all y'all's support). I've still got shreds of hope left but I'm preparing myself for the inevitable. It may just not be my year again. 

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Thanks. I totally knew it was coming, so I was prepared for the rejection, but it was nice just having my friends around to help me be at least temporarily less bummed. I've gotten 2 outright rejections now, and if the Columbia and Toronto results posted recently are true, then that'll make 4 rejections. Oh, wait, add in Madison, so that's 5. That leaves me just UBC and given the funding situation for people from the States in Canada, I'm not holding my breath on that one. I'd love to go, but I'm not holding my breath.



Thanks. This year is just looking like another bloodbath across the board for me. Oh, well. I'll live.


Sorry to hear the news, mate. Things are looking the same for me as well. Why do you think you are rejected from Madison? Just an assumption based on the couple of acceptances that were posted? Madison is my top choice, and I am sort of beginning to think that if I don't receive anything by post today I can probably (?) write them off.

What about a rolling admissions MA somehwere?

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Sorry to hear the news, mate. Things are looking the same for me as well. Why do you think you are rejected from Madison? Just an assumption based on the couple of acceptances that were posted? Madison is my top choice, and I am sort of beginning to think that if I don't receive anything by post today I can probably (?) write them off.

What about a rolling admissions MA somehwere?

Yeah, just the couple of acceptances. The radio silence is just odd. Things seem to be rolling out later than usual (or at least compared to last year). Also Madison was a weird fit for me. I know you can never really tell, but it was definitely a stretch. I have a friend in a different department there and even they're baffled that I've heard nothing. I've seen things coming to people by post this year instead of email, and I'm on the other side of the country from them, so that may be why it's taking a while, but it's still odd. This time last year I had all but one rejection.


I'm already finishing up my MA here and it would be too difficult to move somewhere else, even if I just moved by myself. The only other MA I could get at my current uni just isn't that applicable to what I want to do (it's more security focused). I'm emailing around to some contacts now to see if I can work in industry for a time and then re-evaluate PhD plans. What I really need to be doing is working on my language and getting more on-the-ground experience in my industry/country of interest, so hopefully that's what I can do for a year or whatever. 

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anyone else who also applied to UCSC and got good news? I got an email from DGS saying it is extremely difficult for them to fund international students, and it sounds like that I won't get financial support at all, and that non-resident tuition is almost twice as much as the regular resident tuition. If you are on the same boat with me, or know anything about the program, please let me know. I hope I can get the finance to work out. Thanks guys. 

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Hey Guys,


Only applied to Penn this year.  I was kind of late in the game. but will make up for it this coming here.  I plan to apply to 5-6 schools and 2-3 fellowships.  I am considering re-taking the GRE.

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I'm sorry. Are you waiting on any other news? Good luck!

Thanks, Sarab. Nope, that was my only option and I was encouraged to apply by my POI who I had worked with before on several studies and papers. One of my letter writers (a recently retired prof there) said they'd be crazy if they turned me down. But, oh well. We'll see what happens next.

I'm looking forward to good news for the rest of you guys!!

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Hey Guys,


I am bummed about UPenn!



Thanks, Sarab. Nope, that was my only option and I was encouraged to apply by my POI who I had worked with before on several studies and papers. One of my letter writers (a recently retired prof there) said they'd be crazy if they turned me down. But, oh well. We'll see what happens next.

I'm looking forward to good news for the rest of you guys!!


Aww I'm so sorry. I hope the next round is successful. I know it really sucks, but hang in there. We're still here for you <3

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Why would people do that?! That's really mean.

Not sure.  I mean, other disciplines tend to get it more (people apparently post fake philosophy results a lot) but I think sometimes people see anxiety being expressed on the boards and get a kick out of creating more tension regarding a specific school many people are waiting on.  On the other hand, maybe it's a common impulse.  I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, just out of resentment and general boredom and frustration.  Trolling is common on the web, so why not here? 

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