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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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My parents took me to "visit the snow." Like it's a relative, and it was our obligatory yearly get-together.

I remember telling that to non-cali people and them looking at me like I was crazy. Haha.  

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Ashiepoo72, the "Snowpocalypse" reminds me of the time I was in Maryland  for my undergrad in the early 2010. Do you guys remember how it snowed like hell especially around D.C. area, just like current E. Coast situation? My college got closed for more than a week and dining hall workers stayed in so that they could cook meal for us (but literally you couldn't get to the d-hall from a dorm, which is like less than half a mile coz of snow and blizzard). you know what, thank god i'm now livin in Southern CA so that I don't have to deal with current snow storms lol

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That crazy snowfall of 2010 in DC was when I happened to be scheduled for my interview. I was staying in old town alexiandria and ended up stranded in my hotel for an extra 4 days. It was crazy because there wasn't food in grocery stores for days!

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I was told by a friend in the Midwest that, if I move out there, I will never willingly "visit" the snow again. Californians are so spoiled  :)


It's the price we pay for our states generally not being on fire.

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It's the price we pay for our states generally not being on fire.




I was raised in LA county, and in the last 14 years, I never experienced an earthquake or a fire that resulted in canceled school days. =(

Edited by LeventeL
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It's the price we pay for our states generally not being on fire.


Why am I out of upvotes?! I literally spewed tea all over my laptop when I read this.


EDIT: Anyone see the trailer to that terrible upcoming movie San Andreas?



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I have the honor of living in a state that is on fire in the summer and cold in the winter. It's currently icing over and classes are cancelled tomorrow, last year we missed a ton of school for snow/ice. I actually ended up with a 3 foot snow drift at my door, which turned into an ice slide. Unfortunately no one here knows how to drive in ice and we don't have the infrastructure to deal with it...despite it being a yearly thing. This commercial is an accurate representation of the entire state:

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Gambaosaka, I'm a Canuck, but I'm applying for American history! If I get in, it'll be the first time I ever live somewhere without free healthcare. How exactly does that work with regards to the insurance included in a typical funding package? Like, if you break your arm or you need antibiotics for tonsillitis or something, do you have to pay anything? 


I also had an admission dream, only in mine I got rejected from the University of Western Ontario (where I did not apply) and they sent a detailed analysis of my app (and Twitter account, for some reason) determining I had only a 6% likelihood of success as a PhD student. I'm really glad that's not what real rejections look like. Can you imagine?


Congrats wacyeah!!


I'm a Brit applying to study Japanese History in the US! Free healthcare is a beautiful thing isn't it? People complain about the NHS in the UK but I still think it's an incredible institution. How are you liking London? Despite only living there for 3 years, it's probably the only place I can consider "home."


The one funding package I've got so far included healthcare. Ashiepoo is the expert I'm guessing considering she has like 5 admits so far! 

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Okay, this bums me out, but not because of the realities we're probably going to have to face during our early careers. Guys, when we're all fighting for jobs, we've got to be a little more badass and a little less terrified. The current employment trends are not sustainable. We might as well fight for ourselves on this one, whether that means forming an adjuncts' union or some other protection. It sucks, but no employer ever woke up thinking, "hey, how can I improve fair working conditions, regardless of cost?" This is what I dislike most about the level of competition in academia. I don't know about you all, but it would suck to finally get a decent, secure job and then stop caring about your colleagues' situation.



I'm a Brit applying to study Japanese History in the US! Free healthcare is a beautiful thing isn't it? People complain about the NHS in the UK but I still think it's an incredible institution. How are you liking London? Despite only living there for 3 years, it's probably the only place I can consider "home."


The one funding package I've got so far included healthcare. Ashiepoo is the expert I'm guessing considering she has like 5 admits so far! 


Agreed about London feeling like home, first "moved" here for a summer when I was 16. One of those summer abroad AP lit classes, spent most of my days roaming and reading around Camden, I think. Those were the days...


I get both sides with the NHS frustrations, honestly. Some serious operational improvements should've been brought in years ago, no one likes inefficient spending/processes. I'm still trying to track down test results/a new appointment from friggin' 2012. (On the other hand, I'm not dead yet, so is it worth wasting taxpayers' money again? :P) But it's an awesome institution, and they all have their flaws. I've heard that France's emergency service is the most efficient in the world, extra screening saves them mad cash while improving quality of care. Kyjin is right about Alberta being awesome, too. Every private doc has to spend a certain amount of time in the public system, so quality standards are pretty high across the board. 


Anyway, sorry for getting so political and off-topic guys. Roll on, today's acceptances...

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ellebe: haha agreed! Just as a final note: I've had terrible negligence negligence in the care to some of my family... it certainly has a lot of flaws and urgent improvements are needed, which I doubt will be implemented in the current environment.


I lived near Camden for 2 of those three years too! Either way, good luck with your apps :)

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Ellebe, I totally agree. I had a professor who was having a rough time with this side of academia and was starting to get bitter, but getting a TT job clearly made it all worth it. I know that I'm definitely going to keep this up til the wheels fall off, but thank goodness that I'm not in it for the money.

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I think it also helps if you go in with the mindset that there is life for a PhD outside of academia.  I'm not hellbent on getting an academic job upon completion of a PhD.  If would be great if I did, but I also love public history, I'd be interested in intelligence-based governemnt employment, etc. 

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I agree with Chiqui, but for those of us whose greatest desire is academia, you have to be persistent. I have a professor who had a decade-long journey at one or two year appointments throughout the US until he landed his current (dream) job...and this was in the 90s. If you want a TT job in academia, you have to be willing to move where the jobs are. Some people luck out and get a TT shortly after finishing their PhD, but most people don't.

I've heard there is a dearth of American PhDs in Brazil...haha

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Fellow Duke victims: I feel your pain. I sort of knew I would be rejected when several people got their admits over a week ago, but it still stings.


Also got rejected from the University of Tennessee today, which definitely wasn't my top choice (they have about 6 medievalists but don't do social history, which is my field) so I understand why they didn't accept me, and yet, two rejection emails in a 10 min span is still a serious bummer. 


Vanderbilt hurry up and get back to work so you can tell us something! Ahhhh!

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Hahaha Thanks ashiepoo72!
Im alittle bit happy for my acceptance to U of Missouri. If anyone is familiar with Dr. Wilma King's work, shes one of the earliest scholars to study adolescent slavery, which is exactly my area. But I dont know how I feel about moving to Missouri for only a MA =X (Im thinking more along the lines of $$$)
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Yeah I can see that :-/ but it sounds like a great opportunity if you get to work with Dr. King. Definitely a solid stepping stone to the PhD. And at the very least their acceptance should be seen as an affirmation of your strength as an applicant :) Missouri is also hella affordable!

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