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Wenner Gren 2014


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So I called them. And I asked "Is the resubmission date the same as the new submission date, even if we have not heard before the deadline?" I knew the answer to this was yes, but I figured he might pick up on the subtext and tell me what I was really after, without directly asking.


And he said, "You'll definitely hear before the deadline. The submission and resubmission date is the same, but you will hear before the deadline."


I also lied and said my line was fuzzy, and asked him to repeat that just so I could be extra sure. Hope restored.

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So I called them. And I asked "Is the resubmission date the same as the new submission date, even if we have not heard before the deadline?" I knew the answer to this was yes, but I figured he might pick up on the subtext and tell me what I was really after, without directly asking.


And he said, "You'll definitely hear before the deadline. The submission and resubmission date is the same, but you will hear before the deadline."


I also lied and said my line was fuzzy, and asked him to repeat that just so I could be extra sure. Hope restored.

HOLY COW!  This is good news, but still, WHEN?!?!?!?!



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So I called them. And I asked "Is the resubmission date the same as the new submission date, even if we have not heard before the deadline?" I knew the answer to this was yes, but I figured he might pick up on the subtext and tell me what I was really after, without directly asking.


And he said, "You'll definitely hear before the deadline. The submission and resubmission date is the same, but you will hear before the deadline."


I also lied and said my line was fuzzy, and asked him to repeat that just so I could be extra sure. Hope restored.


Thanks for checking!

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So I think to make this more interesting/less anxious, we should make predictions on which day we'll find out the results. While I'd love for it to be tomorrow, I predict this Friday afternoon.

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I'm guessing one week from today, which is, historically speaking, extraordinarily late, but so were the first-round notifications. 
(but I'd also love for it to be tomorrow, that would be swell)

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I'm guessing one week from today, which is, historically speaking, extraordinarily late, but so were the first-round notifications. 

(but I'd also love for it to be tomorrow, that would be swell)

I've been wrong so far...I was convinced it would be last Monday. Then, I thought "today for sure!".  So, I'm going to try to use this awesome power of wrongness and say we won't hear tomorrow, thereby ensuring that we will!



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Yes, according to how things have worked previously. You are looking for the magic phrase ""There is no need for you
to reapply for the May 1 deadline. "

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Thank you Xavi6. Does that magic sentence come through email or mail? Because I haven't heard it yet, I still feel anxious and uncomfortable reading the email.

Edit: the magic sentence is in the email, somewhere in the last paragraph.

Edited by moraurora
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I got my rejection email at 10:40 am. The comments were very different. The first was only complimentary and had no critiques at all, the second was complimentary with vague suggestions, and the third had some substantial suggestions. The end of the comments said: "On a scale of 1 (good) to 5 (not fundable) this proposal scored 2,7. This is unfortunately below our funding cut-off point."


Happily, there is still time to revise for May.

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From scanning past years message boards, it seems that people either get a "funding request" email that says their is no need to reapply, or a rejection with their scores and reviews. I have no idea what a funding request email that doesn't mention anything about reapplying signifies.

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I've been following this thread like many of you waiting with intense anticipation (and personally expecting the worse). I got an email asking if there are any changes to the budget or if I have received any other grants and that there is no need to reapply in May. After hearing a no from Fulbright yesterday this is good news (but I'm too cynical to start celebrating).

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Hey, look...I was right!  We got notification, just like I said we wouldn't!


No need to be cynical, Bingo...as far as I know, no one who got that email was ever turned down for funding!


I also got some good feedback, and will resubmit...two whole weeks to do so.  YIKES!

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You guys. YOU GUYS. I got the budget clarification, no-need-to-resubmit e-mail! I'm so thrilled. I applied for 8 big grants (Fulbright IIE, Fulbright Hayes, SSRC 2x, NSF 2x, and Wenner-Gren 2x), and got rejected the first 7 times. Because I'm already doing my fieldwork and very busy with that, I wasn't planning to re-apply for any more big ones if I didn't get the Wenner-Gren this time around; I was just going to do my best to muddle through without external funding. I am so thrilled that I finally got one, though! The triumph of persistence! 


To everyone else who got it on this round, congrats! To everyone who will be resubmitting, I wish you the best of luck! Keep persevering! 

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You guys. YOU GUYS. I got the budget clarification, no-need-to-resubmit e-mail! I'm so thrilled. I applied for 8 big grants (Fulbright IIE, Fulbright Hayes, SSRC 2x, NSF 2x, and Wenner-Gren 2x), and got rejected the first 7 times. Because I'm already doing my fieldwork and very busy with that, I wasn't planning to re-apply for any more big ones if I didn't get the Wenner-Gren this time around; I was just going to do my best to muddle through without external funding. I am so thrilled that I finally got one, though! The triumph of persistence! 


To everyone else who got it on this round, congrats! To everyone who will be resubmitting, I wish you the best of luck! Keep persevering! 

CONGRATS!  I know you've been working so hard, since I see you on all the forums!  Go you!



Hey, I'm curious if those of you who got funding would be willing to share your applications with those of us revising?  It would be helpful, I think, to see some winning proposals!

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CONGRATS!  I know you've been working so hard, since I see you on all the forums!  Go you!



Hey, I'm curious if those of you who got funding would be willing to share your applications with those of us revising?  It would be helpful, I think, to see some winning proposals!


I don't mind sharing mine, as long as anyone who reads it is willing to promise not to send it on to anyone else (just in case I end up significantly revising my ideas or something. Nrrrdgrrrl, I sent you a PM with my e-mail address.

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hi all,

i got the wenner-gren, the ssrc and the aiis this year. for various reasons to do with my project and where i work i can't share my applications. but i'm happy to look over applications if folks are resubmitting (if anyone thinks this might be helpful i.e.). basically from doing the apps myself and looking at the applications of those who went before me, i've realized that what the funding body wants is a specific object which they can look at and immediately assign to the genus "grant". a grant is a particular kind of beast, once you crack what this thing is, then its not hard to produce something that has a shot at being funded. anyway, for whatever its worth, i'm here if anyone would like someone to run their proposals by.

quick caveat: i'm socio-cultural anthro. so won't be very good at fdbk on physical anthro/primatalogical work.

good luck all,


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hi all,

i got the wenner-gren, the ssrc and the aiis this year. for various reasons to do with my project and where i work i can't share my applications. but i'm happy to look over applications if folks are resubmitting (if anyone thinks this might be helpful i.e.). basically from doing the apps myself and looking at the applications of those who went before me, i've realized that what the funding body wants is a specific object which they can look at and immediately assign to the genus "grant". a grant is a particular kind of beast, once you crack what this thing is, then its not hard to produce something that has a shot at being funded. anyway, for whatever its worth, i'm here if anyone would like someone to run their proposals by.

quick caveat: i'm socio-cultural anthro. so won't be very good at fdbk on physical anthro/primatalogical work.

good luck all,


Congrats on getting so much recognition...you must have seriously cracked the code.  Any general advice for those of us still struggling to break through that funding seal?  I would absolutely appreciate if you took the time to look over my proposal; I'll message you.

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