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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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I agree! I'm feeling so attached to everyones story <3 I hope we all make it! 



Good luck!!!


Aw! No. I wish. Nothing in the mailbox except a letter from OSAP! BAH :'( But I would rather wait and get an acceptance than get a rejection now...so there is that! 

I appreciate all the well wishes though! Really <3

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Do you  mind if I ask when you submitted your application? 

(P.S. I selected the same stream!)

(Edited cause I asked where you were located, but then saw you answered that earlier). 

Edited by selis
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Do you  mind if I ask when you submitted your application? 

(P.S. I selected the same stream!)

(Edited cause I asked where you were located, but then saw you answered that earlier). 


Thank you!!!

Pretty sure I submitted just under the wire, on Dec 15th.

Good luck! Hopefully you'll hear soon too.  

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selis - Everyone has to have their application in by December 15 and they don't start processing them until after that point so that doesn't affect when people hear if they are accepted or not.  If they are sending the letters out I am sure you will hear soon.  Last year when I was waiting for a response from UofT I didn't get a letter until 2 days after people on here had and a couple of my friends didn't get letters until a week after the initial acceptances, but they were all dated the same day!  Canada Post sucks.  Just hang in there and hopefully you will hear soon. :)

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I am really, really hoping to hear from Laurier tomorrow.  I just feel like if I am accepted I should hear by tomorrow or Friday.  That's how it went last year.  If I don't hear by the end of Friday I am afraid that will mean that I'll be expecting a rejection letter early next week. :(  I know everyone has their story but it is just really, really important to me that I get into Laurier.  After the year I've had I am hoping that I can get something good for once!

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I am really, really hoping to hear from Laurier tomorrow.  I just feel like if I am accepted I should hear by tomorrow or Friday.  That's how it went last year.  If I don't hear by the end of Friday I am afraid that will mean that I'll be expecting a rejection letter early next week. :(  I know everyone has their story but it is just really, really important to me that I get into Laurier.  After the year I've had I am hoping that I can get something good for once!

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jenste - I know, I am thankful I am accepted to UofT.  It is a complicated situation.  Laurier is local and UofT is a 2 hour commute.  I have a serious autoimmune disease, I am still capable of being a social worker even with a disability.  But the commute part of going to UofT will be really hard on me physically.  I will do it if I have to but I am really hoping for Laurier!

Edited by smpalesh
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I also struggle with a serious chronic illness. I will be going to UBC but Vancouver is super expensive. It'll be a toss up between paying more to live in the city or paying less but paying more physically, day-to-day, with the long commute and inability to get home quickly if needed. A little bit different but I'm thinking similar stresses. Good luck with getting into Laurier. I went to Waterloo and was just back visiting a couple months ago. You couldn't pay me to move back to Ontario though lol! I'm happy I went there for undergrad though :)

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Congrats to everyone accepted so far!! :):) Very exciting. 



I've applied for 2 year so I still have a bit of a wait. I currently live abroad but my friend from home is coming to visit next week so that will help me pass some time. We did undergrad together, and she is currently in her second year SLP masters so I'm hoping some of her grad school vibes will rub off on me :) 


Also, since I am living abroad I wonder how it will work with the letters. I've given them my England address, but unless they send it express, snail mail takes aaaaaaaages to get here. I've also put my mom's address as a Canadian address, I wonder if they will send it there? I would hate that actually, because if it's disappointing results I would rather know by myself instead of my mom breaking the news to me!

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I am really, really hoping to hear from Laurier tomorrow.  I just feel like if I am accepted I should hear by tomorrow or Friday.  That's how it went last year.  If I don't hear by the end of Friday I am afraid that will mean that I'll be expecting a rejection letter early next week. :(  I know everyone has their story but it is just really, really important to me that I get into Laurier.  After the year I've had I am hoping that I can get something good for once!


I am really hoping you get in and that things work out !!!! 

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I am really, really hoping to hear from Laurier tomorrow.  I just feel like if I am accepted I should hear by tomorrow or Friday.  That's how it went last year.  If I don't hear by the end of Friday I am afraid that will mean that I'll be expecting a rejection letter early next week. :(  I know everyone has their story but it is just really, really important to me that I get into Laurier.  After the year I've had I am hoping that I can get something good for once!

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Congrats to everyone who got into U of T! That is so exciting!!!

Still awaiting Laurier... 

This year has been so financially tough that I am going to celebrate if I get in and if I don't! LOL. My placement agency is going to try to hire me on in September if I don't have any success with grad school. 

How is everyone else coping with this? I keep refreshing my e-mail account, every two seconds!

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smpalesh and zebra_mountain-


Yeah, chronic illness definitely changes a lot of things! Access to my health care professionals is part of the reason I only applied to schools in Toronto. We should start up a network of chronically ill human services professionals ;). Actually, one of my potential ideas for a thesis or MRP if I get in somewhere is looking at the experiences of disabled and chronically ill social workers/human services professionals and looking at what kinds of things agencies can do to support us and what is feasible and effective.

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Congrats to everyone who got into U of T! That is so exciting!!!

Still awaiting Laurier... 

This year has been so financially tough that I am going to celebrate if I get in and if I don't! LOL. My placement agency is going to try to hire me on in September if I don't have any success with grad school. 

How is everyone else coping with this? I keep refreshing my e-mail account, every two seconds!


I am so excited for all the advanced standing students who have started hearing back, congrats to all those who have gotten in!

I have come to terms with the fact that I will not be sleeping very much until April and until I find out! This forum is an amazing support system I really appreciate everyone's stories/backgrounds.


Just wondering if anyone remembers around what time advanced standing started hearing back from UofT last year? From what I remember it was 2nd week of March?


Also, lightning1129 that sounds like a very interesting topic I hope you get the chance to do that :) 

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I can't believe we still haven't heard from Laurier!  This is driving me crazy!  Every time my phone dings I jump and it's just some useless sale ad or something.  The more time that goes by, the more I am convincing myself that I will be getting a rejection later. :(

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I have my fingers crossed for you! It's only Thursday 2:30 so there's still a few hours and tomorrow. Also, since it was family day in Ontario, maybe they are one day behind and the rest of the acceptances will be sent out on Monday. Try and look on the bright side :)

I'm equally freaking out because I don't want an email from Carleton since that means a rejection - so every time my phone vibrates I don't want to check it with fear it's the rejection email. I'm actually going to be devastated if that happens. I'm ready for a rejection from Laurier and U of T, but not Carleton. I really really want Carleton to accept me. I'm so anxious and stressed out. Ugh, so scary. 

I can't believe we still haven't heard from Laurier!  This is driving me crazy!  Every time my phone dings I jump and it's just some useless sale ad or something.  The more time that goes by, the more I am convincing myself that I will be getting a rejection later. :(

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