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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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I just completed the Lakehead H.B.S.W exam with three minutes to spare!!!! Did anyone else take it? How did you find it! I am glad to be done, and now that all of my applications are in, it is literally just a waiting game!!! Does anyone know when Lakehead will start sending out offers/rejections?

Hi rachelmsw,

From what I recall of last year, applicants heard back from Lakehead by the end of March.  :)

I wish you the best of luck! I wrote my examination as well. I failed to be mindful of the two-page limit for two of the five questions; however, overall I thought it was fair.

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Has anyone applied to Ryerson? I applied to the Advanced Standing MSW and would love some more information about it! As much as I love the outline of the curriculum I'm a little bit concerned about placement options.  It seems that U of T and Laurier have better connections to placement options. I've also been browsing through the forums and haven't seen much in regard to whether or not Ryerson offers funding packages. 


If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it :). Good luck to everyone!!

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Has anyone applied to Ryerson? I applied to the Advanced Standing MSW and would love some more information about it! As much as I love the outline of the curriculum I'm a little bit concerned about placement options.  It seems that U of T and Laurier have better connections to placement options. I've also been browsing through the forums and haven't seen much in regard to whether or not Ryerson offers funding packages. 


If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it :). Good luck to everyone!!




It's nice to see more applicants slowly appearing on this forum! I unfortunately can not offer too much insight as I am not an Advanced Standing applicant, however many social workers that I volunteered for in my community at CAS spoke highly of Ryerson's program. My only suggestions would be to either look at forums from previous years and contact the students that were accepted to the program and/or contact the practicum coordinator at Ryerson to ask if they can give you a general list of where students have completed their placements.


If you don't mind me asking, what information do you have regarding Laurier's placement options? From the research I have done they typically do not offer a list of their placement options unless you are in the program. I do remember seeing a list of organizations that U of T works with, but of course can not seem to find that now. Thank you :)

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I don't know which agencies Laurier works with but I know they have an extensive list of opportunities.  If you are accepted you have access to their portal which lists all the opportunities.  As for UofT I went through the process last year and they have TONS of opportunities, although most of their opportunities are in Toronto.  There are some outside of Toronto but not a large amount.  You can opt out of their system and work with the practicum office to arrange one in your own community if necessary.

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Has anyone applied to Ryerson? I applied to the Advanced Standing MSW and would love some more information about it! As much as I love the outline of the curriculum I'm a little bit concerned about placement options.  It seems that U of T and Laurier have better connections to placement options. I've also been browsing through the forums and haven't seen much in regard to whether or not Ryerson offers funding packages. 


If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it :). Good luck to everyone!!


I don't know a ton about Ryerson's MSW since I am applying for the 2-year programs, but I did do my undergrad at Ryerson. I can't really speak to placement opportunities (unless you're looking at doing a BA in Child and Youth Care), but I do know that Ryerson does't offer much by way of funding to master's students. I wouldn't really count on funding from Ryerson; you're better off applying for external funding. 

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Thanks for all of the information! blh22 I don't have a whole lot of info, but I know Laurier is well connected to placement agencies. My BSW field instructor did her MSW there and got two very strong therapy placements. I did my second BSW placement at Reach Out Centre for Kids and I know they have a partnership with Laurier's MSW program. A friend of mine is also doing the MSW advanced standing program at Laurier now and he's doing a counselling placement with City of Hamilton. If you want to get an idea of what placements each school has I'd recommend creeping linkedin to see what placements previous graduates did :)


I'd recommend ROCK to anyone who gets into Laurier. Amazing agency, and they hire quite a few MSW graduates who do placements with them :). I actually didn't intend on applying for my MSW this year, but I'm currently in Alberta and the government just initiated a hiring freeze that's really limiting opportunities here. Before moving here I was in Oakville and I had a lot of difficulty finding work.  I decided to apply late and Ryerson was accepting applications still, but Laurier and U of T were not. Ryerson has always been my first choice, but I'm contemplating whether or not I should wait to do my MSW in 2016 so I can apply for Laurier and U of T as well.. 

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Hi rachelmsw,

From what I recall of last year, applicants heard back from Lakehead by the end of March.  :)

I wish you the best of luck! I wrote my examination as well. I failed to be mindful of the two-page limit for two of the five questions; however, overall I thought it was fair.


Hi oliviamariehill,


Thank you for letting me know about the offers of admission! I am not sure how to even judge how much two-pages was (single spaced or double) but I definitely didn't go over that! How did you find time, you must be a really fast typist! My responses ranged from 4 (question 3 ) to 9 (question 2) paragraphs. 


I thought the exam was fair, the questions were more applied than I thought they would be which was great but didn't allow me to do much copy and pasting from the responses I prepared based on the sample questions in the information package. 


Good luck to you!

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Has anyone applied to Ryerson? I applied to the Advanced Standing MSW and would love some more information about it! As much as I love the outline of the curriculum I'm a little bit concerned about placement options.  It seems that U of T and Laurier have better connections to placement options. I've also been browsing through the forums and haven't seen much in regard to whether or not Ryerson offers funding packages. 


If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it :). Good luck to everyone!!


I heard one of the placements offered at Ryerson is at a hospice.

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Hi everyone!!


I've been following the posts on this forum and figured I'd finally jump in even though I'm applying for the part-time program at Laurier! :) I have a long way to go with the application deadline in May and the program commencing in January 2016 :o 


A little about my education/experience:


Final year GPA: 3.5/4.0 (my overall is nowhere close to competitive :unsure:). I did my undergrad at UofT with a double major in Biology/Psychology and I completed an independent research project in my final year in cognitive neuroscience (I know its not quite related to social work :))


Work experience: 8 months volunteering at a sexual assault crisis  line, 1 year and 2 months of being a volunteer program assistant (answered crisis calls, trained volunteers in crisis intervention etc, doing drop-in counselling) and overnight counsellor for 1 year (answering crisis calls and facilitating groups) at the same agency.I then moved on to working as an addictions and mental health worker (about 8 months now) at a residential program with the Canadian Mental Health Association. 


Other than my full time work, I worked as an exam invigilator for students with disabilities during my undergrad. 


From what I have heard, I know the part-time program is going to be more competitive to get into but I am in a circumstance where I need to support myself financially. So I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst! 

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So I totally just read the entire forum on the 2014 admissions (procrastinating on the homework) and now I'm FREAKING OUT! Applicants who applied from Carleton heard back as early as February 18, that's in 16 days from now!!!! Is anyone else here applying to Carleton? It seems like there are so little of us, I'm feeling alone in this Carleton process :(. But nonetheless, I really really want Carleton it makes so much sense for me. Both my partner and I can get our jobs transferred there so if I can hear back already so we can start planning that would be beautiful. Ahhh, I'm so nerveous/freaking out :(

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LP3 - As soon as it changed to February I was freaking out!  Probably more than 2 weeks though, last year the acceptance emails started going out February 21.  I didn't hear I was waitlisted until February 26.  But it will definitely be by the end of this month which is crazy!  I know I'm already into UofT but I really would rather stay local and go to Laurier.  Plus I like that it is a smaller program.  Hopefully we both get in!

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So I totally just read the entire forum on the 2014 admissions (procrastinating on the homework) and now I'm FREAKING OUT! Applicants who applied from Carleton heard back as early as February 18, that's in 16 days from now!!!! Is anyone else here applying to Carleton? It seems like there are so little of us, I'm feeling alone in this Carleton process :(. But nonetheless, I really really want Carleton it makes so much sense for me. Both my partner and I can get our jobs transferred there so if I can hear back already so we can start planning that would be beautiful. Ahhh, I'm so nerveous/freaking out :(

Hey purplegrey I applied to Carleton as well.....So anxious...I am applying to the 1 year program though...argh! Goodluck everyone!!!

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Have you asked when we should be hearing back? I've emailed them but no response. I'm assuming this month... 

Hey purplegrey I applied to Carleton as well.....So anxious...I am applying to the 1 year program though...argh! Goodluck everyone!!!

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I just got this email from Carleton admin:


"Hello ______, we are hoping to have all decisions made by the end of February, and information can be obtained through the Carleton portal, but an email will be generated to the application when there is an action on their file.   If an offer of admission is approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (FGPA) they will be sending the successful candidates the offer of admission by email.   Sue"

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I forget about it for a few days and then I remember it's this month and want to jump up and down and climb up the walls and stuff. I don't know what I am hoping for! Just knowing, I guess!

Good luck to you as well! And to everyone else! We all have a variety of experiences so I feel like we all have a good chance!

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I just got this email from Carleton admin:


"Hello ______, we are hoping to have all decisions made by the end of February, and information can be obtained through the Carleton portal, but an email will be generated to the application when there is an action on their file.   If an offer of admission is approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (FGPA) they will be sending the successful candidates the offer of admission by email.   Sue"

No I havent, but this is soo exciting!!!!!!!!!, on pins and needles....almost 3 weeks, the countdown is on. Thanks for doing this purplegrey, all the best to you as well :)

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I know right!! Less than 28 days!! I can hardly wait!! Fingers crossed :D

No I havent, but this is soo exciting!!!!!!!!!, on pins and needles....almost 3 weeks, the countdown is on. Thanks for doing this purplegrey, all the best to you as well :)

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does anyone know if there's a need for school social workers still? :)


There are definitely quite a few social school worker positions with various school districts across the province. These positions are quite competitive though I believe.

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