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Well 2/4 that I haven't heard from-they've been sending results to lots of people and I haven't heard anything. Wayne State did that and then rejected me a week later. So I am almost willing to bet those are rejections.


While it is great that I'm still on a waitlist, it's still scary for me. I'm a planner and if I find out mid-July that I need to get an apartment and all that in a place I've never been will be crazy. I just want to know!

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I have not gotten accepted anywhere either.  It looks like i will have to apply again in Spring.  Is there a comprehensive list of schools that accept applications for Spring, winter, summer etc?  Any help will be appreciated.

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I have not gotten accepted anywhere either.  It looks like i will have to apply again in Spring.  Is there a comprehensive list of schools that accept applications for Spring, winter, summer etc?  Any help will be appreciated.

I believe there is a thread specifically with a list for schools that have spring admittance. :)

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THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS THREAD! I'm going insane. I hope you guys don't mind my jumping in your SLP thread--the Audiology forum is a lonely place because literally everyone else has received an acceptance...I'm debating applying to NOVA because I'm so worried I won't get in anywhere. I've been rejected at Iowa and Illinois so far. I had interviews at NIU and Bloomsburg. NIU did not go well at all. I haven't heard from Syracuse and Missouri and saw acceptances go out already.


So, I am reasoning that I probably have 5 schools still in the running, including UBC. I don't even think I have much of a chance at UBC, so maybe just 4? Help! Should I apply to NOVA or just wait? Does anyone know if Akron, Bloomsburg, Wichita State, and South Alabama accept many international students? 


I don't have a back up plan if I don't get in. This is my second year applying and I will be absolutely crushed.

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So we are in the last week of March and I don't know about you guys, but EVERY school outside of California (notoriously late, usually April decisions) BETTER send out their decisions this week!  That means I should get close to 8 decisions THIS WEEK!  C'mon Grad Schools!  I can take 7 rejections in one week as long as one is an ACCEPTANCE!   :)


But to be honest, Wayyyyy back when I decided to apply to 15 schools, me and my wife thought realistically 3 wait lists would be awesome!  So one more wait list and we'd be HAPPY! :)  We are hopeful about our 2 wait lists already and one more would be GREAT!

Edited by twinguy7
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I've been waiting on a reply from Texas Women's University. I called them in February to confirm my application was complete and it was. Now they have told me they already emailed those who have been accepted and waitlisted the week of spring break. They sent rejection letters last week. So I told them I have not received anything then they emailed saying sorry to to inform you but we have no record of you applying to the program. Omg I am breaking down right now!

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I've been waiting on a reply from Texas Women's University. I called them in February to confirm my application was complete and it was. Now they have told me they already emailed those who have been accepted and waitlisted the week of spring break. They sent rejection letters last week. So I told them I have not received anything then they emailed saying sorry to to inform you but we have no record of you applying to the program. Omg I am breaking down right now!


Whaaat?! How does that even happen? I'm so sorry. :(

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So we are in the last week of March and I don't know about you guys, but EVERY school outside of California (notoriously late, usually April decisions) BETTER send out their decisions this week!  


I agree!! I had a very vivid dream last night that my husband got accepted to UCA... Maybe it was a portent about decisions being released today. ;)

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I've been waiting on a reply from Texas Women's University. I called them in February to confirm my application was complete and it was. Now they have told me they already emailed those who have been accepted and waitlisted the week of spring break. They sent rejection letters last week. So I told them I have not received anything then they emailed saying sorry to to inform you but we have no record of you applying to the program. Omg I am breaking down right now!

That is awful!  So sorry to hear about that!

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I can't believe they would say that...if you spent money (and have it on a credit card receipt or a check receipt) I would at least call them to show them and get your money back. I know it really stinks not to get in, but it stinks even more if you paid for it and have the receipt of proof saying they cashed it or took your money. Maybe by showing them that they can realize that they messed up and maybe will look at your application?

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I've been waiting on a reply from Texas Women's University. I called them in February to confirm my application was complete and it was. Now they have told me they already emailed those who have been accepted and waitlisted the week of spring break. They sent rejection letters last week. So I told them I have not received anything then they emailed saying sorry to to inform you but we have no record of you applying to the program. Omg I am breaking down right now!

I would fight this. Did you get a receipt when you gave in application?

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I agree!! I had a very vivid dream last night that my husband got accepted to UCA... Maybe it was a portent about decisions being released today. ;)


That'd be awesome!  I was looking over past emails of mine with faculty there at UCA and was reminded of how likely it is that we'd @ least get a waitlist from them!  So I expect an acceptance for your hubby!  


P.S.-  I had NO IDEA what portent meant!  I thought you were trying to be country and type important in a country slang!?  lol  BUT I did look it up and now I have learned a new word today!  THANKS!  :)

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Okay so if I have a double major in Psychology and Linguistics and then take a few COMD courses at USU online, would the COMD courses be counted towards my major GPA for linguistics or would it be separate?


The SLP classes are usually looked at separate. 

Edited by Arcanelady27
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Thanks for the support :) yes I have the receipt and on my TWU web advisor says my application is waiting to be reviewed. I emailed snapshot of the receipt and application status on portal. This is very unprofessional of them I'm going to fight this.

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Thanks for the support :) yes I have the receipt and on my TWU web advisor says my application is waiting to be reviewed. I emailed snapshot of the receipt and application status on portal. This is very unprofessional of them I'm going to fight this.

Good for you! Don't back down!

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COchoa, good luck! That would drive me crazy. Luckily you have all of the information so hopefully they do the right thing and give you a chance!


Every e-mail I get that is NOT from a graduate school is driving me crazy. I was really hoping I would know all of my acceptances and rejections by this time. My birthday is on Saturday, and I can't help but be nervous for what news I'll be getting on that day! Hopefully good news!!

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I've had 4 rejections so far and 1 waitlist. Still waiting to hear back from two schools. I've been reading the posts on this thread and feel comforted that others are in the same position as I am and that I'm not alone. Does anyone have backup plans? The thing that bugs me is that I feel that I am a competitive applicant (great GPA, lots of clinical and volunteer experience, average GRE scores); however, I don't know really what more it is that I have to do to make myself "stand out". 


For those that are in the same boat as I am, what are your backup plans?

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My backup plan (well, the one I have now- it's kind of changed like 4 times) is to reapply for winter admission, stay at home and work while I do this, and possibly begin taking classes for my BCBA. But who knows, this may change next week, haha.

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I've had 4 rejections so far and 1 waitlist. Still waiting to hear back from two schools. I've been reading the posts on this thread and feel comforted that others are in the same position as I am and that I'm not alone. Does anyone have backup plans? The thing that bugs me is that I feel that I am a competitive applicant (great GPA, lots of clinical and volunteer experience, average GRE scores); however, I don't know really what more it is that I have to do to make myself "stand out". 


For those that are in the same boat as I am, what are your backup plans?


My backup plan if I don't get in this time around is to take next year and take the pre-reqs somewhere (I'm not an SLP undergrad), study and retake the GRE and then re-apply. My undergrad school will be starting a new Grad program in Speech Pathology next year, so I can always re-apply at my alma mater! However, I'm just hoping I can get in somewhere this year so that I can save myself the headache and heartache of this admission process! 

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I hate that this is kind of hitting my parents hard too, that I haven't been accepted anywhere. My parents (normally) aren't very involved, as they know I succeed in whatever I put my heart to, but having heard from 50% of my schools and not being in anywhere is kind of freaking them out too. It's kinda weird for me. I just want some good news this week!

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I hate that this is kind of hitting my parents hard too, that I haven't been accepted anywhere. My parents (normally) aren't very involved, as they know I succeed in whatever I put my heart to, but having heard from 50% of my schools and not being in anywhere is kind of freaking them out too. It's kinda weird for me. I just want some good news this week!

I totally understand that...I wish you good news!!

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For those that are in the same boat as I am, what are your backup plans?

I still haven't head any news yet. I am hoping (begging even!) that I get accepted somewhere. However, I think it is important to consider back-up plans. My back-up plan is to study for the GRE (Actually study! I pretty much just walked in cold to take my GRE last time) & re-apply to SLP programs next fall. I will try to do as much SLP volunteer work as I can, but I also plan to look around for full-time job positions. Those student loans wont wait for me to find my dream career. While I plan to do everything I can to get into an SLP program I also need to stay realistic and pay off those loans.

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I still haven't head any news yet. I am hoping (begging even!) that I get accepted somewhere. However, I think it is important to consider back-up plans. My back-up plan is to study for the GRE (Actually study! I pretty much just walked in cold to take my GRE last time) & re-apply to SLP programs next fall. I will try to do as much SLP volunteer work as I can, but I also plan to look around for full-time job positions. Those student loans wont wait for me to find my dream career. While I plan to do everything I can to get into an SLP program I also need to stay realistic and pay off those loans.




One thing that's also encouraging me is that I didn't apply to as many local schools in my home area (just out of sheer ignorance what was around here that offered SLP or CSD), which I would definitely apply to next time around.  GRE prep would include a prep course or tutor this time, and when I would apply to those other schools (and a handful of the ones from the 1st go-around), I'm hoping to have an even stronger GPA once my final undergraduate semester is factored in.  Lastly, it was encouraging to see that parent of an SLP make the post which noted work experience or time spent between completing undergrad and starting Graduate study was viewed as a positive in some ways.  Would also tweak my Personal Statement essay as well, but under less stress, of course.


And having understanding and cooperative parents helps tremendously.

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