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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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Just got a call at home offering me acceptance into u of c for fall msw 2015.!!!... Not by email, u of c status or snail mail.. Personal phone call! Was not expecting that !!! So I am in for fall !! :):)


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Hey! Does anyone who applied to the Qualifying Year at McGill hear back yet? I know on the website they said decisions will be finalized by the end of march, but my account still says "In Review" and not "Decision Made" 


Hiya! I remember a few people mentioned they had received an answer a few weeks ago. I would certainly consider calling or e-mail to see what is happening with your file, especially since they said you would get an answer by the end of March!

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To anyone who has been accepted to Lakehead's HBSW program, would you be willing to post (or PM me) your stats (i.e. where you volunteered, how many hours you had, your GPA when applying)? It would be very much appreciated :>  

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Hey! Does anyone who applied to the Qualifying Year at McGill hear back yet? I know on the website they said decisions will be finalized by the end of march, but my account still says "In Review" and not "Decision Made" 

I heard back about a month ago I think. I received an email telling me to check my file, and then when I logged on there was a document attached to my application and that was my rejection letter. I would definitely email or call, because you should have heard by now. 

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So to get our U of T student cards, we will actually have to go to campus to do it - before we can set up our email?

That's what I had to do last year. Had to go to Robarts library with my offer of admission, get my student ID card, and then I was able to get my UofT email.

My classmates who were coming from far away (i.e. Other provinces) didn't get theirs until just before class started, when they moved to Toronto. I was able to get mine early, because I only live 1.5 hours from the campus.

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Did anyone here do their BSW at Dalhousie, or apply?


I am in my second year (Gender & Women's Studies BA) and started my BSW at York. 


I can only imagine how much worse it is waiting for grad school results, but I am so anxious to hear back. I feel like I should get in, because my GPA is currently a 3.75, but am worried that because I don't have a degree my chances are less. I have heard from the director of admissions that around 85% of people admitted already hold a degree, and a friend in the program said there are "a few" people in the class without a degree. My references were solid (from my SW prof at York, one from the Toronto People with Aids Foundation where I volunteered, and one from my boss at a underprivileged kids summer camp) and letter was good. I am really hoping that their affirmative action policy for queer students will help push me to get accepted. 


Anyone have any information on Dal BSW/MSW acceptance?




Hi forbuss,

I'm a recent grad from Dal's distance BSW program.  I got in with only ~1.5 years of undergrad credits...but did have significant experience in the field (e.g. running therapeutic gardening programs for at-risk youth, being a youth program coordinator at a camp for children living with (dis)Abilities, working at a group home for adults living with mental illness, and extensive volunteering in the Restorative Justice field).  I also had ~3 years experience working as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, with a special focus on offering community-based interventions (e.g. therapeutic cooking classes at a local hospital, low/no-cost group workshops to foster rural food security, etc.) - so that may have played in my favor as well.

...Does this help answer your Q at all?  Please feel free to ask anything else you may be wondering about - whether it's related to Dal's acceptance process and/or their program in general :)

Best of luck!!!



Wow! It sounds like they really didn't have a choice whether to accept you or not with all that experience. Did you apply under the affirmative action policy?


Here is my volunteer/work experience:


-Ran a program that collected toys, food, and gift cards for women with children who were living at my local transition house for abused mothers. 

-Volunteered at the Toronto People With Aids foundation for 1 year in their food bank as well as their needle exchange.

-Worked for 4 months (and currently am back again) at a local summer camp for underprivileged children. I worked with children who had autism, learning (dis)Abilities, and one child with schizophrenia. 

-LOTS of work with the Canadian Cancer Society 

-I am currently working at an elementary school with their after school/lunch program, but they are basically all wealthy. This has really deepened my understanding of privilege. Since I was just hired, the school does not know this. 


I sadly didn't really talk about any of this in my personal letter. I mostly talked about social issues (homophobia, violence against the Indigenous community, and issues surrounding mental illness) because at the time I didn't want to just talk about my experience, because I thought that it spoke for itself. I think this was a mis-step. I also talked largely about my experience as a queer person in Nova Scotia and my passion to enter policy work to change oppressive structures that encourage privilege/oppression. I also spoke of my experience in being diagnosed with anxiety/depression and how psychology pathologizes people and makes it seem like it's a problem with YOU, where as social work has a greater scope for social issues that cause this (ie the othering of queer people). Plus my GPA and references I spoke of in my last post.


Does this sound like a strong application? I know some folks have much more volunteer experience with degrees and I am worried I wont get accepted because of this.


I guess I should just wait and see because I should find out soon. It's just hard because I just want to get my BSW and enter the workforce. I did a musical theatre program when I was 18-19 (two years), then entered university three years after that. I am 24 now.



I graduated from Dalhousies BSW program two years ago.... I had a BA in Sociology when I applied. I had very limited volunteer experience - a couple days a week doing data entry at FeedNS, coaching girls soccer for the summer but nothing to write home about.


I had a decent GPA for my BA - I think it was about a 3.7-3.9 range UNTIL I got a D in my last semester in an elective. I'm not sure what my final GPA was but the D definitely hurt me. I worked very hard on my personal statement....as someone who has experienced discrimination and various disorders I was able to speak to my experiences, how I would like policies/stereotypes to change and how I as a person (future social worker) would want/work to to change them. My references were all pretty solid.


I think the cohort you are applying with has a major impact on whether or not you get in.....The year I applied a close friends also applied with volunteer experience up the wazoo, good GPA and strong reference letters - she didn't get in...I didn't read her personal statement but I remember her describing it and it was not as personal as mine was and didn't go into deal about how the experiences had shaped her as a women.


In saying that....I read my personal statement a couple weeks ago and was mortified. I very much had my "super hero" cape on wanting to change the world but didn't do much personal reflection about my privilege etc (I wouldn't have know what privilege was at that point but still...)


The waiting game is terrible - but I wish you the very best of luck and am sending you positive vibes - participate in an activity you enjoy this afternoon - "self-care" is key!!

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I graduated from Dalhousies BSW program two years ago.... I had a BA in Sociology when I applied. I had very limited volunteer experience - a couple days a week doing data entry at FeedNS, coaching girls soccer for the summer but nothing to write home about.


I had a decent GPA for my BA - I think it was about a 3.7-3.9 range UNTIL I got a D in my last semester in an elective. I'm not sure what my final GPA was but the D definitely hurt me. I worked very hard on my personal statement....as someone who has experienced discrimination and various disorders I was able to speak to my experiences, how I would like policies/stereotypes to change and how I as a person (future social worker) would want/work to to change them. My references were all pretty solid.


I think the cohort you are applying with has a major impact on whether or not you get in.....The year I applied a close friends also applied with volunteer experience up the wazoo, good GPA and strong reference letters - she didn't get in...I didn't read her personal statement but I remember her describing it and it was not as personal as mine was and didn't go into deal about how the experiences had shaped her as a women.


In saying that....I read my personal statement a couple weeks ago and was mortified. I very much had my "super hero" cape on wanting to change the world but didn't do much personal reflection about my privilege etc (I wouldn't have know what privilege was at that point but still...)


The waiting game is terrible - but I wish you the very best of luck and am sending you positive vibes - participate in an activity you enjoy this afternoon - "self-care" is key!!

Well the other people applying will not affect me. I have applied under the affirmative action policy as a queer person, so this means that my application will not be evaluated against the pool of applicants, rather it will be assessed based on my qualifications alone. 


Yeah I honestly have no idea who will get in and who won't. A friend of mine had a great application, but didn't speak at all about privilege/oppression in her letter - she is a very privileged person, maybe that explains it. She ended up getting in. She also didn't speak very much about social issues or discrimination and instead focused on young cannabis users in small town Nova Scotia. As a person who supports ending the bad stigma around cannabis, of course, I didn't think this was a very strong focal point in the grand scheme of things.


I guess I won't know until I know! Haha. 


Thanks for your reply. 

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Is it bad that I am still waiting for a response from UofT - what is taking so long!?


Hey there, 


I would call or e-mail Angela tomorrow, she said all responses were mailed out already. It might still be in the mail if you live out of province, regardless Mid-April has past so I would call to see what is going on :) Last year she scanned and e-mailed me my wait-list letter because it got lost in the mail. 

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So to get our U of T student cards, we will actually have to go to campus to do it - before we can set up our email?


Yes, this is how I understood it as well. I am taking a day off work on Monday to go get that done as well as some financial stuff :)


Does anyone know, how long it takes an OSAP loan generally before you get it and are able to pay for school. I am nervous about not having the loan in time to pay for tuition in August 


:) any help much appreciated


Also to add, in case anyone missed it, for those who are going to UofT this Fall but don't have facebook or don't want to use facebook I made a group here on gradcafe, I'd love to continue keeping in contact with you all through the forum but no facebook account for me



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I heard back about a month ago I think. I received an email telling me to check my file, and then when I logged on there was a document attached to my application and that was my rejection letter. I would definitely email or call, because you should have heard by now. 


Thanks a ton! I will definitely email them now then. 

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Anyone else still not heard anything from York? Should I be considering myself rejected at this point?

I haven't heard back yet either, but don't lose hope! I know people who got in a few years ago and they received acceptance in May

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Wow nice too see so many of us have been wait-listed at U of T. It was definitely a lot less painful to read a wait-list letter than a rejection letter! But I haven't heard anything from Lakehead, I need some words of encouragement lol I'm assuming it's a rejection at this point.


Congrats to those of you who will be starting your MSW journey this year and good luck to everyone else who's still waiting :)

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?

Excellent question, Bettyg! I'd love some advice on this as well ...

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I haven't heard back yet either, but don't lose hope! I know people who got in a few years ago and they received acceptance in May

Wow, really?! Okay that's good news, thank you so much for letting me know!

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?

I would think you'd want to be saying something like


thank you for the letter blahblah. I'm sure that it contributed to the quality? of my application. Unfortunately I was not accepted this time, but I intend to spend this year improving my qualifications/applications so that I can be more successful next year. I hope that you will consider writing another letter next time, will be in touch, blahblah. 


That way you're appreciating their letters and putting the responsibility for everything on the overall application, not the letters.

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?


I did this last year, however I took a risk and ended up changing all 3 references this time around and I guess that paid off. I emailed my original three though and basically said that unfortunately I did not get in however I would be trying again. I explained that I needed to upgrade my application overall by adding some new experiences and that I appreciated all their help in the past and hoped they would be willing to be my reference again 


For my academic reference I went in person and I did explain it was my second time applying and honestly I think especially people in the field or academics (at least in my experience) will be totally understanding. They've most likely been through something similar and are aware that it is rare to get in the first time, which is what my professor said. 


I prefer to see professors in person because they go through so many students I wanted to make sure she saw me and made a visual "name to face" connection hopefully it jogged her memory and helped with writing my reference :) 

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?


You should say something like "Sadly, I believe my GPA and my volunteer experience were not competitive enough, so I am going to be volunteering this coming year." Even if it isn't true I think this would be good. They can also see that you still care and are going to continue expanding on your well of knowledge. It is tricky for the volunteer/work references because chances are the academic side will understand that sometimes things don't go your way even if you have a strong application. 

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Question for people who didn't get in this year...

I want to email my references and let them know I didn't get in, but I don't know how to phrase it so that they don't think I'm blaming them or anything. I basically want to let them know I'm trying again next year so expect to hear from me in October. Has anyone else done this? What did you say?


I definitely remember stressing about this last year. The reference part of the application is definitely the most anxiety producing part of applications (honestly, even more than the waiting).


I thanked all my references for their support and I wrote a really honest assessment of what I felt was missing from my application (experience) and how I intended to get it up to par. 


All my references wrote back to say that they would definitely support me if and when I applied again, which felt really good. I ended up only re-using one of my references but I still wrote back to those that supported me last year when I got accepted this year -- and they were really supportive and happy to hear that I got into my program of choice.


My advice would be not to over-think it too much. If those people have supported you already by writing a reference they are cheering you on and likely will support you again.

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Wow nice too see so many of us have been wait-listed at U of T. It was definitely a lot less painful to read a wait-list letter than a rejection letter! But I haven't heard anything from Lakehead, I need some words of encouragement lol I'm assuming it's a rejection at this point.


Congrats to those of you who will be starting your MSW journey this year and good luck to everyone else who's still waiting :)

Have you checked your myfile?? Or email Sonya the admissions coordinator.

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