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We have a Wii and a PS3.  The PS3 is my husband's and the Wii is mine.  I mostly play Nintendo platformers - Super Mario Galaxy, Kirby's Return to Dreamland.  I've been slowly working on Zelda: Skyward Sword.  And every now and them my husband and I will beat up on each other in Mario Kart or Smash Bros.


He plays way more than I do, though - mostly RPGs and wide-open sandbox games.


I also have a DS; I want to trade up to a 3DS.  There are a couple of games I wanna get.  Am waiting to start the postdoc with the bigger paycheck, though, lol.


I loved video games growing up, started out with an N64, to PS2, to PS3, and now I think I may not buy this generation of consoles. I guess I'm kinda growing up?

With that said, I still love video games, especially old school nostalgic games. I will kick anyone's ass at the following:

Super Mario Brothers 3 for NES

N64 Mario Kart in Battle mode (and, of course, Block Fort as the level)

COD4: Modern Warfare. The original! The online mode in this game does not get old. IMO this game is as close to perfection as you could probably hope for in a 21st century video game.


I picked up a PS3 when I started my PhD last year, though admittedly, it is mainly used as a Bluray/DVD player and Netflix device at this point. I have a number of RPGs I play now and then to unwind (I grew up a Final Fantasy addict), plus some things on my PSP and DS. Since I only just got to the last generation of consoles recently, looks like I'll be waiting before I go for a PS4. 

We own a PS3. My husband plays sports games and dabbles in RPG land, while I'm a dedicated RPG player.


Can't afford a PS4, though after I am ABD I will reward myself with one as well as a copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition. :)


I'm a couple generations behind and still play PS2 games. They're finally releasing solid sequels for some of the games I love, so I may have to pick up a PS4 eventually. I'm a reluctant computer gamer, mostly strategy games via Steam. Civ V is exactly as addicted as all the past Civ games.


Well, I'm looking for PSN friends for Killzone, Injustice, Assassins Creed, or Mercenary Kings....


And I'll definitely be looking for people to play Destiny with in September!

Posted (edited)

for some reason, I don't like rpg games. it just feels endless, and unexciting.. I'm probably in the minority though. the one rpg game that was more of a third person shooter was the mass effect series. Even then, I was more into the gameplay mechanics, and wasn't very bothered when the ending to the trilogy turned out so shitty.


I'm more for the mindless killing games like gta 5, halo, far cry 3, crysis... (actually far cry 3 had a sweet story) I don't remember which other games I owned, but I loved Rockstar games, and stayed the hell way from EA. 






everyone said red dead redemption was the best, but I wasn't into it that much. I guess I don't have that deep appreciation for the wild west as others. the storyline was good, but I liked gta 5 a lot more, but that shit got old pretty fast, especially with that money glitch they had around holiday season lastyear. and I eventually just resorted to joyriding around the online lobbies, and getting into fight with random people (aka, driveby shootings and spawn kills over and over.. ) to the point I actually start to feel bad, and have to switch lobbies to do it to other people

Edited by spectastic

PS4 player here. Definitely going to use it as part of my self care routine in grad school.

  • 4 weeks later...

PS4 player here. Definitely going to use it as part of my self care routine in grad school.

Do you plan to pick up Destiny in Sept?

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